Top Items:

Parker Griffith concedes, Mo Brooks is the GOP nominee for Congress — Five months after U.S. Rep. Parker Griffith switched parties, the voters of North Alabama switched congressmen. — On Tuesday, Republican challenger and long-time conservative Mo Brooks handily won the three-way GOP primary …
Politics Daily, MyDD, WHNT-TV, Associated Press, WAFF-TV, AmSpecBlog, Beltway Confidential, Hot Air, Firedoglake, The Other McCain, Taegan Goddard's … and AMERICAblog News
Kristi Keck / CNN:
Davis loss in Alabama a sign of black establishment's clout — His strategy was unconventional, but in the days before the election, it appeared to be working. Davis held a steady lead over Agriculture Commissioner Ron Sparks in the weeks leading up to the primary, but when the votes came in Tuesday night …

Elections held in Alabama, Mississippi and New Mexico — Alabama Agriculture Commissioner Ron Sparks trounced Rep. Artur Davis in the state's Democratic primary for governor Tuesday night, a shocking result for a national figure once regarded as a heavy favorite to be on the ballot in November.
Jeff Zeleny / New York Times:
Wide Margin in Democratic Primary for Alabama Governor
Wide Margin in Democratic Primary for Alabama Governor
Think Progress
Ed Kilgore / FiveThirtyEight:
Alabama Primary Results
Alabama Primary Results
Weekly Standard, Guardian, Associated Press, Outside the Beltway and The Atlantic Online
Jeff Zeleny / New York Times:
Alabama's Artur Davis Loses Bid for Governor
Alabama's Artur Davis Loses Bid for Governor
Anniston Star, Firedoglake, Politics Daily, AmSpecBlog, Hotline On Call, The Caucus and New York Times
David Harsanyi / Denver Post:
The rush to judge Israel — Unsure if Israel has acted in self-defense? Just check whether the United Nations has called for an “emergency session.” At the U.N., Jews wielding guns always precipitates an international crisis. — Now, I'm not one of those who reflexively accuses critics of Israel of anti-Semitism.
New York Times:
Editorial: Israel and the Gaza Blockade
Editorial: Israel and the Gaza Blockade
The Atlantic Online,,, The Nation, Guardian, Room for Debate and Soccer Dad

Elliott Abrams to Maariv: Obama's policies bad for Israel, prospects for peace slim
The Huffington Post
Amos Oz / New York Times:
Israeli Force, Adrift on the Sea
Israeli Force, Adrift on the Sea
Wall Street Journal, Pajamas Media, NewsReal Blog, Reuters, Reporters Without Borders and The New Republic
Doug Powers / Michelle Malkin:
‘Blame Bush’ Du Jour: Ending the Gore Marriage — When it comes to things that caused Al and Tipper Gore to lose sleep and ultimately their love for each other, it turns out that George W. Bush was higher on the list than chlorofluorocarbons and Twisted Sister — at least according to a “family friend.”
Brent Baker /
CBS Decides Al and Tipper's Separation is the Fault of....George W. Bush — Is there anything a journalist cannot or will not twist to bring the topic back to how life would be so much better if only not for that awful George W. Bush? On Tuesday's CBS Evening News, with the help …
NewsReal Blog, Liberty Pundits Blog, theblogprof, Scared Monkeys, Pajamas Media and Michelle Malkin
Brian Montopoli / CBS News:
Al Gore and Wife Tipper to Separate
Al Gore and Wife Tipper to Separate
Outside the Beltway, Cassy Fiano, New York Magazine, Hot Air, Maggie Haberman's Blog and Newsbroke
Jeffrey M. Jones / Gallup:
Republicans Move Ahead in Generic Ballot for Congress — GOP lead of 49% to 43% is largest in 2010 thus far — PRINCETON, NJ — Gallup tracking of 2010 congressional voting preferences shows Republicans moving back ahead of Democrats, 49% to 43%, by two points their largest lead of the campaign to date.
Sean Trende / Real Clear Politics:
Republicans Jump Out To Historic Lead In Gallup Generic Ballot — Gallup's generic polling shows the number of voters saying that they would vote for Republicans rising three points from last week, while the number saying they will vote for Democrats dropped four points.

Ex-Florida GOP chairman Jim Greer arrested — Jim Greer, former chairman of the Republican Party of Florida who has been under criminal investigation for his financial handling of the organization, was arrested this morning. — Florida Department of Law Enforcement agents brought Greer …
Orlando Sentinel:
Jim Greer arrested this morning — Jim Greer, former head of the Republican Party of Florida, was arrested this morning, according to law enforcement officials. There was no immediate word on charges. — The Florida Department of Law Enforcement has scheduled an 11:30 press conference.

Blago trial rattles insiders — The corruption trial of former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich is already shaping up to be a political circus, promising to lay bare the underbelly of Chicago politics. — But while the stakes are clear for Blagojevich - he could be the fourth Illinois governor …

Rep. Tom Cole on oil spill: ‘Acts of God are acts of God.’ — Rep. Tom Cole (R-OK), an ardent supporter of the oil industry and adherent of the “drill here, drill now” chant, appeared on KTOK radio yesterday to discuss BP's oil disaster in the Gulf. Like Gov. Rick Perry (R-TX) …
Washington Monthly

Obama's FTC plan to reinvent America's news media — What's widely-known is that Americans are not buying newspapers anymore in droves. — What hasn't been widely-known, until now, is that a year ago the new Democrat administration of Barack Obama launched a major internal study intended …

My Take: Ending 'don't ask, don't tell' would undermine religious liberty — Editor's Note: Tony Perkins is President of the Family Research Council and a Marine veteran. — By Tony Perkins, Special to CNN — Some people think allowing open homosexuality in the military means nothing …
Outside the Beltway, The Reaction, The Bilerico Project, Media Matters for America, Pharyngula, Wonk Room, Advocate and First Draft

Study Finds Blacks Blocked From Southern Juries — In late April in a courthouse in Madison County, Ala., a prosecutor was asked to explain why he had struck 11 of 14 black potential jurors in a capital murder case. — The district attorney, Robert Broussard, said one had seemed “arrogant” and “pretty vocal.”

Hero to Conservatives Often Follows Centrist Path — WASHINGTON — After a pair of votes the other day on some fine points of a major financial regulatory bill, Senator Scott Brown of Massachusetts ducked out of the Capitol and back to his office, where he traded his suit and tie for softball gear …
Ezra Klein

Chronic Joblessness Bites Deep — Long-Term Unemployment Hits New High, Cuts Across Income Levels, Demographics — Richard Moran, sitting in his garage in Ortonville, Mich., Tuesday, has been unemployed for two-and-a-half years after losing his job with Chrysler.
J. Taylor Rushing / The Hill:
Crist says he's ‘lonely’ out on campaign trail as an Independent — Florida Gov. Charlie Crist says it is “very lonely” running as an Independent. — Since he quit his party, Crist says he has discovered that people he thought were friends turned out to be only Republican friends who dropped Crist after he left the GOP.

Two Americas — There are, indeed, two Americas: the increasingly straitened world of the private sector, where jobs are competitive, money is scarce, and job security is, for many, nonexistent; and the lush world of the government employee, where competition is more or less unknown …