Top Items:
Gschwarzcnn / CNN:
CNN Exclusive: Bachmann to form exploratory committee in June, possibly earlier — Washington (CNN) - CNN has exclusively learned that Rep. Michele Bachmann will form a presidential exploratory committee. The Minnesota Republican plans to file papers for the committee in early June, with an announcement likely around that same time.
ThinkProgress, The Politico, Cubachi, Des Moines Register, Salon, Weigel, Associated Press, Fox News, USA Today, Hot Air, Washington Monthly, The Moderate Voice,, The Blotter, A plain blog about politics, Hullabaloo, Sister Toldjah, Conservatives4Palin, Little Green Footballs, The Atlantic Online, Wonkette, TPMDC, Pam's House Blend, No More Mister Nice Blog, The Page, The American Independent, Ballot Box, Indecision Forever, Liberty Pundits Blog, Booman Tribune, GOP 12, Outside the Beltway, Ben Smith's Blog, Right Wing Watch, Hotline On Call, Pundit Press, Daily Kos and AMERICAblog News
Adam Sorensen / Swampland:
Bachmann 2012: Good for the Media, Bad for the GOP — Minnesota Representative Michele Bachmann is now threatening us with the idea of exploring a Presidential race, it was announced today. Well first, enough with the exploratory committees. They are a tired gimmick in Presidential races.
Washington Post
Palin 2.0? Bachmann Tells ABC News, “I'm In!”
Palin 2.0? Bachmann Tells ABC News, “I'm In!”
Mediaite, The Note, The Impolitic, Mother Jones, Firedoglake, The Daily Caller and Alan Colmes' Liberaland
Andy Barr / The Politico:
Bachmann rips ‘robed masters’
Bachmann rips ‘robed masters’
USA Today, CNN, Weasel Zippers, TPMDC, Big Government, Associated Press, Towleroad News #gay and Joe. My. God.
Byron York / Washington Examiner:
BELTWAY CONFIDENTIAL — White House: Libya fight is not war, it's ‘kinetic military action’ — In the last few days, Obama administration officials have frequently faced the question: Is the fighting in Libya a war? From military officers to White House spokesmen up to the president himself …
AmSpecBlog, The Sundries Shack, The Official Home …, The Other McCain, Don Surber, Salon, The Politico, The Gateway Pundit, Patterico's Pontifications, The White House, Michelle Malkin, RedState, Sister Toldjah, Sweetness & Light, Hot Air, Fox News, New York Times, Taylor Marsh, blogs, Weasel Zippers, Fox Nation, Pajamas Media, Conservatives4Palin, The Lonely Conservative and Betsy's Page
Nicholas D. Kristof / New York Times:
Hugs From Libyans — This may be a first for the Arab world: An American airman who bailed out over Libya was rescued from his hiding place in a sheep pen by villagers who hugged him, served him juice and thanked him effusively for bombing their country. — Even though some villagers …
Discussion: blogs, Pajamas Media, Global Public Square, Eunomia, and The Atlantic Online

International Court Expects Libyan Prosecution
Reuters, Blog, RealClearPolitics Video Log and Guardian
Spencer Ackerman / Danger Room:
While Libya War Grows, Obama Team Denies It's a War
While Libya War Grows, Obama Team Denies It's a War
The Daily Dish,, Wonkette, The Nation, Eunomia, Ben Smith's Blog and Yahoo! News
Sam Youngman / The Hill:
White House fires back at Boehner; Libya delay would have ‘cost lives’
White House fires back at Boehner; Libya delay would have ‘cost lives’
The Politico
Kamalwallace / This Just In:
Libya live blog: NATO will enforce no-fly zone over Libya, secretary general says
Libya live blog: NATO will enforce no-fly zone over Libya, secretary general says
The Hill, CNN, Hot Air, ABCNEWS and Pajamas Media
Jack Goldsmith / Lawfare:
The Legal Reason Why the Obama Administration Won't Call the Libya Action “War”
The Legal Reason Why the Obama Administration Won't Call the Libya Action “War”
New York Times, Ben Smith's Blog, Hot Air and The Gateway Pundit

Donald Trump Wants to See Barack Obama's Long-Form Birth Certificate — I keep trying to get out... they keep pulling me back in. I'm not a regular watcher of the View, so I originally missed the lengthy, mind-boggling discussion that its hosts had with Donald Trump over Trump's belief …
The New Republic, AMERICAblog News, The Impolitic, Washington Post, The Politico, A plain blog about politics and CNN
Steve Kornacki / Salon:
Introducing the $184.27 Donald J. Trump Challenge — Donald J. Trump, star of a ratings-challenged primetime show that has become the “dumping ground” for washed-up reality television talent, wants us to believe that he's ready to pump $600 million of his own money into a campaign for president.
The Atlantic Online
Pete Kenworthy / WEWS-TV:
President Barack Obama gets locked out of White House — Staff wasn't ready for his return — Last Updated: 1 hour and 48 minutes ago — WASHINGTON, D.C. - President Barack Obama had to try a couple of doors at the White House before finally gaining access to the Oval Office on Wednesday.
Weasel Zippers, Scared Monkeys, Outside the Beltway, Sister Toldjah and

Liberal Bias at NPR? — Surveys show that millions of conservatives choose NPR, even with powerful conservative alternatives on the radio. — On the day NPR chief executive Vivian Schiller lost her job, I was reporting from Egypt. That evening, I had dinner with employees from NPR's Cairo bureau.

