Top Items:
Glenn Thrush / Ben Smith's Blog:
Obama: Time for Rangel to end career “with dignity” — President Barack Obama has kept mum on the fate of Rep. Charles Rangel (D-NY) for days — but he tells CBS News that it's time for the embattled 80-year-old former Ways and Means Chairman to end his career “with dignity.”
Hot Air, Power Line, New York Post, Weasel Zippers, Denver Post, Michelle Malkin and Pajamas Media
Molly K. Hooper / The Hill:
Democrat apologizes for talking about Rangel reprimand — Rep. Gene Green is apologizing to the chairwoman of the House ethics panel for revealing how the committee wants to punish Rep. Charles Rangel (D-N.Y.). — Green, the chairman of the ethics investigative panel looking into charges against Rangel …

Why Charles Rangel is surviving — Despite predictions he would be swiftly abandoned by his colleagues, House Democrats are shrugging off Rep. Charles Rangel's ethical scandal as they head for the exits for a six-week summer break. — At least for now. — Most Democrats are suggesting …
Jack & Jill Politics
The Politico:
Obama pushes for Rangel exit — President Barack Obama is sending a strong signal to ethics-embattled Harlem Rep. Charles Rangel, telling CBS news that the time has come for tjhe 80-year-old dean of New York's congressional delegation to end his career “with dignity.”
Jordan Fabian / The Hill:
Ethics subcommittee recommends reprimand for Rangel
Ethics subcommittee recommends reprimand for Rangel
CNN, The Politico, The Note, TPMMuckraker, MyDD, Right Wing News and Sunlight Foundation

Anthony Weiner's Spitting Mad Rant Against Republicans On The House Floor (VIDEO) — The House was debating a bill last night that would provide up to $7.4 billion in health care aid to rescue and recovery workers who have faced health problems since their work in the wake of the September 11 attacks.
Talking Points Memo, The Reaction, Guardian, Wonkette, MyDD, The Hill, Shakesville, The Note, CNN, Washington Monthly and Balloon Juice

Peter King And Anthony Weiner Shout Their Way Through A Fox News Interview (VIDEO) — Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-NY) went on an apoplectic rant on the House floor last night, and apparently he hasn't cooled off much since then. — Earlier this morning, Weiner and Rep. Peter King (R-NY) …

Anthony Weiner Goes Ballistic At GOP For Killing 9/11 Responders Health Care Bill (VIDEO) — WHAT'S YOUR REACTION? — House Republicans late Thursday were able to corral enough votes to defeat a bill that would have provided up to $7.4 billion in aid to those sickened by toxins resulting from the 9/11 attacks.
Salon, Mediaite, Suburban Guerrilla, Taylor Marsh, and*
Joe Schoffstall / The Blast:
Anthony Weiner Flips Out On House Floor
Anthony Weiner Flips Out On House Floor
Hot Air, No Sheeples Here, theblogprof, Commentary, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion and Michelle Malkin
Greg Sargent / The Plum Line:
ADL: Some opponents of Ground Zero mosque are bigots, but we should let them win anyway — As you have probably heard, the Anti-Defamation League came out against the Ground Zero mosque today. I wanted to highlight this extraordinary bit from their statement: … That's just amazing.
Amy Spitalnick / J Street's Blog:
Statement on Cordoba House Controversy — The principle at stake in the Cordoba House controversy goes to the heart of American democracy and the value we place on freedom of religion. Should one religious group in this country be treated differently than another? We believe the answer is no.
Adam Serwer / American Prospect:
ADL Condemns, Enables, Anti-Muslim Bigotry. — The Anti-Defamation League comes out against the proposed Islamic Center near Ground Zero: … Remarkable. An organization whose stated role is to “counteract hatred, prejudice and bigotry” nonetheless opposes people building where they please simply …

Breitbart: I'd Like to Speak to Sherrod in Private — Conservative blogger says episode was ‘difficult for me as well.’ — Andrew Breitbart, the conservative blogger who posted the original video of Shirley Sherrod talking about race. — In the aftermath of the saga that thrust Shirley Sherrod …
Rich Noyes /
Mea Culpa 360: CNN Anchor Says He Was Wrong to Let Shirley Sherrod Smear Andrew Breitbart Unchallenged — On Thursday's Anderson Cooper 360, anchor Anderson Cooper faulted himself for not pressing Shirley Sherrod when she appeared on the show back on July 22 and claimed that conservative Andrew Breitbart …

North Korean football team shamed in six-hour public inquiry over World Cup — North Korea's football team has been shamed in a six-hour public inquisition and the team's coach has been accused of “betraying” the reclusive leader's heir apparent following their failure at the World Cup, according to reports.
Weasel Zippers, FP Passport,,, Hit & Run and Gateway Pundit

