Top Items:
Mitt Romney / Washington Post:
Obama's worst foreign-policy mistake — Given President Obama's glaring domestic policy missteps, it is understandable that the public has largely been blinded to his foreign policy failings. In fact, these may have been even more damaging to America's future.

Did Huffington Post crop AP photo to give Netanyahu devil horns? — Photo of Netanyahu as it appeared on Huffington Post. — The picture of Benjamin Netanyahu shown to the left appears on the front page of today's Huffington Post, illustrating a story about Israel easing its blockade of Gaza.
Mike Allen / The Politico:
Biden, on President's Iraq policy: ‘We told you what we were going to do, and we did it’ - VP re Dems in Nov.: ‘I do not see this grand debacle’ — Mrs. Reagan b'day — Introducing Peter Bradley — DRIVING THE DAY — AFP: “Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu arrived early Tuesday in the US capital …
David Brooks / New York Times:
A Little Economic Realism — Let's say you're the leader of the free world. The economy is stuck in the doldrums. Naturally, you want to do something. — Many economists say we need another stimulus bill. They debate about whether the stimulus should take the form of tax cuts or spending increases …
The Atlantic Online, The New Republic, Washington Monthly, Balloon Juice, Swampland, The Moderate Voice and Vox Popoli
Paul Krugman:
Arguments From Authority — A quick note on David Brooks's column today. I have no idea what he's talking about when he says, … Funny, I thought we had a perfectly good explanation: severe downturn in demand from the financial crisis, and a stimulus which we warned from the beginning wasn't nearly big enough.
Jerry Markon / Washington Post:
Justice Dept. expected to sue Ariz. on immigration, citing ‘preemption’ grounds — The Justice Department has decided to file suit against Arizona on the grounds that the state's new immigration law illegally intrudes on federal prerogatives, law enforcement sources said Monday.
The Hill, Alan Colmes' Liberaland, Michelle Malkin, Crooks and Liars, Hot Air, Right Wing News, neo-neocon, Liberty Pundits Blog, The Plum Line, Gawker, Stop The ACLU, Cassy Fiano, Hotline On Call, Wonk Room, The Page, The Corner on National …, ImmigrationProf Blog, The BLT, AmSpecBlog, New York Magazine, Swampland, Outside the Beltway and Rasmussen Reports

DoJ sues over Ariz. immigration law — The federal government filed a lawsuit Tuesday aimed at blocking a controversial Arizona law that gives local police and sheriffs the authority to question and arrest anyone suspected of being in the country illegally.

Ex-Official Accuses Justice Department of Racial Bias in Black Panther Case
Paul Krugman:
Confidence Fairies Have Infiltrated The White House — I was on Good Morning America this not-so-good morning, doing what I could. But I was struck by something that George Stephanopoulos said: he claimed to have been speaking to an administration official who asserted that what we need …
TalkLeft, The Moderate Voice, Shakesville, Grasping Reality …, AMERICAblog News and Eschaton

Bad news for Obama: Conservative Justice Kennedy tells pals he's in no rush to leave Supreme Court — WASHINGTON - President Obama may get liberal Elena Kagan on the Supreme Court, but conservative swing-voter Anthony Kennedy says he's not going anywhere anytime soon.
David G. Savage / Los Angeles Times:
Obama and Supreme Court may be on collision course
Obama and Supreme Court may be on collision course
Questions and Observations, SCOTUSblog, Patterico's Pontifications, Washington Post and New York Times

NASA Official Softens Claim Muslim Outreach Is ‘Foremost’ Mission — NASA Administrator Charles Bolden testifies before the House Science and Technology committee on Capitol Hill in Washington May 26. (Reuters Photo) — A NASA official on Tuesday stood by Administrator Charles Bolden's statement …
The Corner on National …, Weasel Zippers, Pajamas Media, NASA Watch and Washington Examiner

Krauthammer Bashes Obama's Infantile NASA Muslim Outreach Program
Weekly Standard, NASA Watch, The Foundry, This Just In, Moonbattery, Fausta's Blog, and Wizbang
Tom Jensen / Public Policy Polling:
Kentucky Senate race knotted — Kentucky voters don't think much of Rand Paul and as a result the race to replace Jim Bunning in the Senate is tied. Paul and Jack Conway are getting 43% each. — The more Kentucky voters get to know Rand Paul, the less they like him.
Washington Post:
Democratic campaign committees losing big Wall Street donors — A revolt among big donors on Wall Street is hurting fundraising for the Democrats' two congressional campaign committees, with contributions from the world's financial capital down 65 percent from two years ago.
New York Times:
Are Profits Hurting Capitalism? — A STREAM of disheartening economic news last week, including flagging consumer confidence and meager private-sector job growth, is leading experts to worry that the recession is coming back. At the same time, many policymakers, particularly in Europe …
Yves Smith / naked capitalism:
Our New York Times Op Ed on the Corporate Savings Glut
Our New York Times Op Ed on the Corporate Savings Glut
Michael O'Brien / The Hill:
McCain favors immigration reform that would deport ‘many’ illegals — Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) said on Tuesday he would favor immigration reform that would deport most of the residents of the U.S. who are here illegally. — McCain, who at one point had been the top Republican advocate …

Priest Stole $1.3 Million to Spend on Male Escorts, Designer Clothes, Other Stereotypically Gay Things — Kevin Gray, a priest at Sacred Heart Church in Waterbury, Connecticut, is expected to turn himself in after being charged with siphoning $1.3 million from church coffers to pay for his secret gay lifestyle.
The Other McCain
Jonathan Shugarts / Waterbury Republican American:
Gray accused of stealing from church to pay for male escorts
Gray accused of stealing from church to pay for male escorts
New York Magazine

A Hypothetical — David Carr makes an excellent point about the departure of my friend Dave Weigel from The Washington Post: … And if I may say so, the Post handled the “Mouthpiece Theater” fiasco more-or-less correctly. The concept was bad and the execution terrible, so they called it off.

Rare 1970s BP board game promises oil ‘thrills’ comes back to haunt them — A rare 1970s BP game - yes, that's the company badge on the box - promises all the ‘thrills of drilling’ offshore, with the first player to earn $120million being crowned the winner. — BP - Beyond Parody: The game's cover has an ‘overall sense of doom’.
Rep. Barney Frank / The Huffington Post:
Why We Must Reduce Military Spending — As members of opposing political parties, we disagree on a number of important issues. But we must not allow honest disagreement over some issues interfere with our ability to work together when we do agree. — By far the single most important …
Kimberly Kindy / Washington Post:
Recovery effort falls vastly short of BP's promises — In the 77 days since oil from the ruptured Deepwater Horizon began to gush into the Gulf of Mexico, BP has skimmed or burned about 60 percent of the amount it promised regulators it could remove in a single day.
Joshua Green / The Atlantic Online:
Do Marijuana Ballot Initiatives Help Democrats Win? — Not long ago, Karl Rove was considered a political genius. His mastery of the small, clever maneuver—typically unappreciated until it swung an election—was a big reason why. To his enemies, nothing exemplified Rovean perfidy …