Top Items:
Katrina vanden Heuvel / Washington Post:
Obama: On the way to a failed presidency? — Ronald Reagan famously quipped that the Democratic Party left him before he left the party. Like many progressive supporters of Barack Obama, I'm beginning to have the same feeling about this president. — Consider what we've seen since …

How the White House cut its deal and lost its base — If you look at the numbers alone, the tax cut deal looks to have robbed Republicans blind. The GOP got around $95 billion in tax cuts for wealthy Americans and $30 billion in estate tax cuts. Democrats got $120 billion in payroll-tax cuts …
Center for American Progress, TaxVox,, National Review and The New Republic
The Huffington Post:
Mary Landrieu: ‘Obama-McConnell’ Plan Is ‘Almost Morally Corrupt’ — WHAT'S YOUR REACTION? … WASHINGTON — Sen. Mary Landrieu, a conservative Democratic from Louisiana, lashed out Tuesday at President Obama's deal with congressional Republicans that allows tax cuts for the wealthy to be extended for two years.
Ben Smith's Blog, No More Mister Nice Blog, Firedoglake, Taylor Marsh, Daily Kos, Colorlines and Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion
New York Times:
Democrats Skeptical of Obama on New Tax Plan — WASHINGTON — President Obama on Tuesday strongly defended his tax cut deal with Congressional Republicans against intense criticism from his own party, insisting it was “a good deal for the American people.” — Enlarge This Image
The Hill:
Pelosi escalates criticism of tax-cut deal — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) escalated the Democratic criticism of the tax cut deal President Obama struck with Republicans and singled out the GOP-favored estate tax proposal as “a bridge too far.” — Pelosi, speaking to reporters …
Greg Sargent / The Plum Line:
Poll: Obama supporters strongly opposed to deal extending Bush tax cuts — Okay, we now have our first poll measuring the impact on the Democratic base of Obama's support for a temporary extension of all the Bush tax cuts. Suffice it to say this is a major, make-or-break issue …
New York Post, Power Line, TPMDC, The Atlantic Online, Hot Air and Eunomia
Jennifer Bendery / Roll Call:
Tax Deal Opponents Shut Down White House Phones — Liberal activists angry about President Barack Obama's concession on tax cuts for upper-income Americans crashed two phone lines at the White House and are gearing up for another onslaught of calls to Senate Democratic leaders in an eleventh-hour push to kill the deal.
Hot Air, Raw Story, Daily Kos and The Gateway Pundit
Jordan Fabian / The Hill:
Sen. Durbin: Dems could ‘walk out’ on tax cut deal
Sen. Durbin: Dems could ‘walk out’ on tax cut deal
The Politico, Yglesias, Washington Post, The Hill, Roll Call, South Capitol Street, Outside the Beltway, Wonkette and Ben Smith's Blog
Russell Berman / The Hill:
Pelosi attacks Obama-GOP tax plan as House Dems signal fight
Pelosi attacks Obama-GOP tax plan as House Dems signal fight
The Hill, CBS News, Pundits Blog, Commentary, Democracy in America, PERRspectives, Daily Kos and The Page
Michelle Malkin:
So much for bipartisanship: Obama calls GOP “hostage-takers,” …
So much for bipartisanship: Obama calls GOP “hostage-takers,” …
The Right Scoop, Pundit & Pundette, Nice Deb, RedState, National Review and Commentary
Greg Mankiw / Greg Mankiw's Blog:
The Tax Deal — I am generally pleased with the compromise …
The Tax Deal — I am generally pleased with the compromise …
Felix Salmon

Landrieu: ‘Obama-McConnell Plan’
The Sundries Shack, Taegan Goddard's … and Cafe Hayek
Ed Morrissey / Hot Air:
Tax deal a good, not great, bargain for Republicans
Tax deal a good, not great, bargain for Republicans
Outside the Beltway, Commentary, Zandar Versus The Stupid, South Capitol Street, driftglass and

Cancer claims Elizabeth Edwards — Elizabeth Edwards, author of ‘Saving Graces’ , greets and autographs copies of her book for the community in 2006. — Elizabeth Anania Edwards, who became a national figure in her fight against cancer and as a partner in her husband John's political career, died today.
CNN, Zandar Versus The Stupid, Taylor Marsh and Mediaite

A Political Life Filled With Cruel Reversals — Elizabeth Edwards, who as the wife of former Senator John Edwards gave America an intimate look at a candidate's marriage by sharing his quest for the 2008 presidential nomination as she struggled with incurable cancer and, secretly …
American Power, NO QUARTER, skippy the bush kangaroo, Close Read and Raw Story

Elizabeth Edwards dies of cancer — Elizabeth Edwards died at her Chapel Hill, N.C. home Tuesday. She was 61. Courtesy — Elizabeth Edwards, who remade the role of the political spouse for a new media age, died Tuesday after a six-year struggle with cancer at her home in Chapel Hill, N.C.
The Hill, CNN, Ben Smith's Blog, theblogprof, Politics and CBS News

