
Political Web, page A1 … for 2:30 AM ET, December 15, 2005
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Top Items:

John / AMERICAblog:
We Won  —  UPDATE: You can thank Ford via this online form.  —  FURTHER UPDATE: Great AP story on our victory.  —  Regarding that Ford thing?  We just won.  —  The Ford Motor Company today released the following letter (below) clarifying that whatever did or did not happen behind closed doors …
Associated Press:
Ford will again advertise in gay publications  —  Ads resume after criticism from gay rights groups  —  WASHINGTON (AP) — Advertisements featuring Ford Motor Co.'s eight vehicle brands will run in gay publications, the automaker said Wednesday, acting after gay rights groups complained when Jaguar and Land Rover pulled their spots.
John / AMERICAblog:
AP story on Ford: We won  —  UPDATE: Reuters story is good too.  —  THIS is proof that we won.  That all of AMERICA won.  The Associated Press story says it all.  What matters most isn't just whether we won or lost - though it does matter - it also matters whether the media and the public …
National Review:
Will Rove be Indicted?  —  There have been rumors flying around Washington in the last few days that Karl Rove, the president's top political adviser, might soon be indicted in the CIA leak investigation.  At least for now, the rumors appear to be based on someone hearing that someone else …
John Cole / Balloon Juice:
Tortured Definitions  —  Big posts on torture by Instapundit, Andrew Sullivan (here and here and here and here and here), and a pretty shameless piece in the Opinion Journal.  Read all of them and then come back here for my 2 cents.  —  Ok- did you read them all?  Good.
Bush takes responsibility for invasion intelligence  —  President says removing Hussein still 'right decision' … WASHINGTON (CNN) — On the eve of Iraq's historic election, President Bush took responsibility Wednesday for "wrong" intelligence that led to the war, but he said removing Saddam Hussein was still necessary.
Ben Connable / Washington Post:
The Truth On the Ground  —  When I told people that I was getting ready to head back to Iraq for my third tour, the usual response was a frown, a somber head shake and even the occasional "I'm sorry."  When I told them that I was glad to be going back, the response was awkward disbelief, a fake smile and a change of subject.
Truck with allegedly fake ballots detained  —  Four soldiers, Sunni politician killed in separate incidents … BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) — With the country's parliamentary elections slated for Thursday and early voting already under way, a truck carrying what are believed to be fake ballots …
Discussion: BlondeSense and PunditGuy
Jon / Reporting from Iraq:
The view from on the ground  —  Think about everything you've heard about the conditions in Iraq, the role of U.S. forces, the multi-layered complexities of the war.  —  Then think again.  —  I'm a journalist.  I read the news everyday, from several sources.
Discussion: Argghhh! and Vodkapundit
William Branigin / Washington Post:
Bush Urges 'Patience' on Iraq  —  President Bush, delivering the last in a series of speeches about Iraq on the eve of that country's elections, said today he was encouraged by the prospect of broader political participation in Iraq, but he warned that successful voting will not make the insurgents …
Financial Times:
Bush puts Rice in charge of reconstruction  —  President George W. Bush on Wednesday announced that the State Department would lead all US post-conflict reconstruction, a move that supersedes the controversial decision to give that task to the Pentagon in Iraq following the 2003 invasion.
Activist Judge Cancels Christmas  —  Issue 41  •50  —  WASHINGTON, DC—In a sudden and unexpected blow to the Americans working to protect the holiday, liberal U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Stephen Reinhardt ruled the private celebration of Christmas unconstitutional Monday.
Discussion: Pandagon
Jeff Greenfield / Slate:
The President, the War, and the Military Base  —  A compelling, new, and entirely mistaken comparison between George W. Bush and Lyndon Johnson.  —  A well-known psychology test demonstrates that when we hear a list of words associated with a concept like sleep—bed, pillow, night, rest …

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More Items:

Allan Dowd / Reuters:
Don't dictate to me, Canada's Martin tells US
Michael Ledeen / The Corner on National Review Online:
Steve Clemons:
John Bolton Actively Sabotaging Condoleezza Rice: Finally Shows Real Stripes
Discussion: TAPPED
Betsy / Betsy's Page:
For years I've subscribed to Newsweek Magazine and found …
David Espo / Associated Press:
House Approves GOP Priority Measures
Washington Post:
DNA Exonerates Va. Convicts in 2 Rape Cases
Discussion: TalkLeft
Sebastian Holsclaw / Obsidian Wings:
Maye and the problem with Agressive Search Warrants
Discussion: QandO and Balloon Juice
Mohammed / IRAQ THE MODEL:
It's only a matter of hours now!
Discussion: Betsy's Page and Dr. Sanity

Earlier Picks:

Jim Romenesko /
View Forum Post
Discussion: Sadly, No! and mediabistro
David A / In Search Of Utopia:
Life under The Crip Imperium
Andrew Samwick / Vox Baby:
Nonpartisan Social Security Reform Plan
Discussion: JustOneMinute
Cathy Young / The Y Files:
Feminism, labels, and principles
Viggo Mortensen blasts President Bush
Paul Sperry / Front Page Magazine:
The Pentagon Breaks the Islam Taboo
Mickey Kaus / Slate:
Epater Les Breeders
Discussion: TBogg and Ace of Spades HQ
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