Top Items:
Doug Powers / Michelle Malkin:
‘Blame Bush’ Du Jour: Ending the Gore Marriage — When it comes to things that caused Al and Tipper Gore to lose sleep and ultimately their love for each other, it turns out that George W. Bush was higher on the list than chlorofluorocarbons and Twisted Sister — at least according to a “family friend.”
Brent Baker /
CBS Decides Al and Tipper's Separation is the Fault of....George W. Bush — Is there anything a journalist cannot or will not twist to bring the topic back to how life would be so much better if only not for that awful George W. Bush? On Tuesday's CBS Evening News, with the help …
Digby / Hullabaloo:
Matthews: “I'm looking at myself in the camera and I'm saying, 'I don't understand what I'm talking about here.'” — “It's fascinating. It Just Is” — Oh dear god, how much I loathe and despise the Villagers at times like this. Here's the back and forth on Hardball today about Al and Tipper breaking up:

Parker Griffith concedes, Mo Brooks is the GOP nominee for Congress — Five months after U.S. Rep. Parker Griffith switched parties, the voters of North Alabama switched congressmen. — On Tuesday, Republican challenger and long-time conservative Mo Brooks handily won the three-way GOP primary …
Politics Daily, Taegan Goddard's …, Hot Air, Associated Press, WAFF-TV, MyDD, Firedoglake, AMERICAblog News and The Other McCain

Voters flip on party-switchers — When Sen. Arlen Specter and Rep. Parker Griffith decided to switch parties they were welcomed with open arms by their new political families in Washington. — But when they returned home to face the voters of their new party, the door was slammed in their face.
The Note

Griffith, Davis rejected in Alabama — Party-switching Rep. Parker Griffith (R-Ala.) on Tuesday became the fourth congressional incumbent this year to be defeated in a primary, losing decisively in his first test before voters in his new party. — With his loss, Griffith became …
Sean Trende / Real Clear Politics:
Republicans Jump Out To Historic Lead In Gallup Generic Ballot — Gallup's generic polling shows the number of voters saying that they would vote for Republicans rising three points from last week, while the number saying they will vote for Democrats dropped four points.
Crime and Consequences Blog, Commentary, The Strata-Sphere, Beltway Confidential, JammieWearingFool and RedState
Jeffrey M. Jones / Gallup:
Republicans Move Ahead in Generic Ballot for Congress — GOP lead of 49% to 43% is largest in 2010 thus far — PRINCETON, NJ — Gallup tracking of 2010 congressional voting preferences shows Republicans moving back ahead of Democrats, 49% to 43%, by two points their largest lead of the campaign to date.

Elections held in Alabama, Mississippi and New Mexico — Alabama Agriculture Commissioner Ron Sparks trounced Rep. Artur Davis in the state's Democratic primary for governor Tuesday night, a shocking result for a national figure once regarded as a heavy favorite to be on the ballot in November.
Chuck Dean / The Birmingham:
Ron Sparks beats Artur Davis to win Democratic Party nod for governor — and Thomas Spencer — The Birmingham News — State Agriculture Commissioner Ron Sparks won the Democratic Party nomination for governor Tuesday, a victory some power brokers in his party once thought so unlikely …

James O'Keefe May Be Heading Back To Jail — Andrew Breitbart's pet pimp impersonator, James O'Keefe, was just sentenced last week to three years probation, 100 hours of community service, and a $1,500 fine for having trespassed the offices of a United States senator in Lousiana under false pretenses.

‘Equipment not in shortage in Gaza’ — Flotilla aid examined, sent to strip; ‘Marmara’ not inspected yet. — Talkbacks (13) — Make JPOST.COM your Home Page — Iranian Threat — Jewish World — Local Israel — Arts & Culture — Français — Classifieds — Israel
Patrick J. Buchanan, Elder of Ziyon, Danger Room, THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS, Balloon Juice and Weasel Zippers

