Top Items:
Rand Paul Supporter Stomps Head Of Female MoveOn Member Outside KY Debate (VIDEO) — Josh Green flagged an incident that occurred outside of the Rand Paul-Jack Conway debate in Lexington, Kentucky Monday night that's already dominating the news in Kentucky and could easily make headlines nationally.
The Atlantic Online:
MoveOn Supporter Brutally Attacked by Rand Paul Supporter — The Rand Paul-Jack Conway debate may have been staid, but things were not so outside the debate. A Kentucky reader sends word that according to the local Fox affiliate, a young woman affiliated with was brutally attacked …
Apparent Rand Paul Supporter Stomps On MoveOn Member's Head (VIDEO) (UPDATED) — WHAT'S YOUR REACTION? … An ugly scene took place outside the Kentucky Senatorial debate Monday night as what appeared to be a supporter of Republican candidate Rand Paul was captured by a local news affiliate …
TPMDC, ThinkProgress, Ben Smith's Blog, New York Magazine, SpeakEasy, Daily Kos, No More Mister Nice Blog, The Agonist and Oliver Willis
Lauren Valle / WDRB-TV:
Woman stomped outside Conway-Paul debate — Watch Video — LOUISVILLE, Ky. (WDRB Fox 41) — Outside the Conway-Paul debate, a Rand Paul supporter pulled the woman's blonde wig off and stomped on her head. She was representing the liberal organization and claimed to be presenting Paul with an award from RepubliCorp.
Woman stomped outside Kentucky debate
Gateway Pundit, Politics Daily, Founding Bloggers and Raw Story
Emily Maxwell / Kentucky Post:
2 fights break out during Paul/Conway debate
2 fights break out during Paul/Conway debate
The Hill and Confederate Yankee
Nate Silver / FiveThirtyEight:
Are Democrats Overachieving in the Senate? — It's looking increasingly likely that Democrats will hold the Senate but not the House, although upsets in either chamber remain possible. — In recent days, I've heard a lot of speculation about why this is so.
Raw Story
Nate Silver / FiveThirtyEight:
G.O.P. Senate Odds Slip on Colorado, West Virginia Polls — While Republicans' position is holding steady in the House — where they are 4:1 favorites to win control of the chamber according to our analysis — their chances of also taking over the Senate declined in today's forecast.
Emptywheel, Talking Points Memo, The Page and The Daily Caller
Fhardingj / CNN:
Aide fired over Florida debate foul — Tampa (CNN) - Alex Sink's campaign violated rules Monday evening at the CNN/St. Petersburg Times Florida gubernatorial debate when her make-up artist delivered a message during a television break. — Sink, the Democratic nominee …
The Politico, St. Petersburg Times, AmSpecBlog, Politics Daily, Mediaite, New York Magazine, Top of the Ticket, RedState, Hot Air, and Gateway Pundit
Dave Poff / RedState:
And Even STILL I Am Not Allowed To Make A Racial Slur About Our President? After THIS? AYFKM!?!?!? — I almost don't have words...almost: … In the new post-racial America, brought to us by Barack “don't call me black or white, just call me American” Obama, we have been told our differences …
Outside the Beltway and Riehl World View
Obama assails GOP on clouded final campaign push
JustOneMinute, IMAO, Projo 7 to 7 News Blog, Scared Monkeys, Gateway Pundit, Gallup, Wizbang, Fox News, The Caucus, Instapundit, All American Blogger and Pajamas Media
Sheryl Gay Stolberg / New York Times:
Obama Gets a Caustic Welcome in Rhode Island
Obama Gets a Caustic Welcome in Rhode Island
The Politico, Scared Monkeys and CNN
EXCLUSIVE: Aide to Harry Reid Lied to Feds, Submitted False Documents About Sham Marriage — An aide to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid repeatedly lied to federal immigration and FBI agents and submitted false federal documents to the Department of Homeland Security to cover …
Anne Applebaum / Washington Post:
Jon Stewart's march is no laughing matter — I don't know about you, but my heart sank when I read about Jon Stewart's Million Moderate March, planned for the Mall next weekend. My heart sank further when I learned that liberal groups, lacking any better ideas, have decided to take this endeavor seriously.
