
Political Web, page A1 … for 10:25 AM ET, September 12, 2005
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Top Items:

Washington Post:
Senate To Start Roberts Hearings  —  Nominee's Views Could Shape Court for Years  —  The Senate convenes the first confirmation hearing for a chief justice nominee in nearly two decades today, starting a week of admonitions and questions for John G. Roberts Jr. certain to probe deeply …
Howard Kurtz / Washington Post:
Hearings Tempest Downgraded to Topical Storm  —  Hurricane Katrina is having a gale-force impact on the John Roberts confirmation hearings.  —  When the Senate hearings begin this morning, the cable news networks plan to dip in and out after carrying some opening statements.
Discussion: War and Piece and mediabistro
Michael Kinsley / Los Angeles Times:
The fetid aroma of hindsight  —  Recriminations are all the rage today.  But really, does anyone ever pay attention to the prophets of doom until it's too late?  —  AS A GOOD AMERICAN, you no doubt have been worried sick for years about the levees around New Orleans.
Michelle Malkin:
THE DEMOCRATS' KATRINA PROFITEER  —  From the "Bias?  What liberal bias?" files...  On Saturday, had a piece [9/12 clarification carried by Reuters] titled "Firms with White House ties get Katrina contracts:" … The Baton Rouge-based Shaw Group, CNN tells us …
Toby Helm / Telegraph:
Jews and Freemasons controlled war on Iraq, says No 10 adviser  —  Tony Blair decided to wage war on Iraq after coming under the influence of a "sinister" group of Jews and Freemasons, a Muslim barrister who advises the Prime Minister has claimed.  —  Ahmad Thomson, from the Association of Muslim Lawyers …
Melanie / Melanie Phillips's Diary:   The monster in Britain's midst
Jim VandeHei / Washington Post:
Katrina Darkens the Outlook for Incumbents  —  Public Dismay Could Shape 2006 Elections  —  Hurricane Katrina has the potential to foment change in Washington like the terrorist strikes did four years ago, altering the government's priorities for the foreseeable future and darkening the mood …
Bill Roggio / The Fourth Rail:
Border Wars V - Operation Cyclone in Rutbah, Tal Afar, and more  —  With simultaneous offensives occurring in Qaim, Tal Afar, and Rabiah, Coalition forces launch Operation Cyclone in the southern town of Rutbah, which sits astride roads at the southern-most border crossing with Syria and the northern-most border crossing with Jordan.
Discussion: The Belmont Club
Jacob Silberberg / Associated Press:
Battle Eases in Sweep for Iraq Insurgents
Discussion: Winds of Change.NET
Deacon / Power Line:
YEARNING FOR A CARTERESQUE WAR ON TERROR  —  The only thing worse than an MSM piece that's plainly devoid of analysis is an MSM piece that contains its illusion.  A case in point is this shockingly bad article by Newsweek's Michael Hirsh that appeared in today's Washington Post.
Discussion: Daily Pundit
Michael Hirsh / Washington Post:
9/11 — and Counting  —  On Dec. 9, 1941, two days after the Pearl Harbor attack, Franklin Delano Roosevelt addressed the American people in a fireside chat.  In tone and manner, FDR's words were not very different from the rhetoric of George W. Bush three generations later …
Discussion: INTEL DUMP
Dusting Off The Manual  —  Kevin reports that Time magazine says the Republicans have a three point plan for a comeback after Katrina: … There's one other little way to gin up base conservative voters that we can already see developing on the shout fest and gasbags shows.
Kevin Drum / The Washington Monthly:
PLEASE LEAVE A MESSAGE AT THE TONE....Time magazine does …
Discussion: Suburban Guerrilla and Ezra Klein
Koizumi's LDP wins big  —  Party on track for 300 seats; DPJ gets drubbing  —  Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi and his Liberal Democratic Party cruised to victory Sunday, handily winning a majority in the 480-seat House of Representatives and giving him a mandate to push ahead with postal privatization.
We had to kill our patients  —  Doctors working in hurricane-ravaged New Orleans killed critically ill patients rather than leaving them to die in agony as they evacuated hospitals, The Mail on Sunday can reveal.  —  With gangs of rapists and looters rampaging through wards in the flooded city …
Chris Gaither / Los Angeles Times:
Chat From the War Zone  —  With the hiring of blogger-journalist Kevin Sites, Yahoo is set to compete with TV news.  —  Yahoo Inc. has been talking like a major media company.  Today it will start acting like one.  —  Ten months after Lloyd Braun, former chairman of the ABC television network …
Sadie /
RINOs Without A Hero?  —  Inspired by Vanity Fair by William Makepiece Thackeray (LONDON, June 28, 1848)  —  As the Commissar of the RINOs sits before the curtain on the boards and gazes into the political arena, a feeling of profound melancholy washes over his haggard and weary face.
Washington Post:
At 9/11 Walks, Remembrances Stream Forth  —  Thousands in D.C. and Va. Honor Victims, U.S. Troops  —  On a Sept. 11 as sunny and warm as that earth-shattering date four years ago, thousands of people yesterday remembered the terrorist attacks by walking in the nation's capital.
Jeffrey H. Birnbaum / Washington Post:
Katrina Leads a Lobbyist to Reevaluate His Priorities  —  Frederick L. Webber, a longtime denizen of Washington's lobbying corridor, showed up at work one day last week and found on his desk a dozen fundraising requests from members of Congress.  —  He threw them all in the trash.
Transcript for September 11  —  MR. TIM RUSSERT: Our issues this Sunday...  (Videotape):  —  Unidentified Man: Residents of New Orleans, we're here to help you.  —  MR. RUSSERT: Hurricane Katrina, day 13.  How goes the recovery?  With us: the mayor of New Orleans, Ray Nagin.
Poll shows Hoeven would be tough challenger for Conrad  —  FARGO, N.D. - A new poll shows that a race pitting Gov. John Hoeven as the challenger for Sen. Kent Conrad's seat would be a close battle.  —  Conrad's office called the poll "flawed," while Hoeven declined comment.  The matchup is hypothetical.
Discussion: Taegan Goddard's …

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More Items:

Theodore B. Olson / Opinion Journal:
John Roberts Deserves a Dignified Process
John Hawkins / Right Wing News:
What If Blanco & Nagin Had Been Replaced By Competent Politicians Before Katrina?
Jim Lynch / bRight & Early:
Heros Make Me Cry
Los Angeles Times:
Confusion at Crunch Time  —  After 9/11, a master plan for disasters was drawn.
John Hinderaker /
End focus on Iraq war death tally
Discussion: Daily Kos
Cheney backed removing FEMA boss from Katrina duty
Nolan Finley / Detroit News:
Bush's Katrina dawdling should offend conservatives
Keith Leslie / Toronto Star:
'No Sharia law in Ontario'
Associated Press:
Ceremonies mark 9/11 anniversary

Earlier Picks:

Iraq constitution talks go on as referendum nears
Discussion: Informed Comment
Bob Dart /
Armed militia protects its New Orleans neighborhood
Joel Garreau / Washington Post:
A Sad Truth: Cities Aren't Forever
John / AMERICAblog:
NEWSWEEK: Bush didn't know the Hurricane damage was bad until THURSDAY AFTER IT STRUCK
The World According to Powerline
Ian / The Political Teen:
Seantor Mary Landrieu (D- LA) Spins on FOX News Sunday (VIDEO)
David / OxBlog:
Discussion: Crescat Sententia
Nancy Benac / Associated Press:
Katrina Exodus Could Change Political Mix
A mind is a difficult thing to change: Part 6A (9/11: the watershed)
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