Top Items:
Greg Sargent / The Plum Line:
EXCLUSIVE: White House asked Bill Clinton to talk to Joe Sestak about Senate run — Senior White House advisers asked former President Bill Clinton to talk to Joe Sestak about whether he was serious about running for Senate, and to feel out whether he'd be open to other alternatives, according to sources familiar with the situation.
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White House Used Bill Clinton to Ask Sestak to Drop Out of Race — President Obama's chief of staff used former President Bill Clinton as an intermediary to see if Representative Joe Sestak would drop out of a Senate primary if given a prominent, but unpaid, advisory position, people briefed on the matter said Friday.
Fox News, The Tolbert Report, Liberty Pundits Blog, TigerHawk, The Plum Line,, Pajamas Media, Michelle Malkin, Outside the Beltway, Washington Monthly, New York Magazine, Mediaite, JOSHUAPUNDIT, Daily Kos, Swampland, Wizbang, The Corner on National …, Judicial Watch and Top of the Ticket
The White House:
Memorandum from White House Counsel Regarding the Review of Discussions Relating to Congressman Sestak — MEMORANDUM FROM ROBERT F. BAUER, WHITE HOUSE COUNSEL — We have concluded that allegations of improper conduct rest on factual errors and lack a basis in the law. — Secretary of the Navy.
Chris Cillizza / The Fix:
How the Sestak job offer became a big deal — Party leaders and campaign operatives — on nearly a daily basis — approach challenger candidates seeking to disrupt the established political order with a simple message: Get out or else. — And so, the report this morning …
Hot Air, The Corner on National …, Weasel Zippers, Pajamas Media and The Political Carnival
David Weigel / Right Now:
Issa: White House memo doesn't hold up, Clinton and Sestak need to answer questions
Issa: White House memo doesn't hold up, Clinton and Sestak need to answer questions
Crooks and Liars, The Huffington Post, The Plum Line, Outside the Beltway, Pajamas Media, Cato @ Liberty and Swampland
Paul Kane / Washington Post:
Sestak says his brother, White House met about alleged job offer
Sestak says his brother, White House met about alleged job offer
Roll Call, JustOneMinute, Michelle Malkin, The Fix, AmSpecBlog, Commentary, The Corner on National …, American Spectator, JOSHUAPUNDIT, Left Coast Rebel, The Confluence, The New Republic, Right Now, The Daily Caller, Political Punch, YID With LID, The Plum Line,, Liberty Pundits Blog, USS Neverdock, and FrumForum
Fox News:
White House Asked Bill Clinton to Urge Sestak to Drop Out of Senate Race
White House Asked Bill Clinton to Urge Sestak to Drop Out of Senate Race
Don Surber, Judicial Watch,, Alan Colmes' Liberaland, The Jawa Report and JammieWearingFool
Ed Morrissey / Hot Air:
The Silence of the Sestak: The Big Me involved? …
The Silence of the Sestak: The Big Me involved? …
The Caucus, JOSHUAPUNDIT,, The Plum Line, The Strata-Sphere, RealClearPolitics Video Log and Weasel Zippers
Simon Maloy / Media Matters for America:
Glenn Beck smears Obama's 11-year-old daughter — Glenn Beck, who repeatedly and angrily tells his alleged persecutors to “leave the families alone,” spent a good chunk of his radio program this morning mocking and attacking the intelligence of President Obama's 11-year-old daughter, Malia.
Mediaite, Crooks and Liars, Raw Story, The Right Scoop, The Political Carnival and The Impolitic
Ben Armbruster / Think Progress:
Days after saying ‘leave peoples’ families alone,' Beck attacks Malia Obama's intelligence. (Updated) — Earlier this week, rodeo clown Glenn Beck became incensed when he learned that journalist Joe McGuinniss has moved next door to Sarah Palin in Alaska, calling it “harassment.”
He Was Supposed to Be Competent — The spill is a disaster for the president and his political philosophy. — I don't see how the president's position and popularity can survive the oil spill. This is his third political disaster in his first 18 months in office.
