Top Items:

What's at Stake in Wisconsin's Budget Battle — Who's in charge of our political system—voters or unions? — This week President Obama was roundly criticized, even by many of his allies, for submitting a federal budget that actually increases our already crushing deficit.
NO QUARTER, International Liberty, YID With LID, Da Techguy's Blog and Instapundit

FDR's Ghost Is Smiling on Wisconsin's Governor — Somewhere, Franklin Delano Roosevelt is grinning past his cigarette holder at Wisconsin's governor. They are on the same page regarding government unions. — Except that Scott Walker — Republican cheapskate, his visage Hitlerized …
Maggie's Notebook and protein wisdom

Wisconsin Leads Way as Workers Fight State Cuts
L'Hôte, Leiter Reports, New York Times, The Daily Dish and Ezra Klein
David S Morgan / CBS News:
Lawmaker: Gov's plan has torn Wisconsin apart
Lawmaker: Gov's plan has torn Wisconsin apart
The Daily Caller
Ben Howe / RedState:
WEAC Publishes Home Addresses of Wisconsin Legislators
WEAC Publishes Home Addresses of Wisconsin Legislators
The Jawa Report, The Nation, Michigan Capitol Confidential, Reuters and New York Times
Steven Greenhouse / New York Times:
A Watershed Moment for Public-Sector Unions
Assembly's abrupt adjournment caps chaotic day in Capitol
Assembly's abrupt adjournment caps chaotic day in Capitol
American Prospect, Washington Monthly, Pajamas Media, Hot Air and WTMJ
Patrik Jonsson / Christian Science Monitor:
Wisconsin protests: why ‘week of rage’ matters to rest of America
Wisconsin protests: why ‘week of rage’ matters to rest of America
Sky Dancing, The Raw Story, Pajamas Media, Politics Daily and Opinionator
First Read /
First Thoughts: Upside down — How the protests in Wisconsin …
First Thoughts: Upside down — How the protests in Wisconsin …
Daily Kos and Balloon Juice
Andy Kroll / Mother Jones:
Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker: Funded by the Koch Bros.
Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker: Funded by the Koch Bros.
The Impolitic, TBogg, TPMDC, ThinkProgress, The Policy Page, Daily Kos, Colorlines, Hit & Run and National Review
Russell Berman / The Hill:
Pelosi says she's ‘proud’ of Wisconsin Democrats who fled
Pelosi says she's ‘proud’ of Wisconsin Democrats who fled
Left Coast Rebel, The Politico, CNN, Hot Air, Weasel Zippers and GayPatriot
Nicholas Kristof / New York Times:
Delirious Joy in Bahrain — BAHRAIN — There's delirious joy in the center of Bahrain right now. People power has prevailed, at least temporarily, over a regime that repeatedly used deadly force to try to crush a democracy movement. Pro-democracy protesters have retaken the Pearl Roundabout …
The Daily Dish, The Reaction,,, Hit & Run, Opinion L.A. and Firedoglake

Protesters back in Bahrain centre — Anti-government protesters reoccupy Pearl roundabout after troops and police withdraw from protest site in capital. — [WARNING: This video contains images that some viewers may find disturbing] — Thousands of protesters have reoccupied …

Union Brothers and Sisters: Seize Opportunity to Show True Solidarity — The union-led school closures and demonstrations in Madison have left most ordinary Americans shaking their heads in disbelief. Months ago, I penned a message to my fellow union brothers and sisters when I found myself …
Washington Times, Hot Air, Cubachi, Bloomberg, Conservatives4Palin and National Review

House votes 244-179 to kill U.S. funding of IPCC — Just before 2 a.m. on February 19, the war on climate science showed its grip on the U.S. House of Representatives as it voted to eliminate U.S. funding for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. The Republican majority …
The Reality-Based Community, Watts Up With That?, Right Wing News and Pirate's Cove

Bloggers For Peace Flotilla Arrived In Madison...SITUATION TENSE...UPDATE: Thousands of Walker's Supporters Are Here! — This is an update from Jim. He's on the ground and in the thick of things. He will be phoning in updates throughout the day. — (Pygalgia)
JSOnline, Instapundit and Weasel Zippers
John Merline / AOL News:
Opinion: What Does Government Do? … Pop quiz. What's the biggest single job the federal government undertakes? — National defense? Nope. — Homeland security? Wrong. — Transportation? Not even close. — Law enforcement? No way. — Education? Getting colder. — Foreign aid?
CARPE DIEM, Outside the Beltway and Hot Air

Libya protests: 84 killed in growing unrest, says HRW — Former UK envoy to Libya: “The most exciting question is what happens in Tripoli” (Footage from Libyan TV and amateur sources) — The number of people killed in three days of protests in Libya has risen to 84, according to the New York-based group Human Rights Watch.
Outside the Beltway, The Jawa Report, Suburban Guerrilla and Libya February 17th

House Votes to Cut $60 Billion, Setting Up Budget Clash — WASHINGTON — The House early Saturday approved a huge package of spending cuts, slashing more than $60 billion from domestic programs, foreign aid, and even some military projects, as the new Republican majority made good on its pledge …
Firedoglake, The Politico, Wake up America, The Democratic Daily and Washington Monthly

Rep. David Wu's staff confronted him over concerns about his mental health — WASHINGTON — Three days before the Nov. 2 election, U.S. Rep. David Wu's most loyal and senior staffers were so alarmed by his erratic behavior that they demanded he enter a hospital for psychiatric treatment.
CNN and Outside the Beltway

Hundreds demonstrate for secular Tunisia — TUNIS — Hundreds of Tunisians demonstrated Saturday for a secular state following the murder of a Polish priest, verbal attacks on Jews and an attempt by Islamists to set fire to a brothel. — Rallied by a call on social network Facebook …
Global Voices in English and Secular Right

MICH. UNION HIRING HOMELESS PEOPLE TO PICKET — “Astroturfing: An artificially-manufactured political movement designed to give the appearance of grass roots activism.” — If ever you wanted to see a great example of “astroturfing,” then the video below might become a part of your permanent library.
Michelle Malkin

U.S.-TALIBAN TALKS — On August 22, 1998, Mullah Omar, the emir of Taliban-ruled Afghanistan, made a cold call to the State Department. The United States had just lobbed cruise missiles at Al Qaeda camps in his nation. Omar got a mid-level diplomat on the line and spoke calmly.
National Review, Daniel W. Drezner and Prairie Weather