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Governor denies clemency for ex-gang leader — Appeals court refuses to block Williams' execution — SACRAMENTO, California (CNN) — California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has denied clemency for convicted killer Stanley Tookie Williams, who co-founded the Crips street gang.
Attytood, The Volokh Conspiracy, Wizbang, Flopping Aces, Middle Earth Journal, Althouse and Stop The ACLU

Schwarzenegger Denies Clemency for Williams — SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger on Monday refused to spare the life of Stanley Tookie Williams, the founder of the murderous Crips gang who awaited execution after midnight in a case that set off a debate over the possibility of redemption on death row.

No Clemency for Tookie — I don't find this surprising at all: … I have a lot of reasons why I dislike and oppose the death penalty, and not one of them has to do with a concern for the fate of guilty men. I dislike the death penalty because it is irreversible, it is arbitrary …
TalkLeft, James Wolcott, Right Wing Nut House, Ace of Spades HQ, The Reaction, One Hand Clapping, Diggers Realm, THE TENSION, Riehl World View and IMAO

Schwarzenegger Denies Clemency for Williams
Comments From Left Field

Froomkin on White House Briefing — In Sunday's Washington Post, the paper's new ombudsman, Deborah Howell, writes that The Post's political reporters don't like my column. She states that the column is "highly opinionated and liberal" and concludes that it should no longer bear the name …
mediabistro, First Draft, Crooks and Liars, The Stakeholder, Poynter Online and

White House Pool Boys Get Crabby — I can't take it any more. Jay Rosen sent me an article by the Washington Post public editor that said the folks in the newsroom don't like Dan Froomkin because he's too liberal, and they're miffed that the Technorati tags on their articles lead to bloggers who criticize them.

President Discusses War on Terror and Upcoming Iraqi Elections — THE PRESIDENT: Thank you all. (Applause.) Thank you. Thanks for the warm welcome. Thank you for the chance to come and speak to the Philadelphia World Affairs Council. This is an important organization that has …

Supreme Court to Review Texas Districting Dispute — WASHINGTON, Dec. 12 - The United States Supreme Court agreed today to review the constitutionality of the Texas redistricting plan that was engineered by Representative Tom DeLay, the House majority leader until recently …

Poll: Broad Optimism in Iraq, But Also Deep Divisions Among Groups — On the Eve of the Elections, Most Iraqis Want Iraq To Stay Unified — Dec. 12, 2005 — Surprising levels of optimism prevail in Iraq with living conditions improved, security more a national worry than a local one, and expectations for the future high.
G e n e r a t i o n W h y ?, Captain's Quarters, OSM, The Huffington Post, QandO, BBC, PunditGuy, SoCalPundit, The Anchoress, Blogs for Bush, A Chequer-Board of Nights …, Silent Running, USS Neverdock, And Rightly So!, The Jawa Report v3.0 Beta, Balloon Juice, The Political Teen, Sister Toldjah, THE ASTUTE BLOGGER, Brainster's Blog, The Political Pit Bull and Blogs of War

The voting has begun! (updated) — Voting in Iraq's second parliamentary elections has begun this morning; this coincides with the deadline for all campaigning activities by all lists and parties who are required now to enter "electoral silence". — The first votes are coming from army bases, detention centers and hospitals.

As Voting Begins, Bush Talks Freedom, Iraqis Dance — THOUSANDS OF IRAQIS HEAD TO THE POLLS TODAY, EARLY VOTING HAS BEGUN, — VIDEO HERE — 300,000 Iraqis voted today, 90,000 from hospitals, 20,000 from prisons — President Bush reminds the world that while the path toward Iraqi democracy …

Second night of riots hits Sydney — Violence triggered by race tensions has hit Sydney for a second night, with youths damaging cars and shops. — A reporter in the suburb of Cronulla, where dozens were arrested after riots on Sunday, described scenes of "chaos".

Diebold Announces Management Changes — CEO O'Dell leaves company; Swidarski named CEO, Lauer named chairman; company reaffirms guidance — NORTH CANTON, Ohio, Dec. 12 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ — Diebold, Incorporated (NYSE: DBD - News) today announced senior management changes instituted by its board of directors.

LIVE FROM... Iraqi Armed Forces to Lead Security for Election; Syrian Critic Murdered; Death and Drama in New York; Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays? ; The Life and Death of Richard Pryor — THIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT. THIS COPY MAY NOT BE IN ITS FINAL FORM AND MAY BE UPDATED.

Patriot Act report targets meth — A conference report by Senate and House negotiators to extend for four years provisions of the USA Patriot Act includes a comprehensive anti-methamphetamine package restricting the sale of products containing ingredients needed to cook the drug and providing …

Abortion can cause guilt and shame years later — WOMEN who have an abortion can suffer mental distress, anxiety, guilt and shame five years later, and perhaps longer, researchers have found. — A study in Norway compared a group of 40 women who suffered a miscarriage with 80 who chose …

A 2005 Rollick — Behold: 2005 was the most important year in human history. — Okay, maybe not. There have been better years, and worse ones. The Goths did not sack New York City. No plague. Asteroids didn't deform the globe. The center held, and if some rough beast …

Chris Wallace: Mike Wallace Has 'Lost It' — "Fox News Sunday" anchorman Chris Wallace says father Mike Wallace has "lost it" - after the legendary CBS newsman told the Boston Globe last week that the fact George Bush had been elected president shows America is "[expletive]-up." — "He's lost it.

SALON'S CARY TENNIS TALKS REVOLUTION: … "Feverish," indeed. Apparently, Tennis is ready to join a militia, since he's saying the kind of stuff they were saying in 1995. — My advice: you could try something radical like winning elections instead of losing them, by putting forward candidates capable …