Eunomia, theblogprof, Left Coast Rebel, No More Mister Nice Blog, Liberal Values, Hot Air, Taylor Marsh, Neptunus Lex, The Anchoress, The Daily Caller, JOSHUAPUNDIT, Firedoglake, Hugh Hewitt's TownHall Blog, USS Neverdock, Jules Crittenden, Liberty Pundits Blog, Pajamas Media and Confederate Yankee
Noonan Unhinged — An incoherent tangle of prejudices and feelings wrapped up in hyperbole is the best Peggy Noonan can now muster. How else to describe this morning's column? It heralds nothing less than the end of the Obama presidency just a year and a half in: … Seriously? Her evidence for this?
Oil Flow Is Stemmed, but Could Resume, Official Says — HOUSTON — By injecting solid objects as well as heavy drilling fluid into the stricken well leaking oil into the Gulf of Mexico overnight, engineers appeared to have stemmed the flow of oil, Adm. Thad W. Allen of the Coast Guard …
Erick Erickson / RedState:
Letting the Chips Fall Where They May — “The problem is that any time you have a largely uninformed and uneducated electorate, that kind of lowest common denominator mudslinging can be effective.” — Will Folks. — We've been dragging on and on all week led by Will Folks …
Yvonne Wenger /
Folks' data shows 600 Haley calls
Folks' data shows 600 Haley calls
TPMMuckraker, Charleston City Paper, Talking Points Memo, Balloon Juice, TPMDC, Erick's blog, FITSNews, New York Magazine and RedState
Rand Paul Endorses Obviously Unconstitutional Plan To End Birthright Citizenship — Kentucky Republican Senate candidate Rand Paul is best known for radical anti-government views that lead him to oppose the federal ban on whites-only lunch counters, while claiming that governmental criticism of BP is “un-American.”
Jillian Rayfield / TPM LiveWire:
Rand Paul Suggests Children Of Illegal Immigrants Should Not Be …
Rand Paul Suggests Children Of Illegal Immigrants Should Not Be …
theblogprof, Raw Story,, Left Coast Rebel, Hot Air, No More Mister Nice Blog and Washington Monthly
OPINION POLL: U.S. SENATE RACE: Survey shows Lowden gives GOP best chance of winning in fall — Lowden would attract more independent voters than Reid — Republican Sue Lowden has the best chance of defeating U.S. Sen. Harry Reid, according to a new poll for the Review-Journal that also suggests …
Washington Post, Talking Points Memo, Wonkette, Washington Wire, Hot Air, TPMDC, USA Today, The Eye, National Review, Taegan Goddard's … and Real Clear Politics
Brent Budowsky / Pundits Blog:
Will Matt Drudge report about the Comeback Kid, Harry Reid?
Will Matt Drudge report about the Comeback Kid, Harry Reid?
Ben Smith's Blog
Gary Coleman dies at age 42 — Gary Coleman, the child star of the TV sitcom Diff'rent Strokes, died Friday after suffering an intercranial hemorrhage. He was 42. — Utah Valley Regional Medical Center spokeswoman Janet Frank says life support was terminated and Coleman died at 12:05 p.m.
Marc Ambinder / The Atlantic Online:
Friday Thought: Has The Tea Party Done Anything For The GOP? — With the exception of Scott Brown's miraculous Senate race victory in Massachusetts — and even there, one can question the premise — has the Tea Party movement really done anything to help the Republican Party this cycle?
Former Argentine president says Bush told him ‘the best way to revitalize the economy is war.’ — Oliver Stone's new documentary South of the Border, which interviews several left-wing leaders of Latin American countries, has unearthed a startling new allegation from Argentina's former president Néstor Kirchner.
Gingrich Backs Down From Obama-Nazi Comparison: ‘I Recognize...The Evil Of The Nazi Regime’ — In his new book To Save America, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich repeatedly argues that the Obama administration and congressional Democrats make up a “secular-socialist machine” that …
The next Apple TV revealed: cloud storage and iPhone OS on tap... and a $99 price tag — If you thought that Apple's foray into the world of home entertainment died with the last iteration of the Apple TV, you're quite wrong. A tip we've received — which has been confirmed by a source …
Bill Clinton rips left in Arkansas race — LITTLE ROCK, Ark. - Former President Bill Clinton returned to his home state Friday to help a beleaguered ally and delivered a broadside against some of the most powerful interests in the Democratic Party. — Using unusually vivid language …