Elizabeth Edwards dies — (Reuters) - Elizabeth Edwards, a best-selling author and the driving force behind her husband John Edwards's political career before it was destroyed by his infidelity, died on Tuesday at age 61. — Edwards died of cancer on Tuesday morning at her home in Chapel Hill …
Elizabeth Edwards / WTVD-TV:
Elizabeth Edwards dead of cancer at 61
Elizabeth Edwards dead of cancer at 61
The Moderate Voice, Hot Air, TalkLeft and Patterico's Pontifications

Julian Assange's Great Luck — Why his arrest and jailing in the United Kingdom is good news for him. — A U.K. magistrates' court denied Julian Assange bail and jailed him this morning over charges filed in Sweden that he had violated sex laws in that country last summer.
Guardian, Media Diary, Threat Level and Ben Smith's Blog, more at Mediagazer »
New York Times:
British Court Denies Bail to Assange
British Court Denies Bail to Assange
Guardian, Salon, The Other McCain, Close Read, AMERICAblog News, Wall Street Journal, Law Blog, Washington Post, Taylor Marsh, New York Magazine, News: News blog,, Fausta's Blog,, Wonkette, FP Passport, South Capitol Street, The Awl, Towleroad News #gay and At-Largely, more at Techmeme »
Mark Hosenball / Reuters:
Special Report: STD fears sparked case against WikiLeaks boss
Special Report: STD fears sparked case against WikiLeaks boss
DISSENTING JUSTICE, The Daily Dish, Guardian, Blog and Raw Story
Naomi Wolf / The Huffington Post:
Julian Assange Captured by World's Dating Police
Julian Assange Captured by World's Dating Police
Associated Press, Raw Story, Guardian, The Awl and AMERICAblog News
David Kurtz / Talking Points Memo:
Seminal Moment — Let's be honest with each other here: Presidential press conferences are usually news voids into which a lot of ink and chatter are dumped. — But Obama's press conference this afternoon will be seen as a turning point if not in his Presidency then in how we understand and perceive him and his approach to politics.
Da Techguy's Blog and South Capitol Street

Michele Bachmann and DeMint: Not so fast on that agreement with Obama on Bush tax cuts — Conservatives, tea partiers, and republicans have worked diligently and effectively to give the republican party its larget house win in years, and this is how they repay us?
The Right Scoop, Liberty Pundits Blog, The Hill and The Huffington Post
Greg Sargent / The Plum Line:
Obama administers a stern scolding to lefty critics — I noted this morning that Obama's strategy going forward will be to position himself as Washington's lone resident adult in a town full of squabbling children on right and left, and at his presser just now, Obama offered a surprisingly stern …
FiveThirtyEight, The Fix, Alan Colmes' Liberaland and Ben Smith's Blog

GOP taps Hal Rogers for House Appropriates Committee Chair — House Republicans have tapped Rep. Hal Rogers (R-Ky.) to be chairman of the House Appropriations Committee, setting up an old bull appropriator with a history of earmarking to deliver on the anti-spending tea party platform that carried the GOP to victory this fall.
Hugh Hewitt / Hugh Hewitt's TownHall Blog:
DeMint To Oppose “the Deal”
DeMint To Oppose “the Deal”
Discussion: and Hot Air
Tom Jensen / Public Policy Polling:
Klobuchar Formidable — Amy Klobuchar is overwhelmingly popular and would cruise to reelection at this point pretty much no matter who her Republican opponent was. — Klobuchar's approval rating is 59% with only 29% of voters disapproving of her. She is universally well liked by the Democratic base …
Minnesota Independent and Taegan Goddard's …
Tom Jensen / Public Policy Polling:
Obama solid in Michigan
Obama solid in Michigan
Liberal Values, The Political Carnival and GOP 12

The End of Social Security — President Obama and the Republicans will say that the payroll tax holiday is all about stimulating the economy. But don't be fooled. According to the Center for Budget and Policy Priorities,extending the Making Work Pay Tax Credit, is a much better, more targeted stimulus.
Associated Press, Firedoglake, Daily Kos and AMERICAblog News

More Dems Sign On To Extended Session Plan To Save DADT Repeal — Add Sen. Carl Levin (D-MI) to the list of Democrats who say the Senate should stay open long enough to give Republicans the time they require to bring the military's ban on openly gay servicemembers to an end.
The Politico, South Capitol Street, Wonk Room, The Hill and Talking Points Memo
The Note:
Dem Vows Filibuster of Obama Tax Deal
Dem Vows Filibuster of Obama Tax Deal
The Atlantic Online, The Politico and NBC Chicago
The Smoking Gun:
Palin Success Triggered FCC Complaints — Voting, hug angered “Dancing with the Stars” viewers … In the days after Bristol Palin was voted into the finals of “Dancing with the Stars,” viewers from across the country wrote to the Federal Communications Commission accusing the ABC show …
Cubachi, Weasel Zippers, Mediaite, Don Surber and Liberty Pundits Blog