Top Items:
Tom Jensen / Public Policy Polling:
Too Close to Call in Delaware — It looks like there's a real possibility of a major upset in the Delaware Senate primary on Tuesday night, with insurgent conservative Christine O'Donnell leading longtime Congressman and Governor Mike Castle 47-44. That 3 point lead is well within the poll's margin of error.
Matthew Yglesias, Washington Monthly, Washington Post, Weekly Standard, Washington Examiner, Ballot Box, Power Line, Hot Air, AmSpecBlog, American Spectator, Outside the Beltway, Riehl World View,, Salon, Patterico's Pontifications, The Moderate Voice, Politics Daily, Bob Cesca's Awesome Blog!, GOP 12, National Review, Liberty Pundits Blog, Taegan Goddard's … and Big Tent Revue
Josh Marshall / Talking Points Memo:
Trainwreck A'Comin' — Delaware is not normally where you go for exciting politics. It's a small state, totally dominated for most of the last three or four decades by three or four guys who keep getting reelected, except when they trade one of the state's four major offices and get elected again.
paracom.paramountcommunication …, Politics Daily, Outside the Beltway and TPMDC

Tea Partiers Bring Cause to Washington
The Rachel Maddow Show and Prairie Weather
Shane D'Aprile / Ballot Box:
Delaware Senate contest will hinge on turnout
Delaware Senate contest will hinge on turnout
Public Policy Polling and The Politico

Obama's Top Econ Chief: No Relief Coming In The Jobs Market — As the election draws near, comments made on the Sunday-morning talk shows are going to get more and more play. — So far we've seen two notable comments. — Austan Goolsbee — Obama's new top econ chief — says on Fox News Sunday …
Scared Monkeys and Don Surber
Douglass K. Daniel / Associated Press:
Boehner says he'd support a middle-class tax cut
Boehner says he'd support a middle-class tax cut
The Huffington Post and Firedoglake

Gangster Government Stifles Criticism of Obamacare — “There will be zero tolerance for this type of misinformation and unjustified rate increases.” — That sounds like a stern headmistress dressing down some sophomores who have been misbehaving. But it's actually from a letter sent Thursday …
Power Line, Questions and Observations, Betsy's Page and Liberty Pundits Blog
Christina Wilkie / The Hill:
Big party week for the Obamas — President Obama and first lady Michelle Obama have a packed social schedule this week, with two major galas and a reception for college athletes. — On Monday evening, the president will welcome collegiate star athletes to the White House for a reception …
Right Wing News, Scared Monkeys, Weasel Zippers, The Confluence and Pajamas Media

As Obama's popularity drops, so do sales of his merchandise — Not that long ago, President Obama was more than a president wading through two wars and a bad economy. He was Superman, clutching a basketball in mid-air and about to slam-dunk, on a sparkly T-shirt available in Union Station for $14.99.
HotAirPundit, sara in italy, Weasel Zippers and Don Surber
Paul Krugman / New York Times:
China, Japan, America — Last week Japan's minister of finance declared that he and his colleagues wanted a discussion with China about the latter's purchases of Japanese bonds, to “examine its intention” — diplomat-speak for “Stop it right now.” The news made me want to bang my head against the wall in frustration.
Daily Kos, Prairie Weather and Washington Wire

High life of the poverty quango bosses: Officials ‘living it up in luxury hotels at taxpayers’ expense' — Officials at an anti-poverty quango are ‘ living it up’ in luxury hotels at taxpayers' expense, devastating documents reveal. — Executives at the Commonwealth Development Corporation …

In Ad Wars, Democrats Shy From Ties to Own Party — WASHINGTON — Representative Mark Schauer of Michigan does not dwell on the legislation he has voted for during his first term in Congress, which includes the Democratic stimulus plan and health insurance overhaul.
The Page

Americans Spending More Time Following the News — Ideological News Sources: Who Watches and Why — OVERVIEW — There are many more ways to get the news these days, and as a consequence Americans are spending more time with the news than over much of the past decade.
Mediaite, Betsy's Page, Politics Daily, Mother Jones and Romenesko, more at Mediagazer »

SECOND HELPINGS — When President Obama unveiled an array of new tax-cut and spending proposals last week, one word was noticeably missing from his speeches: “stimulus.” Republicans, meanwhile, energetically set about decrying the plan as “more of the same failed ‘stimulus’ ” and as simply a …
Gerard Alexander / Washington Post:
Conservatism does not equal racism. So why do many liberals assume it does? — From an immigration law in Arizona to a planned mosque near Ground Zero to Glenn Beck emoting at the Lincoln Memorial on the anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.'s “I Have a Dream” speech …
Power Line, TigerHawk, Liberal Values, Firedoglake and The Reaction
Joe Weisenthal / The Business Insider:
Left-Wing Terrorism Surges In Europe, As Governments Dismantle Social Safety Net — With European governments paring back the social safety net, and businesses blamed for creating a crisis, left-wing terrorism in Europe is on the march, according to a new report from EuroPol (the European Police Office).
Doug Ross

Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck appear together in Anchorage — Former Gov. Sarah Palin and her “buddy” Glenn Beck appeared in front of thousands of fans in Anchorage on Saturday night, Palin's first big speaking appearance in Alaska since she resigned after two and a half years as governor last summer.
CNN, Alan Colmes' Liberaland, Washington Wire and Wonkette
Mark Leibovich / The Caucus:
A Dream Team Addresses Alaska
A Dream Team Addresses Alaska
Connecting.the.Dots, Mediaite, Gawker and GOP 12