Top Items:
Tom Jensen / Public Policy Polling:
Too Close to Call in Delaware — It looks like there's a real possibility of a major upset in the Delaware Senate primary on Tuesday night, with insurgent conservative Christine O'Donnell leading longtime Congressman and Governor Mike Castle 47-44. That 3 point lead is well within the poll's margin of error.
Michelle Malkin, Washington Examiner, US Liberal Politics, RedState, Washington Post, Hot Air, Politics Daily, TBogg, Raw Story, Weigel, Daily Kos, American Spectator, Riehl World View, The New Republic, All Content, Swampland, Taylor Marsh, Weekly Standard, Washington Monthly, Outside the Beltway, Matthew Yglesias, AmSpecBlog, Salon, Ballot Box,, The Moderate Voice, DownWithTyranny!, National Review, Bob Cesca's Awesome Blog!, GOP 12, Wake up America, Liberty Pundits Blog, Taegan Goddard's … and Patterico's Pontifications
The Huffington Post:
Tom Ross, Delaware GOP Chair, Threatened With ‘Bullet In The Head’ — WHAT'S YOUR REACTION? — The chairman of the Delaware Republican Party received a death threat last week over his support for Rep. Mike Castle (R-Del) over Tea Party challenger Christine O'Donnell in the state's upcoming Senate primary …
The Atlantic Online, Weigel, TPMDC, Ballot Box and FrumForum

Paul Mirengoff over at Powerline
Power Line, American Power, Riehl World View and Doug Ross
Josh Marshall / Talking Points Memo:
Trainwreck A'Comin' — Delaware is not normally where you go for exciting politics.
Trainwreck A'Comin' — Delaware is not normally where you go for exciting politics.
Paul / Power Line:
Are their activists smarter than our activists? A reply to Mark Levin
Are their activists smarter than our activists? A reply to Mark Levin
Right Wing Nut House, RedState, The Other McCain, Hullabaloo, TalkLeft, Riehl World View and Patterico's Pontifications
Tom Jensen / Public Policy Polling:
Ayotte holding on — Kelly Ayotte's had a quite a dramatic fall …
Ayotte holding on — Kelly Ayotte's had a quite a dramatic fall …
ABCNEWS and Ballot Box
Adam Serwer / American Prospect:
Forbes Embraces Birtherism Lite. — Sometimes it's best to think of racism as intellectual laziness. That is, it reflects a failure to evaluate people for who they actually are, because its easier to slip them into a familiar, predetermined category that doesn't upset other related conclusions a person might have come to as a result.
The Daily Dish, The Rachel Maddow Show and Balloon Juice
David Frum / FrumForum:
Gingrich: Obama Wants Whitey's Money — Newt Gingrich upped the rhetoric against the president on Friday night. Interviewed by National Review's Robert Costa, Gingrich cited Dinesh D'Souza's cover story in Forbes. … With the Forbes story and now the Gingrich endorsement …
Washington Monthly, Ben Smith's Blog, The Atlantic Online, Democracy in America, PostPartisan, Weigel and Wonkette

Andy Card: Newt Gingrich is not ‘helpful’
CNN, FrumForum and Washington Monthly
Political Punch:
White House Assails Gingrich for Saying President is ‘Kenyan, Anti-Colonial’ Thinker
White House Assails Gingrich for Saying President is ‘Kenyan, Anti-Colonial’ Thinker
Think Progress, Politics Daily, TPMDC, The New Republic, Pajamas Media, The Huffington Post, Raw Story, National Review, Political Insider and FrumForum
Michael D. Shear / The Caucus:
Gingrich: President Exhibits ‘Kenyan, Anticolonial Behavior’
Gingrich: President Exhibits ‘Kenyan, Anticolonial Behavior’
Politics Daily, Outside the Beltway, Guardian, TPMCafe, George's Bottom Line and The Rachel Maddow Show

Pelosi has pocketed nearly twice as much lobbyist cash as Boehner — If you read this weekend's New York Times' hit job on would-be Speaker John Boehner and his “lobbyist friends,” you might think, as the reporter clearly thinks, that John Boehner is cozier with lobbyists than most powerful politicians are.

