Top Items:
Ex-aides unload on Christine O'Donnell — By pulling off arguably the biggest upset of the primary election season Tuesday, Christine O'Donnell shocked the Republican establishment and political pundits who didn't think her campaign for the Delaware GOP Senate nomination had a chance.
The Buckley rule — Tuesday in Delaware was a bad day not only for Republicans but also for conservatives. Tea Partyer Christine O'Donnell scored a stunning victory over establishment Republican Mike Castle. Stunning but pyrrhic. The very people who have most alerted the country …
Pajamas Media,, Commentary, Hot Air, Power Line and NRSC
Shane D'Aprile / Ballot Box:
O'Donnell, Coons face off in first debate before packed house — WILMINGTON, Del. — Just two days after her upset of Rep. Mike Castle (R-Del.) in the state's Republican Senate primary, Tea Party-backed Christine O'Donnell shared a stage with New Castle County Executive Chris Coons (D) …
Pundit & Pundette, Wake up America and Prairie Weather
Michelle Goldberg / The Daily Beast:
My Ex-Gay Life With the Tea Party Queen
My Ex-Gay Life With the Tea Party Queen
Guardian, News Hounds, Gawker, TPMDC, Wonk Room, Political Correction RSS, CNN, MoJo Articles, Delaware Liberal, JOSHUAPUNDIT, Advocate and The Daily Dish
Glenn Thrush / The Politico:
Howard Dean: ‘I actually approve’ of tea party
Howard Dean: ‘I actually approve’ of tea party
No More Mister Nice Blog, The Confluence, Weasel Zippers and Balloon Juice
David Brooks / New York Times:
The Backlash Myth — Many of my liberal friends are convinced that the Republican Party has a death wish. It is sprinting to the right-most fever swamps of American life. It will end up alienating the moderate voters it needs to win elections. — There's only one problem with this theory.
The ‘tea party’ gears up for 2012
The Politico, TPMDC and New York Times
Paul Krugman / New York Times:
The Tax-Cut Racket — “Nice middle class you got here,” said Mitch McConnell, the Senate minority leader. “It would be a shame if something happened to it.” — O.K., he didn't actually say that. But he might as well have, because that's what the current confrontation over taxes amounts to.
TPMDC, The Plum Line, TalkLeft, National Review, RedState, Daily Kos and Gallup
Nancy Pelosi keeps losing Democrats on tax cuts
The Note, Right Pundits, Post on Politics, The Hill and Daily Kos
Nouriel Roubini / Washington Post:
What America needs is a payroll tax cut
What America needs is a payroll tax cut
Talking Points Memo and Eschaton
Pat G. / Wonk Room:
Bayh Says Poverty Increase Means Congress Should Ignore ‘Fairness’ And Cut Taxes For The Rich — Yesterday, the Census Bureau released a report showing that one in seven Americans is currently living in poverty, and that the median income decreased by nearly five percent during the last decade.
TalkLeft, Suburban Guerrilla, Lawyers, Guns & Money, TPMCafe, Crooks and Liars and The Hill
Pat G. / Think Progress:
Bayh Argues Bush Tax Cuts For The Rich Should Take Priority …
Bayh Argues Bush Tax Cuts For The Rich Should Take Priority …
Wonk Room
Mao's Great Leap Forward ‘killed 45 million in four years’ — Mao Zedong, founder of the People's Republic of China, qualifies as the greatest mass murderer in world history, an expert who had unprecedented access to official Communist Party archives said yesterday.
Elizabeth Warren / White Blog Feed:
Fighting to Protect Consumers — Over the past several weeks, the President and I have had extensive conversations about the vital importance of consumer financial protection. — The President asked me, and I enthusiastically agreed, to serve as an Assistant to the President and Special Advisor …
New Deal 2.0, Firedoglake, The Huffington Post, The Washington Independent, The Caucus, Emptywheel, New York Times and TPMDC
Stimulus funds failed to create enough jobs: LA City Controller — The Los Angeles City Controller said on Thursday the city's use of its share of the $800 billion federal stimulus find has been disappointing. — The city received $111 million in stimulus under American Recovery and Reinvestment Act …
David Zahniser / Los Angeles Times:
Two L.A. agencies get $111 million in stimulus funds but have created only 55 jobs
Two L.A. agencies get $111 million in stimulus funds but have created only 55 jobs
protein wisdom, The Foundry and Pajamas Media
Palin Endorses Continetti — THE WEEKLY STANDARD has obtained an advance copy of the new paperback edition of The Persecution of Sarah Palin by (THE WEEKLY STANDARD's) Matthew Continetti. As you can see on the cover, the book carries with it the official endorsement of none other than Sarah Palin herself.