G.M.'s Electric Lemon — GENERAL MOTORS introduced America to the Chevrolet Volt at the 2007 Detroit Auto Show as a low-slung concept car that would someday be the future of motorized transportation. It would go 40 miles on battery power alone, promised G.M., after which it would create its own electricity with a gas engine.
Big Tent Democrat / TalkLeft:
A Nonserious Question — Chris Bowers asks “Does anyone here think that working to stop GOP from destroying the filibuster in 2005 was still a good idea?” — The first problem with this question is that the GOP did not try to destroy the filibuster - they tried to destroy the judicial filibuster …
Open Left
Kevin Drum / Mother Jones:
Majority Rule is Good for Liberals
Majority Rule is Good for Liberals
A plain blog about politics

Senate Votes to Double Fines, Jail Time for Pot Brownies — Dianne Feinstein's Reefer Madness (graphic by twolf1) — Last night, the United States Senate voted to double the penalties for the nation's newest existential threat: brownies made with marijuana!
Michael O'Brien / The Hill:
Gingrich expects Palin to run in 2012 — Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) said Friday that he expects former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin (R) to be among the crowd of GOP presidential candidates in 2012. — Gingrich, himself a potential candidate for president, sized up the field …
Hot Air, CNN, Wonkette, Think Progress, Political Byline, The Note, Power Line and American Power
Alexander Bolton / The Hill:
Black lawmakers irate over Emanuel's $1.5 billion promise to Sen. Lincoln — African-American lawmakers are irate that the Obama administration has promised Sen. Blanche Lincoln (D-Ark.) $1.5 billion in farm aid while claiming it can't pay a landmark legal settlement with black farmers.
Ed Morrissey / Hot Air:
Did the government cause the Gulf spill? — The generally accepted view of the Deepwater Horizon disaster has focused on the blowout preventer and the non-standard procedures BP conducted just before the explosion and fire. However, most of the damage and the main source of the spill came …
Ben Nelson, U.S. Senator for Nebraska:
NELSON STATEMENT ON SUPREME COURT NOMINEE ELENA KAGAN — July 30, 2010 - Today, Nebraska's Senator Ben Nelson issued this statement on the president's nomination of Elena Kagan for the U.S. Supreme Court to fill the seat of retired Justice John Paul Stevens:

GOP seizes on immigration memo — Republicans are seizing on an internal memo they say is further evidence the Obama administration wants to bypass a gridlocked Congress and use its executive powers to grant “back-door amnesty” to thousands of illegal immigrants.
Paul Krugman / New York Times:
Curbing Your Enthusiasm — Why does the Obama administration keep looking for love in all the wrong places? Why does it go out of its way to alienate its friends, while wooing people who will never waver in their hatred? — These questions were inspired by the ongoing suspense …
Firedoglake, The Daily Dish, Left in the West, The New Republic, Prairie Weather, Lawyers, Guns & Money, Rortybomb, Daily Kos and Corrente

Gates Gets Grumpy in Speech to Scouts — Defense Secretary Robert Gates, a former Eagle Scout, addressed the Boy Scout jamboree being held at Virginia's Fort A.P. Hill.—and struck a decidedly cranky tone. — In his Wednesday speech, Gates said that young Americans are “increasingly physically unfit …
Sean Holstege / Arizona Republic:
Hate mail, threats flood Arizona judge's office — U.S. District Judge Susan Bolton received hundreds of threats at her court offices within hours of her ruling on Arizona's tough and controversial immigration law. — “She has been inundated,” said U.S. Marshal David Gonzales, indicating his agents are taking some seriously.
Atrios / Eschaton:
Everything Liberal Activists Do Is Wrong And Destructive — That's the message I've been hearing from the Very Serious People ever since I started paying attention. I don't know the best way to get more liberal policies and more liberal people in office, but I also don't think the fortunes …
Robert Winnett / Telegraph:
Wikileaks Afghanistan: Taliban ‘hunting down informants’ — The Taliban has issued a warning to Afghans whose names might appear on the leaked Afghanistan war logs as informers for the Nato-led coalition. — In an interview with Channel 4 News, Zabihullah Mujahid, a Taliban spokesman …
Weasel Zippers, Gateway Pundit, Mudville Gazette, DaTechguy's Blog, NewsReal Blog, CNN, The Page and Wall Street Journal

Al Gore won't face prosecution in sexual assault allegation — Former Vice President Al Gore will not face prosecution on an allegation of sexual assault from 2006. — (CNN) - Former Vice President Al Gore will not face prosecution on an allegation of sexual assault from 2006.
Michael Barone / Washington Examiner:
WaPo buries Dem fundraiser's fraud, highlights GOP fundraising scandal — Our friends at the Washington Post gave front-page treatment this morning to SEC charges that Texas billionaires Sam Wyly and Charles Wyly gained $550 million in fraudulent stock trades.