Top Items:
IDF: Hamas stops flotilla aid delivered by Israel — Jerusalem (CNN) — Israel has attempted to deliver humanitarian aid from an international flotilla to Gaza, but Hamas — which controls the territory — has refused to accept the cargo, the Israel Defense Forces said Wednesday.
Ben Smith / Ben Smith's Blog:
Biden solidifies defense of Israel: 'What's the big deal here?' — Vice President Joe Biden offered the White House's strongest defense yet of Israeli's actions off the coast of Gaza this week in an interview with Charlie Rose airing tonight on PBS. — “I think Israel has an absolute right to deal with its security interest.
Boston Herald:
Barney Frank calls for probe of Gaza raid — U.S. Rep. Barney Frank had harsh words yesterday for the Israeli Navy after a bloody raid on a pro-Palestinian flotilla outside of Gaza, describing nine activists killed in the conflict as “innocent” and calling for an independent inquiry into the showdown.
David Harsanyi / Denver Post:
The rush to judge Israel — Unsure if Israel has acted in self-defense? Just check whether the United Nations has called for an “emergency session.” At the U.N., Jews wielding guns always precipitates an international crisis. — Now, I'm not one of those who reflexively accuses critics of Israel of anti-Semitism.
Elliott Abrams / Weekly Standard:
Joining the Jackals — At the United Nations, a lynch mob …
Joining the Jackals — At the United Nations, a lynch mob …
Laura Rozen's Blog, Coteret, Taylor Marsh, Commentary, Guardian, The Huffington Post and Wonk Room
Sam Youngman / The Hill:
Obama talks to leaders in hopes of avoiding repeat of Israeli attack
Obama talks to leaders in hopes of avoiding repeat of Israeli attack
Ben Smith's Blog
New York Times:
Editorial: Israel and the Gaza Blockade
Editorial: Israel and the Gaza Blockade
Discussion:, The Atlantic Online,, The Nation, Soccer Dad, Guardian, Room for Debate, Feministe and Feministing
MJ Rosenberg / The Huffington Post:
Lying About the Gaza Flotilla Attack
Philip Elliott / Associated Press:
AP Sources: Admin talked jobs with Romanoff — WASHINGTON — Administration officials dangled the possibility of a job for former Colorado House Speaker Andrew Romanoff last year in hopes he would forgo a challenge to Democratic Sen. Michael Bennet, administration officials said Wednesday …
Weekly Standard,, The Fix, Denver Post, Newsbroke, Hot Air, Open Left, The Page, Pundit & Pundette and The Corner on National …
Laura Meckler / Washington Wire:
Sestak Won't Be Attending Obama Penn. Event
Sestak Won't Be Attending Obama Penn. Event
Beltway Confidential, Hot Air, US Liberal Politics, RedState and The Daily Caller

BP Oil Leak May Last Until Christmas in Worst Case Scenario — BP Plc's failure since April to plug a Gulf of Mexico oil leak has prompted forecasts the crude may continue gushing into December in what President Barack Obama has called the greatest environmental disaster in U.S. history.
Maureen Dowd / New York Times:
A Storyteller Loses the Story Line — It's not a good narrative arc: The man who walked on water is now ensnared by a crisis under water. — One little hole a mile down on the ocean floor, so deep it seems like hell spewing up its sulfurous smoke, has turned the thrilling saga of “The One” into the gurgling horror of “The Abyss.”
Achenblog, Questions and Observations, Swampland, neo-neocon, Beltway Confidential and Pundit & Pundette
Andrew Sullivan / The Daily Dish:
What Does MoDo Want? — In her column today, she doesn't offer …

NBC runs Palin statement day later — NBC's “Today” show on Wednesday read a statement from Sarah Palin intended for the previous day's broadcast after the former Alaska governor's complaint that the program ignored her rebuttal to a critical interview. — On Tuesday, the show broadcast …
Greg Sargent / The Plum Line:
Kirk campaign acknowledges another misrepresentation of military service — Mark Kirk's Senate campaign has now acknowledged a second misrepresentation of his service record, admitting to me that his Web site falsely claimed that he was “the only member of Congress to serve in Operation Iraqi Freedom.”

Ex-Florida GOP chairman Jim Greer arrested — Jim Greer, former chairman of the Republican Party of Florida who has been under criminal investigation for his financial handling of the organization, was arrested this morning. — Florida Department of Law Enforcement agents brought Greer …

Dying, dead marine wildlife paint dark, morbid picture of Gulf Coast following oil spill — Here's what President Obama didn't see when he visited the Gulf Coast: a dead dolphin rotting in the shore weeds. — “When we found this dolphin it was filled with oil. Oil was just pouring out of it.
Kristi Keck / CNN:
Davis loss in Alabama a sign of black establishment's clout — His strategy was unconventional, but in the days before the election, it appeared to be working. Davis held a steady lead over Agriculture Commissioner Ron Sparks in the weeks leading up to the primary, but when the votes came in Tuesday night …
Michael Barone / Associated Press:
Obama's ‘Chicago Way’ plunders the private sector — An interesting thing about Barack Obama is that he chose, on two occasions, to live in Chicago — even though he didn't grow up there, had no family ties there, never went to school there. — It was a curious choice.
Power Line

Something About Sally — Sally Quinn hit the nation's capital in 1969, becoming one of The Washington Post's most glamorous stars; sweeping Ben Bradlee, its legendary (and married) editor, off his feet; conquering Georgetown society—and making serious enemies along the way.
Sarah Palin / Facebook:
Competition's Good! Joe Miller for Alaska — Contested primaries are so good for America's political process! Competition makes everyone work harder, be more efficient, debate clearer, and produce more. So, Alaskans should be thrilled that Joe Miller jumped in the GOP race and is ready …

Brewer tells conflicting stories about dad's war effort — Gov. Jan Brewer said in a recent interview that her father died fighting Nazis in Germany. In fact, the death of Wilford Drinkwine came 10 years after World War II had ended. — During the war, Drinkwine worked as a civilian supervisor …

Study Finds Blacks Blocked From Southern Juries — In late April in a courthouse in Madison County, Ala., a prosecutor was asked to explain why he had struck 11 of 14 black potential jurors in a capital murder case. — The district attorney, Robert Broussard, said one had seemed “arrogant” and “pretty vocal.”
Washington Post, Matthew Yglesias, Pam's House Blend, Gawker, Law Blog, Emptywheel and The Reality-Based Community

Palin: Oil Spill Proves We Were Right About 'Drill, Baby, Drill — The very politician who inspired country songs about drilling for oil is now boasting that her “drill here, drill now” plan for U.S. energy policy would have mitigated or forestalled the oil disaster in the Gulf...if only you redefine what she meant when she said that.

Rep. Tom Cole on oil spill: ‘Acts of God are acts of God.’ — Rep. Tom Cole (R-OK), an ardent supporter of the oil industry and adherent of the “drill here, drill now” chant, appeared on KTOK radio yesterday to discuss BP's oil disaster in the Gulf. Like Gov. Rick Perry (R-TX) …
Washington Monthly

As Oil Arrives On MS Beaches, Will Barbour Continue To Praise BP And Mock News Coverage Of The Spill? — The Biloxi Sun Herald reports that oil began covering two miles of Mississippi's Petit Bois Island yesterday as a “larger glob crept close to Dauphin Island in Alabama …