Democrats challenge Nancy Pelosi on taxes — Red-district Democrats are pressuring Speaker Nancy Pelosi to extend Bush-era income tax rates for all brackets, revealing a high-stakes rift between the party's vulnerable moderates and its safe liberals as the issue increasingly dominates the national debate.
Weekly Standard, Talking Points Memo, Wall Street Journal, Hot Air, The Note, Daily Kos, Bloomberg, TPMDC, JustOneMinute, YID With LID, Liberty Pundits Blog, National Review, Washington Monthly, Booman Tribune, The New Republic,*, Economist's View, No More Mister Nice Blog and AmSpecBlog

Welcome back, Congress — Congress is back in session today, and it's got a lot on its agenda. A food safety bill, for instance. The Bush tax cuts. An infrastructure bank. Ratification of the START treaty. But as Brookings' Thomas Mann says in this preview, they're not likely to actually do any of it.
TalkLeft and Brookings Institute
Martin Peretz / The New Republic:
An Apology — Nicholas Kristof and I do not see the world—and America's role in it—in the same way. I have sometimes expressed my disagreements with his opinions vociferously (vociferousness is my business). But in yesterday's The New York Times, he quotes two sentences that I recently wrote …
Nicholas Kristof / Nicholas D. Kristof:
Readers on the Anti-Muslim Frenzy
Readers on the Anti-Muslim Frenzy
Mediaite, Ben Smith's Blog, TPM LiveWire and TPMCafe

Tea party outreach courts Jews — Tea partiers have downplayed the lack of diversity in their ranks, but on Monday one of the movement's leading organizers announced a new initiative to reach out to racial, ethnic and religious minorities - and their first target this High Holiday season are Jews.

Tea Partiers Bring Cause to Washington
CNN, The Rachel Maddow Show, The Impolitic, Daily Kos, The Other McCain and Prairie Weather
Byron York / Washington Examiner:
The public hates almost everything Congress has done — Gallup has released a new poll asking respondents to assess the major accomplishments of Congress in the last two years: the national health care bill, the stimulus, the bailout of auto companies, the bailout of major banks and financial institutions …
Say Anything

In Ad Wars, Democrats Shy From Ties to Own Party
CNN, Liberty Pundits Blog, Wake up America, The Politico, Right Wing News and The Page
Lydia Saad / Gallup:
Among Recent Bills, Financial Reform a Lone Plus for Congress
Among Recent Bills, Financial Reform a Lone Plus for Congress
Politics Daily, Hot Air and National Review

America Is a Joke — The worst of times for politics and media has been the best of times for The Daily Show's host—and unfortunately things are getting even funnier. — I — t's hard to top a kick in the nuts. — Especially when the kicker is Linda McMahon, the Connecticut Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate.
Discussion: and Mediaite, more at Mediagazer »

The NS Interview: Noam Chomsky — “President Obama is involved in war crimes right now” — Do you consider yourself to be primarily a scientist or a political activist? — If the world would go away, I would be happy to keep to the science, which is much more interesting and challenging.
Colby Hall / Mediaite:
Noam Chomsky: ‘President Obama Is Involved In War Crimes Right Now’
Noam Chomsky: ‘President Obama Is Involved In War Crimes Right Now’
Alan Colmes' Liberaland and Weasel Zippers

The Exit Interviews: Sen. Bob Bennett — Q: What things do you think are most misunderstood by the public about being a senator or how Congress works? — A: They have no understanding of what we do. They expect that we spend most of our time on the Senate floor debating.
The Impolitic, Liberty Pundits Blog, The Hill and Taegan Goddard's …
Mark Halperin / The Page:
Halperin's Take: Brown Escalates War of Words With Bill Clinton — HALPERIN'S TAKE: The Whitman ad is probably the best TV spot by any campaign all cycle. Clinton and Brown have always had a rough relationship, which probably hit rock bottom... ... in 1992, when, in the same debate …
Hot Air and Politics Daily

INTOLERANCE — When a dozen cartoons satirizing the Prophet Mohammed appeared in the conservative Danish daily Jyllands-Posten, in September, 2005, there was only a muted outcry from the small Danish Muslim community, and little reaction in the rest of the Muslim world.
News Desk, The Jawa Report and Talking Points Memo

Meghan McCain's Dirty, Sexy Politics — On June 20, 2002, the United States Supreme Court decreed, in the case of Atkins v. Virginia, that the mildly mentally retarded were categorically exempt from capital punishment, reasoning that fully functional adults of diminished mental capacity …
Outside the Beltway and AmSpecBlog
Paul Krugman / New York Times:
China, Japan, America — Last week Japan's minister of finance declared that he and his colleagues wanted a discussion with China about the latter's purchases of Japanese bonds, to “examine its intention” — diplomat-speak for “Stop it right now.” The news made me want to bang my head against the wall in frustration.