Rights Are Curtailed for Terror Suspects — New rules allow investigators to hold domestic-terror suspects longer than others without giving them a Miranda warning, significantly expanding exceptions to the instructions that have governed the handling of criminal suspects for more than four decades.
Glenn Greenwald / Salon:
Miranda is Obama's latest victim
Miranda is Obama's latest victim
CBS News, Truth …, Corrente, The Raw Story and Lawfare
Appeals panel: Supreme Court should take up collective bargaining law — By Patrick Marley of the Journal Sentinel — Madison — A state appeals panel said Thursday a case over a new collective bargaining should go directly to the state Supreme Court. — The move puts the issue squarely …
Hot Air, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, TPMDC and Pajamas Media
Stephen Moore / Wall Street Journal:
Wisconsin's Battle Supreme
Wisconsin's Battle Supreme
Ben Smith's Blog, The Awl, JSOnline, The Daily Caller and PointOfLaw Forum

The Real Death Panel: If ‘Obamacare’ Repealed, Some Patients Can't Go Back — If the health care reform law were to disappear tomorrow, Dallas Wiens would be in trouble. — Earlier this week, in a 15-hour procedure, Boston surgeons grafted a donor's face onto Wiens' skull.
Washington Monthly

Paglia on Taylor: “A luscious, opulent, ripe fruit!” — Camille Paglia considers the “volcanic” Elizabeth Taylor — and all the unworthy starlets who could never match up … I remember reading your essay on Elizabeth Taylor from Penthouse in 1992 (it appeared in the collection “Sex, Art …
Vox Popoli, The Daily Dish and Dean's World
Shane D'Aprile / Ballot Box:
Former aide to Sen. Ensign indicted — A former aide to retiring Sen. John Ensign (R-Nev.) has been indicted by a federal grand jury on charges of violating conflict of interest laws. — The Justice Department announced the indictment late Thursday, which charges Doug Hampton with seven counts …
The Note and The Politico
Rand Paul presidential run may hinge on dad's decision — Rand Paul talks about Lybia, Presidential run, oth... Rand Paul's opening remarks to Louisville Rotary C... U.S. Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., appeared to inch closer to a 2012 presidential run Thursday morning.
CNN, Cubachi and Ballot Box

It Begins... Unions Use Images of OKC Bombing in Collective Bargaining Ads — They will stop at nothing... The International Association of Firefighters is using tasteless images from the Oklahoma City Bombing to fight a state bill which changes how public safety labor unions and cities handle contract disputes.
The Other McCain and Weasel Zippers

Top Ten Accomplishments of the UN No-Fly Zone — 1. The participation of the Muslim world in the United Nations no-fly zone over Libya has been underlined. The measure was called for by the Arab League, which has not in fact changed its mind about its desirability.
Sky Dancing, CNN and FP Passport

Missing: Newt Gingrich's Tweets Before July 2010 — Newt Gingrich—presidential contender, friend of polar bears, opponent/supporter of the invasion in Libya—is a simple man drawn to simple pleasures. Long before launching his exploratory committee, he frequently chronicled his life's joys on his Twitter feed.
Washington Monthly, Liberal Values, Wonkette, Daily Kos and Associated Press
Daniel Strauss / The Hill:
'I'm through whining about a liberal press,' says Sarah Palin — Sarah Palin insists she's done complaining about the liberal media. — Speaking to Greta Van Susteren on Fox News Wednesday night, the former Alaska governor shrugged off what she contends is a double standard in the way conservative women are treated.
Mark K. Matthews / Chicago Tribune:
NASA still ordered to waste $1.4 million a day — WASHINGTON — Congress has again failed to rid a temporary spending bill of language forcing NASA to waste $1.4 million a day on its defunct Constellation moon program. — Though Congress passed a new stopgap spending bill last week …
ThinkProgress, The Daily Caller and Hit & Run
Jamison Foser / Media Matters for America:
CNN Contributor Accuses Obama Of “Manufacturing” Libya Crisis To Help Reelection; Blames “Women Drivers” — I wonder how long someone who claimed in March of 2003 that President Bush had manufactured the Iraq war in order to win re-election would have remained employed as a CNN contributor?
ECHIDNE of the snakes

Census: Nation Now 16% Hispanic — The Hispanic population surged 43% in the last decade and Hispanics now make up more than 16% of the nation's population, according to just-released Census figures. — The surge in Hispanics' share of the population, larger than demographers initially had expected …

Unsustainable budget threatens nation — Repeated battles over the 2011 budget are taking attention from a more dire problem—the long-run budget deficit. — Divided government is no excuse for inaction. The bipartisan National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform …
National Review, Real Time Economics, Yglesias, Daily Kos, Verum Serum, The Glittering Eye, Economix, New York Times and EconLog

Indiana prosecutor resigns over Walker email — Initially denied encouraging Wisconsin violence — Wisconsin Center for Investigative Journalism — This is an updated version. Read the Center's original version here. — An Indiana deputy prosecutor and Republican activist resigned Thursday …
ThinkProgress, Talking Points Memo, The Raw Story and TPMDC
Wall Street Journal:
Forced Into Medicare — A federal judge tells seniors to take it or lose Social Security. — This week marks the first anniversary of ObamaCare, and if you are wondering where that coercive law is headed, we'd point to a case in federal court. That's where Judge Rosemary Collyer has ruled …
Right Wing News