Top Items:
Gschwarzcnn / CNN:
CNN Exclusive: Bachmann to form exploratory committee in June, possibly earlier — Washington (CNN) - CNN has exclusively learned that Rep. Michele Bachmann will form a presidential exploratory committee. The Minnesota Republican plans to file papers for the committee in early June, with an announcement likely around that same time.
Palin 2.0? Bachmann Tells ABC News, “I'm In!” — Tea Party Darling Says She Wants In on Conversation, would announce by Summer or earlier. — Just over ten months before next February's Iowa caucuses Sarah Palin is returning from a recent trip to Israel.
Alan Colmes' Liberaland, Mother Jones, Mediaite, The Daily Caller and Taegan Goddard's …

Bachmann rips ‘robed masters’
USA Today, Big Government, Towleroad News #gay and Joe. My. God.
Byron York / Washington Examiner:
BELTWAY CONFIDENTIAL — White House: Libya fight is not war, it's ‘kinetic military action’ — In the last few days, Obama administration officials have frequently faced the question: Is the fighting in Libya a war? From military officers to White House spokesmen up to the president himself …

Unanswered questions about Libya — It's hard to find a precedent for a president ordering U.S. military forces into action, then heading off for a five-day tour of Latin America, but that's just what President Barack Obama did when he approved the deployment of air and naval assets to establish a no-fly zone over Libya.
Taylor Marsh and Pirate's Cove
Jeffrey Goldberg / The Atlantic Online:
Dear Reuters, You Must Be Kidding — This is from a Reuters story on the Jerusalem bombing earlier today: … Those Israelis and their crazy terms! I mean, referring to a fatal bombing of civilians as a “terrorist attack”? Who are they kidding? Everyone knows that a fatal bombing …
Power Line, Booman Tribune, Weasel Zippers, Elder of Ziyon, Pajamas Media, Israel Matzav and Harry's Place

Bombing near Jerusalem bus stop kills woman, 30 hurt — (Reuters) - A bomb planted in a bag exploded near a bus stop in a Jewish district of Jerusalem on Wednesday, killing a woman and injuring at least 30 people, in an attack police blamed on Palestinian militants.
The Jawa Report, American Power, Elder of Ziyon and Biased BBC
Pete Kenworthy / WEWS-TV:
President Barack Obama gets locked out of White House — Staff wasn't ready for his return — Last Updated: 1 hour and 48 minutes ago — WASHINGTON, D.C. - President Barack Obama had to try a couple of doors at the White House before finally gaining access to the Oval Office on Wednesday.
The Atlantic Online, The Gateway Pundit, Outside the Beltway, Weasel Zippers and The Jawa Report
Daniel Strauss / The Hill:
'I'm through whining about a liberal press,' says Sarah Palin — Sarah Palin insists she's done complaining about the liberal media. — Speaking to Greta Van Susteren on Fox News Wednesday night, the former Alaska governor shrugged off what she contends is a double standard in the way conservative women are treated.
ABCNEWS, CNN, Wonkette and The Daily Dish

How television created and then killed Sarah Palin's political prospects — Last I heard about Sarah Palin was contained in a story with the headline, “Sarah Palin tours India and Israel to get to grips with foreign policy.” — It was tempting to see this headline in itself as illuminating, if not incisive.
Washington Post:
Rep. Weiner sinks meat hooks into health-care law's attackers — Democrats would be better off if more of them acted like Weiners. — As the first anniversary of the health-care law approached this week, many Democratic lawmakers went to ground, leaving unanswered Republican accusations …
Daily Kos, Prairie Weather and McClatchy Washington Bureau
Brian Beutler / TPMDC:
Weiner Says SCOTUS Will Rule Against Health Care Law, Paving Way For Public Option
Weiner Says SCOTUS Will Rule Against Health Care Law, Paving Way For Public Option
The Foundry, Daily Kos, Shakesville and Balloon Juice

