Top Items:
Bridget Johnson / The Hill:
Obama hits golf course with Biden on another hot, humid weekend — President Barack Obama hit the golf course Saturday with Vice President Joe Biden. — The White House pool report noted that Obama left at about 1 p.m. for the course at Andrews Air Force base, and his golfing parters …

White House Chief: Yacht Trip Another Gaffe by BP — White House chief of staff says BP executive Hayward commits another gaffe by going yachting — President Barack Obama's chief of staff says BP chief executive Tony Hayward has committed yet another in a “long line of PR gaffes” …
Liz Robbins / New York Times:
BP Tries to Clarify Who Is in Charge — BP officials scrambled on Saturday to say that Tony Hayward, their embattled chief executive, was still in charge of all BP operations in spite of comments from the company's chairman the day before indicating that Mr. Hayward was relinquishing his duties in the Gulf of Mexico.
Josh Gerstein / Josh Gerstein's Blog:
Former watchdog Walpin loses suit over firing — A federal agency inspector general fired last year by President Barack Obama amid claims of bizarre and incompetent behavior, Gerald Walpin, has lost the first round in his legal bid to win back his job. — On Thursday, U.S. District Court …
Byron York / Beltway Confidential:
Walpin defeat means president can fire IGs at will — A federal judge in Washington has dismissed the wrongful-termination lawsuit filed by Gerald Walpin, the AmeriCorps inspector general who was fired last year by President Obama. And not just dismissed; if the decision …
Mortimer B. Zuckerman / US News:
Mort Zuckerman: World Sees Obama as Incompetent and Amateur — The president is well-intentioned but can't walk the walk on the world stage — President Obama came into office as the heir to a great foreign policy legacy enjoyed by every recent U.S. president. Why?
Ben / bsom:
Washington Post Alternate Reality: Public More Concerned About Deficit Than Jobs or Economy Overall — A stunning front-page article in Saturday's Washington Post moves the paper firmly into conservatives' dream universe on deficit policy. “Stimulus plans run up against deficit fears” by Lori Montgomery serves up this whopper:
Lori Montgomery / Washington Post:
Election-year deficit fears stall Obama stimulus plan
Election-year deficit fears stall Obama stimulus plan
Washington Monthly

Immigrant Arrested After His Wife's Plea to Obama — The letter appealing to President Obama was written in frustration in January, by a woman who saw her family reflected in his. She was a white United States citizen married to an African man, and the couple — college-educated professionals …

Student pleased he's allowed to stay in U.S. — Harvard student from Texas won't be deported - for now — Immigration officials are currently not pursuing deportation proceedings against San Antonio's Eric Balderas, an unauthorized immigrant from Mexico who's been thrust into the national spotlight …
Carol Morello / Washington Post:
An unexpected result for some census takers: the wrath of irate Americans — This is the scary season for the nation's census takers. — Since they began making follow-up house calls in early May, census takers have encountered vitriol, menace and flashes of violence.
Ken Timmerman /
Left-Wing Lobbyists Orchestrate Gaza Campaign — An American communications firm best known for shaping the liberal into a national movement has tackled a new project: orchestrating an international anti-Israel campaign aimed at breaking the blockade of the Gaza strip.

Obama Porkway: Road Built With Stimulus Money Will Bear President's Name — **Written by guest-blogger Doug Powers — I'm only guessing that, when it's completed, Pres. Barack Obama Parkway in Orlando, Florida will lead straight to the Magic Kingdom:
Colbert I. King / Washington Post:
On Father's Day, hypocrites are all in the family — Family, marriage and the contribution of fathers come together as topics for reflection on Father's Day. So I'd like to know why Barack Obama, a husband and a father in a family structure that encompasses bonds deemed essential to our society …
Real Time Economics:
China Issues Statement on Yuan Exchange Rate Flexibility — The following is the full statement by the People's Bank of China on yuan flexibility. (Read related article) — Further Reform the RMB Exchange Rate Regime and Enhance the RMB Exchange Rate Flexibility
The Atlantic Online, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, Free exchange and THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS
Keith Bradsher / New York Times:
China Signals a Gradual Appreciation of Currency
Myglesias / Matthew Yglesias:
Avoiding the Resource Curse — Chana Joffe-Walt has a worthwhile podcast about one solution for countries facing the resource curse: “Take all money that comes in from foreign companies — for lithium in Afghanistan, oil in Nigeria, natural gas in Bolivia — and give it to the citizens.
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