
Political Web, page A1 … for 12:00 PM ET, November 11, 2005
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Top Items:

Eric Schmitt / New York Times:
Senate Approves Limiting Rights of U.S. Detainees  —  WASHINGTON, Nov. 10 - The Senate voted Thursday to strip captured "enemy combatants" at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, of the principal legal tool given to them last year by the Supreme Court when it allowed them to challenge their detentions in United States courts.
Hilzoy / Obsidian Wings:
The Evil Amendment: Bad News; Still Hope
Steve Vladeck / PrawfsBlawg:
The Graham Amendment, Part II (or, Fancy Fodder for Your Federal Courts Final)
Discussion: Opinio Juris and SCOTUSblog
John / AMERICAblog:
Alito now says he didn't inhale  —  Just in from the Washington Post: … Unduly restrictive?  What the hell does that mean?  It means when he promised not to do something, under oath I believe, he didn't really mean it.  That's what unduly restrictive means.  —  Son, promise you'll never lie to me.
La Shawn / La Shawn Barber's Corner:
".. to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign or domestic..."  —  Four years ago, foreign enemies, allowed into the United States through lax immigration policies, declared war on the United States.  In that single event, 3,000 people were murdered.
Craig S. Smith / New York Times:
What Makes Someone French?  —  PARIS, Nov. 10 - Semou Diouf, holding a pipe in one hand and a cigarette in the other, stood amid the noisy games of checkers and cards in the dingy ground-floor common room of a crowded tenement building and pondered the question of why he feels French.
Discussion: Big Lizards
Captain Ed / Captain's Quarters:
American Media Quit The French Riots Story  —  If an American consumer read today's newspapers, he would assume that the riots in France have ended.  None of the major newspapers that had covered the uprising have any specific updates today on the story, despite the continued overnight violence …
Anne E. Kornblut / New York Times:
Rove Is More His Old Self at the White House  —  WASHINGTON, Nov. 10 - The architect, it seems, is back.  —  Hunkered down for almost all of October while a grand jury considered his fate, Karl Rove has rebounded as a visible presence at the White House over the last two weeks …
Pete Yost / Associated Press:
Presidential Aide Praises Miers in Address
Discussion: Blogs for Bush
David D. Kirkpatrick / New York Times:
Despite Recent Gains, Conservative Group Is Wary on Direction of Court
Discussion: Captain's Quarters and Wonkette
Associated Press:
Pat Robertson Warns Pa. Town of Disaster  —  VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. - Religious broadcaster Pat Robertson warned residents of a rural Pennsylvania town Thursday that disaster may strike there because they "voted God out of your city" by ousting school board members who favored teaching intelligent design.
R. Jeffrey Smith / Washington Post:
DeLay Team Weighed Misdemeanor Plea to Save GOP Post  —  Lawyers for Rep. Tom DeLay (R-Tex.) tried unsuccessfully in late September to head off felony criminal indictments against the then-majority leader on charges of violating Texas campaign law by signaling that DeLay might plead guilty to a misdemeanor …
Carl Hulse / New York Times:
House Leaders Postpone Vote on Budget Bill  —  WASHINGTON, Nov. 10 - Facing defeat, House Republican leaders on Thursday abruptly called off a vote on a contentious budget-cutting bill in a striking display of the discord and political anxiety running through the party's ranks.
Editor and Publisher:
Miller Hits Dowd, Defends 'Dr. Chalabi,' Vows to Stay in Journalism  —  NEW YORK Appearing for a full hour on CNN's Larry King Live Thursday night, Judith Miller defended herself from criticism for her role in the Plame/CIA leak case and her flawed reporting on WMD in Iraq, but would not discuss Scooter Libby.
Bradley Graham / Washington Post:
Calls for Shift in Iraq Strategy Growing  —  Lawmakers, Experts Urge Military to Focus More on Protecting Population Centers  —  A growing number of U.S. lawmakers and defense experts are urging a shift in U.S. military strategy in Iraq that would focus less on trying to secure the whole country …
Antimedia / Media Lies:
Today is Veterans Day  —  I'm a veteran, but I've never celebrated Veterans Day.  I've never even acknowledged it before this year.  It was just another day in the year, something I observed from the sidelines.  I've never joined any veterans groups, never marched in any parades, never done anything special to acknowledge my service.
Discussion: The Word Unheard
Bruce Kesler / Democracy Project:   Veterans Day, Through New Eyes
Naomi Schaefer Riley / Opinion Journal:
Bringing a Law School Down  —  Should Ave Maria be part of a "Catholic Jonestown"?  —  Last Saturday, members of the alumni association of the Ave Maria School of Law met in Ann Arbor, Mich. They had learned, in the weeks before, that one of the school's most beloved professors was being kicked off …
Discussion: Althouse and The Volokh Conspiracy
Gateway Pundit:
Mary Mapes Unleashed on O'Reilly, Thinks Bush is Lying  —  MARY MAPES CONTINUES TO SEETHE AT PRESIDENT GEORGE W. BUSH AND CONSERVATIVE BLOGGERS AND SAYS BUSH HAS "SELECTIVE MEMORY",  —  VIDEO HERE  —  Part 2 of the interview is listed to the right of the video clip.
Peter Baker / Washington Post:
Bush Aide Fires Back at Critics On Justification for War in Iraq  —  The White House went on the offensive in the debate over the Iraq war yesterday, insisting that U.S. intelligence had compiled a "very strong case" that Saddam Hussein harbored banned weapons and accusing congressional critics …
Discussion: Rantingprofs and The Strata-Sphere

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More Items:

Richmond Times-Dispatch:
A presidential boost for Warner?
Uncle Jimbo / BLACKFIVE:
Friday Freefly- Veterans Day Vent
Associated Press:
Jordan Rounds Up 120 in Search for Suspects in Hotel Bombings
The History of Veteran's Day  —  1918  —  World War I …
Stars & Stripes:
A day for those who served and those who serve
Ralph Kinney Bennett / Tech Central Station:
I Am Privileged to Know Them  —  LIGONIER, PA. - I'll …
John F. Harris / Washington Post:
Legacy of 42nd President Framed With Barbs at 43rd
Knight Ridder:
Operatives say CIA exemption on torture a mistake
Discussion: The Mahablog and Balloon Juice

Earlier Picks:

Michael D. Shear / Washington Post:
Warner Gets Boost In Run for President
H. R. 4241  —  By: US Representative Marsha Blackburn
Michael Roberts /
The Message  —  Students' Counsel  —  The next generation takes a pop quiz on the media.
Tom Bevan / The RCP Blog:
The Case For War  —  Kevin Drum responds to Norman Podhoretz's …
Banned NFL Receiver Terrell Owens Finds a Friend in Ralph Nader
Five Minutes With: Paul Krugman
Discussion: JustOneMinute
Michael Moynihan / Stockholm Spectator GroupBlog:
RAI Documentary: Editing, the Michael Moore Way
Dana Blanton / Fox News:
11/10/05 FOX Poll: President Bush's Ratings Continue to Suffer
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