Top Items:
Erick Erickson / RedState:
Is the Obama Administration Behind An Astroturf Anti-Tea Party Website? — “Cass Sunstein has favored the government using outside parties as government propaganda agents to paint their opposition as fringe and undermine their credibility.” — Astroturf is the act of professional interest …

It's Aggregate Demand, Stupid — David Wessel explains Christina Romer's view of the economic situation: … Here's the nominal GDP situation: — Brad DeLong remarks: … Every time there's a downturn a certain swathe of the elite starts to label it unfixable and structural.
Jay Rosen:
David Gregory: “No, I won't fact check my guests and you guys can't make me...” A time line. — David Gregory, the host of NBC's Meet the Press, has painted himself into a strange corner with his assertion that there's no need to fact check what his guests say on the air because viewers can do that “on their own terms.”
Free exchange:
First, define the problem — I HAVE been meaning to summarise my thoughts on financial regulatory reform in the wake of the Hyman Minsky conference on same. I have to say, it has left me with a sense of resigned cycnicism. I'll get to details in a moment, but I think that the most important thing …
Vicky Ward / The Huffington Post:
Senior Goldman Exec Is Married to Former Head of ACA — Friday, as news of the allegations of fraud at Goldman Sachs spread, I got a call from someone who works in the insurance business. — “Check out the former head of ACA” he said referring to the now-defunct and formerly …
Michael Barone / Associated Press:
Tea parties fight Obama's culture of dependence — “Do you realize,” CNN's Susan Roesgen asked a man at the April 15, 2009, tea party in Chicago, “that you're eligible for a $400 credit?” When the man refused to drop his “drop socialism” sign, she went on, “Did you know that the state …
The Lonely Conservative, No More Mister Nice Blog, Riehl World View, Scared Monkeys and AmSpecBlog

The Republicans' 2012 problem — November 2010 is looking awfully good for the GOP. But November 2012? Not so much — Talk to most Democratic activists, and they'll concede that a Republican takeover of the House this fall is entirely possible. Some will even contemplate …
The Political Carnival

McCain Denies That He Is ‘Running Away From The Maverick Title’: ‘I Prefer Great American Myself’ — Facing a tough primary challenge from former Congressman J.D. Hayworth, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) has been moving hard to the right. In an interview with Newsweek earlier this month …
Tony Romm / The Hill:
McConnell: Liquidation fund isn't only problem with financial reform — Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.) on Sunday said it was more than just the so-called “bailout fund” that's keeping him from supporting Democrats' financial regulatory reform bill.

Clinton: If Obama Offers Peace Plan, ‘I Will Support It’ — Discussing the Middle East peace process on ABC's This Week, host Jake Tapper asked former President Bill Clinton whether he thought it was “time for President Obama to put a peace plan on the table,” as has been reported the administration is considering.
Mark Steyn / The Corner on National Review Online:
Who Needs Apartheid? — By: Mark Steyn
Who Needs Apartheid? — By: Mark Steyn
Israel Matzav

NHS bars woman after she saw private doctor — A WOMAN has been denied an operation on the NHS after paying for a private consultation to deal with her severe back pain. — Jenny Whitehead, a breast cancer survivor, paid £250 for an appointment with the orthopaedic surgeon …
Political Punch:
A Clinton on the Court? Go Younger, They Would Advise — I asked former President Bill Clinton why he isn't on the short list for a Supreme Court appointment, to follow in the footsteps of President William Howard Taft, the last former president to be appointed to the Court.
Tony Romm / The Hill:
Gibbs: White House proposed end to anonymous administration sourcing — Press Secretary Robert Gibbs approached White House reporters earlier this year in an attempt to end the long-standing practice of sourcing claims to anonymous administration officials, he told CNN on Sunday.
Rasmussen Reports:
57% Have More Trust In Those In Congress Who Voted Against Bailouts — Government bailouts are still a sore subject with most voters. But the Political class remains supportive of efforts to have taxpayers bail out troubled and failing companies. — A new Rasmussen Reports national …
Josh Marshall / Talking Points Memo:
UK Election Comments 1.0 — Expat TPM Reader TG checks in from the UK ... (ed.note: In consultation with TG, one passage of the original email was deleted to obscure just which constituency TG's working in.)
Matthew Yglesias
Rosa Prince / Telegraph:
General election 2010: war in Afghanistan to play part UK in campaign
General election 2010: war in Afghanistan to play part UK in campaign
Rethink Afghanistan War Blog