Liberal Bias at NPR? — Surveys show that millions of conservatives choose NPR, even with powerful conservative alternatives on the radio. — On the day NPR chief executive Vivian Schiller lost her job, I was reporting from Egypt. That evening, I had dinner with employees from NPR's Cairo bureau.
Mediaite and Weasel Zippers
Quinnipiac University:
Ohio Voters Divided On Second Term For Obama, Quinnipiac University Poll Finds; But Voters Like Him More Than Gov. Kasich — Ohio voters are split 45 - 46 percent on whether President Barack Obama deserves a second term, but they favor him over an unnamed Republican 2012 challenger 41 …
Ballot Box, Metro, Pundit Press, CNN and Washington Post

Rebel Insider Concedes Weaknesses in Libya — BENGHAZI, Libya — After the uprising, the rebels stumbled as they tried to organize. They did a poor job of defining themselves when Libyans and the outside world tried to figure out what they stood for. And now, as they try to defeat …
Mother Jones, Lawyers, Guns & Money and Balloon Juice

Egypt Air removes Israel from map — Jordan stretches to sea in online map by Egypt's largest airline, though it continues to fly to Israel — Egypt Air, the largest airline in Egypt, has removed Israel from the map - literally. On its website, Ynet has learned, Jordan's land reaches the Mediterranean Sea.
Power Line, Elder of Ziyon, The Gateway Pundit, Atlas Shrugs, Maggie's Notebook and Israel Matzav

Buried Provision In House GOP Bill Would Cut Off Food Stamps To Entire Families If One Member Strikes — All around the country, right-wing legislators are asking middle class Americans to pay for budget deficits caused mainly by a recession caused by Wall Street; they are attacking workers …
No More Mister Nice Blog, Suburban Guerrilla, Sky Dancing, The New Republic and First Draft

Why Trump's Birth Certificate statement will resonate — three sentences. — My wife is starting a new job, we will be getting new insurance because of it. We are REQUIRED to provide not only our marriage certificate but the long form copies of the birth certificates of both of our children.
Don Surber and Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion
Gschwarzcnn / CNN:
Trump again questions Obama's birthplace
Trump again questions Obama's birthplace
Washington Monthly, Washington Post, Time, Firedoglake, The Page, The Politico and Betsy's Page

Romney Aims for Fund-Raising Edge — Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney has quietly launched a 15-city push to secure financial commitments from big-money “bundlers,” hoping to reveal a fund-raising network that would establish him as the prohibitive frontrunner for the Republican nomination for president.
Ben Smith's Blog, GOP 12, USA Today, The Caucus, Hugh Hewitt's TownHall Blog, Mitt Romney Central, The Page and The Note

Unsustainable budget threatens nation — Repeated battles over the 2011 budget are taking attention from a more dire problem—the long-run budget deficit. — Divided government is no excuse for inaction. The bipartisan National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform …
The Glittering Eye and EconLog
Jon Clifton / Gallup:
Worldwide Approval of U.S. Leadership Tops Major Powers — U.S. also remains top desired destination for potential migrants — WASHINGTON, D.C. — The United States continues to achieve higher global approval ratings than China, Russia, Japan, France, the United Kingdom, and Germany.
Washington Post, Oliver Willis and The Politico

Rights Are Curtailed for Terror Suspects — New rules allow investigators to hold domestic-terror suspects longer than others without giving them a Miranda warning, significantly expanding exceptions to the instructions that have governed the handling of criminal suspects for more than four decades.
ThinkProgress, Law Blog, The Raw Story, Balkinization and Emptywheel
Linda Greenhouse / Opinionator:
A Surprising Snapshot — Among common impressions of the current Supreme Court are that Justices Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas are joined at the hip and that the majority tilts reflexively in favor of corporations and employers. — As the court heads into the current term's final three months, I looked at the statistics.

New Problems at Japanese Plant Subdue Optimism — The Japanese electricians who bravely strung wires this week to all six reactor buildings at a stricken nuclear power plant succeeded despite waves of heat and blasts of radioactive steam. — The restoration of electricity at the plant …
Firedoglake, Latest Open Salon Blog, Boing Boing, Clusterstock and The Agonist

Libyan rebels appear to take leaf from Kadafi's playbook — Opposition officials in Benghazi, whose wide sweeps to detain alleged Kadafi supporters have drawn criticism, take journalists on a tightly controlled tour of detention centers. Many detainees say they're immigrant workers and deny fighting for Kadafi.
Yglesias, and Eunomia