IDF: Global Jihad links on flotilla
Washington Times, Weasel Zippers, The Huffington Post, Israellycool,, Hot Air, New York Post and Guardian
Robert J. Avrech / Seraphic Secret:
Hey, Anyone Interested in War Crimes and Atrocities?
Hey, Anyone Interested in War Crimes and Atrocities?
The Corner on National …, The Investigative Project …, The Huffington Post, Reuters and Bookworm Room
Ron Ben-Yishai / Ynetnews:
Probe reveals flotilla lynchers have ties to Global Jihad
Probe reveals flotilla lynchers have ties to Global Jihad
American Power, NewsReal Blog, Gateway Pundit, YID With LID, Weekly Standard, Alarming News, Hot Air and RedState

BP loses 15 percent of market value as U.S. launches criminal probe of spill — As BP hacked away at a pipe gushing oil at the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico, investors sawed off 15 percent, or $21.1 billion, of the company's market value Tuesday. — Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. …
New Orleans Times-Picayune, Law Blog, Wall Street Journal, Outside the Beltway and The Politico

GOP candidate Tom Campbell pulls TV ads for U.S. Senate race in California — The former congressman will rely on Internet appeals and phone calls as his chief rival, Carly Fiorina, shoots ahead in what once was a close contest to replace Democratic Sen. Barbara Boxer.

My Take: Ending 'don't ask, don't tell' would undermine religious liberty — Editor's Note: Tony Perkins is President of the Family Research Council and a Marine veteran. — By Tony Perkins, Special to CNN — Some people think allowing open homosexuality in the military means nothing …
The Bilerico Project, Outside the Beltway, The Reaction, Advocate, Media Matters for America, Pharyngula, Wonk Room and First Draft
Associated Press:
Right to remain silent? Better speak up — Supreme Court: Suspects must explicitly invoke Miranda rights — WASHINGTON - Want to invoke your right to remain silent? You'll have to speak up. — In a narrowly split decision, the Supreme Court's conservative majority expanded its limits …

Arab Media Reports on Flotilla Participants: Writing Wills, Preparing for Martyrdom, Determined to Reach Gaza or Die — Flotilla Participants — Following is information from the Arab media about some of the flotilla participants. It should be noted that many of these were from the Muslim Brotherhood across the Muslim world.
Gateway Pundit, The Jawa Report, Fausta's Blog, Palestinian Media Watch, YID With LID and Elder of Ziyon
John McCormack / Weekly Standard:
Palin Reacts to Flotilla Incident — THE WEEKLY STANDARD has obtained Sarah Palin's imminent Facebook post on the Israeli Flotilla incident. Here it is:

Two Americas — There are, indeed, two Americas: the increasingly straitened world of the private sector, where jobs are competitive, money is scarce, and job security is, for many, nonexistent; and the lush world of the government employee, where competition is more or less unknown …

Barak: In the Middle East, there is no mercy for the weak — Defense Minister, Chief of Staff, Navy commander visit soldiers who participated in raid on Gaza aid convoy. — Defense Minister Ehud Barak visited the Shayetet 13 base in Atlit on Wednesday and praised the commandos who participated …
Jihad Watch
Elliott Abrams / Weekly Standard:
Joining the Jackals — At the United Nations, a lynch mob for Israel is always just a moment away. The Islamic countries are a reliable source of venom, led by the Arab bloc; what we used to call the “non-aligned” are all aligned against Israel and happy to join the fun …
Megan McArdle / The Atlantic Online:
No Good Answers on Public Pensions — I've spent a fair amount of time over the last few weeks debating what we're going to do about Social Security when the time comes, that time being . . . um, almost now. There are roughly three main plans, all of them unsatisfying: — Eliminate the ceiling on payroll taxes.
Jeffrey Goldberg / The Atlantic Online:
Says One Israeli General: 'Everybody Thinks We're Bananas' — Sorry about the intermittent blogging, I'm actually in Israel on a reporting trip, not a blogging trip (I don't think The Atlantic would send me overseas to blog, though maybe that's the next big thing). And what am I reporting on, you ask?

Chronic Joblessness Bites Deep — Long-Term Unemployment Hits New High, Cuts Across Income Levels, Demographics — Richard Moran, sitting in his garage in Ortonville, Mich., Tuesday, has been unemployed for two-and-a-half years after losing his job with Chrysler.