Wonkette and Politics Daily
Marc Ambinder / The Atlantic Online:
Romney Unleashed … That's how Mitt Romney, potential presidential candidate, begins his speech to the Values Voter Summit here in Washington today. The rest of the speech is much less temperate than anything I've heard Romney give this year. Romney has the fundamentals for a presidential bid down pat …
Firedoglake and Salon
Michael O'Brien / The Hill:
Comedians Stewart and Colbert plan Oct. 30 rally on the Mall — Comedians Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert plan a pair of rallies on the National Mall shortly before Election Day. — Stewart said he was organizing a “Rally to Restore Sanity” in Washington on Oct. 30, billed as a …
Firedoglake and JammieWearingFool
Bill Carter / Media Decoder:
Jon Stewart Plans to Rally Against Extremism
Jon Stewart Plans to Rally Against Extremism
Mediaite, Crooks and Liars, Rumproast and New York Magazine, more at Mediagazer »
Pope visit: Five suspected Islamist terrorists arrested over assassination plot — Police have arrested five suspected Islamist terrorists, working as street cleaners in London, over an alleged plan assassinate the Pope. — The men were arrested during raids at 5.45am at a rubbish depot …
BBC, NewsReal Blog, Weasel Zippers, Atlas Shrugs and Jihad Watch
Political Correction RSS:
Huckabee Supports Denying Coverage For Those With Preexisting Conditions — 1 hour and 42 minutes ago — Chris Harris — Today marks the start of the religious right's Values Voter Summit in Washington, DC. After a rousing multi-verse rendition of the Star Spangled Banner, former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee took the stage.
Washington Monthly, TPMDC and The Reality-Based Community
Where Have All the Deficit Hawks Gone? — I noticed that earlier this year we were overwhelmed by a wave of anti-deficit grandstanding throughout the Democratic Party while the Catfood Commission was sending up trial balloons about cutting Social Security benefits, raising the retirement age …
The Huffington Post and TPMDC
Noel Sheppard /
Erick Erickson Smacks Down CNN's Bash for Calling Voter Anger Racist — Are you getting tired of hearing liberal media members claim the voter anger around the country is all because Barack Obama is black? — RedState Editor and CNN contributor Erick Erickson is, for on Wednesday's …
Robert Mackey / The Lede:
A Meme Is Born: ‘Dude, You Have No Koran’ — As with so many things in America these days, a planned Koran-burning in Texas last week that seemed as if it might end in tears, instead ended in Auto-Tuning. — While much of the planet was focused on the possibility that the pastor …
Allahpundit / Hot Air:
America's newest dance hit: “Dude, you have no Koran”
America's newest dance hit: “Dude, you have no Koran”
Weasel Zippers
When Dems take the low road — It isn't every day that Democrats target Latino challengers with nasty anti-immigrant ads, but these are apparently desperate times for certain embattled Dems. — Check out this remarkably vicious new ad from Blue Dog Dem Walt Minnick of Idaho …
Immigration Chronicles and TPMDC
Ryan Chittum / CJR:
Dinesh D'Souza Digs Himself in Deeper — Some more criticism of Forbes's disastrous Obama cover story — Dinesh D'Souza has responded to my, uh, criticism of his smear piece that, shamefully, made the cover of Forbes with its claims that Obama is directed by a “Kenyan, anticolonial” …
Washington Post, Media Matters for America, Open Left and Salon
Documentary? Better Call It Performance Art — CASEY AFFLECK wants to come clean. — His new movie, “I'm Still Here,” was performance. Almost every bit of it. Including Joaquin Phoenix's disturbing appearance on David Letterman's late-night show in 2009, Mr. Affleck said in a candid interview …
Company Town, ArtsBeat, Shakesville, The Awl, PopEater,, Need to Know | PBS and PopWatch, more at Mediagazer »