Treasury Hid A.I.G. Loss, Report Says — The United States Treasury concealed $40 billion in likely taxpayer losses on the bailout of the American International Group earlier this month, when it abandoned its usual method for valuing investments, according to a report by the special inspector general …
Vox Popoli, The Big Picture and Hit & Run
J.P. Freire / Beltway Confidential:
Treasury hiring FOIA officers ‘to withhold information from release to public’
Treasury hiring FOIA officers ‘to withhold information from release to public’
The Sundries Shack and Bloomberg
Chris Stirewalt / Fox News:
Fox News Polls: Dems Make Gains as Republicans Hang Tough in Battleground States — With just seven days until Election Day, Democrats are picking up support on their home turf, as Republicans look to hang on to deliver upset wins. — The latest surveys were conducted on Oct. 23 by Pulse Opinion Research for Fox News.
Aaron Blake / The Fix:
American Crossroads make a major House play
American Crossroads make a major House play
The Washington Independent, Washington Post, Top of the Ticket and ABCNEWS
Poll: Webster Beats Down ‘Angry’ Grayson — Republican nears 50 percent mark in Central Florida's 8th Congressional District … Holding a steady 7-point lead over a controversial and increasingly malodorous incumbent, Republican Daniel Webster is poised to knock out U.S. Rep. Alan Grayson, a new Sunshine State News Poll shows.
Hot Air, Weasel Zippers, YID With LID, Beltway Confidential and Taegan Goddard's …
David Brooks / New York Times:
No Second Thoughts — When times get tough, it's really important to believe in yourself. This is something the Democrats have done splendidly this year. The polls have been terrible, and the party may be heading for a historic defeat, but Democrats have done a magnificent job of maintaining their own self-esteem.
The Daily Dish, The Atlantic Online, National Review and Liberty Pundits Blog
Kevin Cullum / Ballot Box:
Bad news for Dems: Rain in the forecast for 2010 Election Day — In more bad news for Democrats, rain is in the forecast for much of the country on Election Day. — Weather tracking websites, including and The Old Farmer's Almanac, are calling for rain in the Midwest …
Washington Monthly, Taylor Marsh and JammieWearingFool
Why I Support Legal Marijuana — We should invest in effective education rather than ineffective arrest and incarceration. — Our marijuana laws are clearly doing more harm than good. The criminalization of marijuana did not prevent marijuana from becoming the most widely used illegal substance …
Classical Values, L.A. NOW, The Informer and DealBook
Voters Complain Of Problems At Polls — Election Registrar Says Election Fraud-Free — LAS VEGAS — Some voters in Boulder City said they are concerned about fraud at the electronic ballot box. — Voter Joyce Ferrara said when they went to vote for Republican Sharron Angle …
Pajamas Media
Tyler Durden / zero hedge:
SIGTARP Calls Out Tim Geithner On Various Violations Including Data Manipulation, Lack Of Transparency, “Cruel” Cynicism, And Gross Incompetence — SigTarp Neil Barofsky has just released the most scathing critique of all the idiots in the administration, with a particular soft spot for Tim Geithner.
AmSpecBlog and The Other McCain
David Corn / Mother Jones:
How Obama Lost the Narrative
How Obama Lost the Narrative
Politics Daily, TalkLeft, Mother Jones and AMERICAblog News
GOP Senate Candidate Ken Buck: ‘I Disagree Strongly With The Concept Of Separation Of Church And State’ — During a debate last week, Senate candidate Christine O'Donnell (R-DE) repeatedly questioned whether the First Amendment laid out a separation between church and state.
The Huffington Post:
Angle Campaign Used Decoy To Duck Press: Nevada Reporters — WHAT'S YOUR REACTION? … Nevada Republican Senate candidate Sharron Angle used a decoy to dodge members of the press at an event on Monday, a reporter on the scene tells the Huffington Post. — The Tea Party-backed pol …
The Politico, The Reaction, Las Vegas Sun Blogs, and The Political Carnival
Deficit Divisions Likely to Grow After Election — WASHINGTON — A midterm campaign that has turned heavily on the issue of the mounting federal debt is likely to yield a government even more split over what to do about it, people in both parties say, with diminished Democrats …
Robert Draper / GQ:
Hopeless — You think your job sucks? Trade with Robert Gibbs. His boss is “methodical.” His workplace is hostile. His job is Sisyphean. And, everyone is blaming him for a communication problem that may hand Washington to the opposition. Inside the woeful world of the White House press secretary
Cheap Finnish Health Care Is Built on the Back of Low-Paid Doctors — Kevin Drum and Bob Somerby are annoyed that journalists talk about the strong performance of Finland's school system but don't mention its highly efficient health care system. Specifically, the US spends $7,285 per year to Finland's $2,900:
The New Republic and Mother Jones
Scary New Wage Data — Now for some really scary breaking news, from the latest payroll tax data. — Every 34th wage earner in America in 2008 went all of 2009 without earning a single dollar, new data from the Social Security Administration show. Total wages, median wages …