
Political Web, page A1 … for 12:55 PM ET, September 12, 2005
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Top Items:

Howard Kurtz / Washington Post:
Hearings Tempest Downgraded to Topical Storm  —  Hurricane Katrina is having a gale-force impact on the John Roberts confirmation hearings.  —  When the Senate hearings begin this morning, the cable news networks plan to dip in and out after carrying some opening statements.
Discussion: Eschaton, War and Piece and mediabistro
Deacon / Power Line:
YEARNING FOR A CARTERESQUE WAR ON TERROR  —  The only thing worse than an MSM piece that's plainly devoid of analysis is an MSM piece that contains its illusion.  A case in point is this shockingly bad article by Newsweek's Michael Hirsh that appeared in today's Washington Post.
Discussion: Pandagon and Daily Pundit
Gaijinbiker / Riding Sun:
The amazing success of George W. Bush  —  NOTE: Welcome, Instapundit readers!  And thanks for the link, Prof. Reynolds.  —  Shortly after the attacks of 9-11, George W. Bush announced a new focus for his adminstration and for America: … Four years later, terrorism remains a problem around the world …
Michael Hirsh / Washington Post:
9/11 — and Counting
Discussion: INTEL DUMP
Robert Novak /
Replacing O'Connor Could Get Ugly  —  WASHINGTON — With Senate confirmation of Judge John G. Roberts Jr. as chief justice virtually assured, the struggle for the Supreme Court returns to replacing retiring Justice Sandra Day O'Connor.  The belief in legal and political circles is that President Bush …
Article III Groupie / Underneath Their Robes:
Breaking News: Clerkly Clues to the Justices' Plans!
Discussion: ACSBlog
Michael Kinsley / Los Angeles Times:
The fetid aroma of hindsight  —  Recriminations are all the rage today.  But really, does anyone ever pay attention to the prophets of doom until it's too late?  —  AS A GOOD AMERICAN, you no doubt have been worried sick for years about the levees around New Orleans.
Toby Helm / Telegraph:
Jews and Freemasons controlled war on Iraq, says No 10 adviser  —  Tony Blair decided to wage war on Iraq after coming under the influence of a "sinister" group of Jews and Freemasons, a Muslim barrister who advises the Prime Minister has claimed.  —  Ahmad Thomson, from the Association of Muslim Lawyers …
Melanie / Melanie Phillips's Diary:   The monster in Britain's midst
Associated Press:
NBC's Williams: Journalists' gloves off  —  NEW YORK (AP) — NBC's Brian Williams says the lasting legacy of Hurricane Katrina for journalists may be the end of an unusual four-year period of deference to people in power.  —  There were so many angry, even incredulous …
Steve Clemons:
"Freedom Walk" Not So Free  —  John Smith, an employee of the U.S. Department of Commerce, arrived at work last week, and he and all other of his fellow department colleagues had a voice mail from Secretary of Commerce Carlos Gutierrez.  —  The voice mail went something like this:
Sadie /
RINOs Without A Hero?  —  Inspired by Vanity Fair by William Makepiece Thackeray (LONDON, June 28, 1848)  —  As the Commissar of the RINOs sits before the curtain on the boards and gazes into the political arena, a feeling of profound melancholy washes over his haggard and weary face.
Bbmoe / Quid Nimis:
Carnival of the Revolutions  —  Submissions from bloggers around the globe concerning Freedom and Democracy and all that good stuff.  —  Introduction  —  A common theme that runs through many posts about democracy's progress, or lack there of, is the freedom of the press.
Discussion: MyDD
Transcript for September 11  —  MR. TIM RUSSERT: Our issues this Sunday...  (Videotape):  —  Unidentified Man: Residents of New Orleans, we're here to help you.  —  MR. RUSSERT: Hurricane Katrina, day 13.  How goes the recovery?  With us: the mayor of New Orleans, Ray Nagin.
Paul / Wizbang:
DEMS ANSWER TO KATRINA?  MORE GOVERNMENT OF COURSE  —  This is simply amazing.... In the wake of one of the most horrific examples of governmental failure ever, we get mind boggling quotes from Democrats....  OK Let's talk turkey... Who was most affected by this storm?  NEWSFLASH: The business owners left town!
Discussion: Washington Post
Jeffrey H. Birnbaum / Washington Post:
Katrina Leads a Lobbyist to Reevaluate His Priorities  —  Frederick L. Webber, a longtime denizen of Washington's lobbying corridor, showed up at work one day last week and found on his desk a dozen fundraising requests from members of Congress.  —  He threw them all in the trash.
James Taranto / Opinion Journal:
How's He Doing?  —  George W. Bush is "average," but far from ordinary.  —  Ask someone to describe the presidency of George W. Bush, and "average" is not a word you're likely to hear.  Mr. Bush's detractors treat him with a level of vituperation unseen since the days of Franklin D. Roosevelt; some even blame him for bad weather.
Mark Hosenball / Newsweek:
Iraq: Planning For Pullout  —  Sept. 19, 2005 issue - Analysts at the Defense Intelligence Agency have begun war-gaming scenarios for what might happen in Iraq if U.S. force levels were cut back or eliminated, say counterterrorism and defense sources.  The officials, who asked not to be named …

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More Items:

Michael A. Fletcher / Washington Post:
Katrina Pushes Issues of Race and Poverty at Bush
Discussion: PostWatch
Jonathan Schwarz / A Tiny Revolution:
Today Is The Fourth Anniversary Of An Enormous Opportunity
Discussion: The Sideshow
Ezra Klein:
Privatizing FEMA
Discussion: Balloon Juice
Robert Kagan / Washington Post:
On Iraq, Short Memories
Wall Street Journal:
Why Levee Breaches In New Orleans Were Late-Breaking News
Discussion: Poynter Online and Attytood
Mississippi Guard Provides Relief to State's Citizens
Discussion: QandO and Sister Toldjah
John from WuzzaDem / WuzzaDem:
Mary Landrieu Bobs, Weaves, Implodes
Associated Press:
PA bulldozers begin razing remaining Gaza synagogues
Theodore B. Olson / Opinion Journal:
John Roberts Deserves a Dignified Process

Earlier Picks:

John Hawkins / Right Wing News:
What If Blanco & Nagin Had Been Replaced By Competent Politicians Before Katrina?
Discussion: Lifelike Pundits
Los Angeles Times:
Confusion at Crunch Time  —  After 9/11, a master plan for disasters was drawn.
Chris Gaither / Los Angeles Times:
Chat From the War Zone
Cheney backed removing FEMA boss from Katrina duty
Nolan Finley / Detroit News:
Bush's Katrina dawdling should offend conservatives
Keith Leslie / Toronto Star:
'No Sharia law in Ontario'
Associated Press:
Ceremonies mark 9/11 anniversary
Iraq constitution talks go on as referendum nears
Discussion: Informed Comment
Poll shows Hoeven would be tough challenger for Conrad
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