Top Items:
Juan / Informed Comment:
An Open Letter to the Left on Libya — As I expected, now that Qaddafi's advantage in armor and heavy weapons is being neutralized by the UN allies' air campaign, the liberation movement is regaining lost territory. Liberators took back Ajdabiya and Brega (Marsa al-Burayqa), key oil towns …
TalkLeft, Agence France Presse, Lawyers, Guns & Money, Times of India, The Washington Note and Sky Dancing
Igor Volsky / ThinkProgress:
Gingrich: My Infidelities Helped Me Understand How To Impeach Clinton — This morning, Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace questioned likely presidential candidate Newt Gingrich — who has placed social issues at the forefront of his emerging campaign — about his personal infidelities and multiple marriages.
Alan Colmes' Liberaland, and Prairie Weather
James Hohmann / The Politico:
Newt Gingrich: I'm not a hypocrite — Pressed on “Fox News Sunday” about his adulterous past, Newt Gingrich said it was not hypocritical for him to impeach Bill Clinton while he cheated on his own wife because he never lied under oath. — “I don't know what you would have had me do,” …
Weasel Zippers and National Review

200 arrested as hardcore anarchists fight police long into night in Battle of Trafalgar Square after 500,000 march against the cut — Over 200 people were arrested as extremists brought violent chaos to central London yesterday after hijacking the much-heralded trade union protest against public spending cuts.
No More Mister Nice Blog, Riehl World View and Biased BBC

There May Not Always Be An England — Do you remember the good old days when an Englishman's proudest boast was that he paid his way? That was then, and this is now: today something like a half million Englishmen demonstrated in London against proposed budget cuts. Their boast, apparently: someone else pays my way!
Hugh Hewitt's TownHall Blog
Bradley Klapper / Associated Press:
US officials: Libyan operation could last months — WASHINGTON (AP) - U.S.-led military action in Libya has bolstered rebels fighting Moammar Gadhafi's forces, but the international operation could continue for months, the Obama administration says. — Ahead of President Barack Obama's …
Bloomberg, JustOneMinute, Scared Monkeys and A Chequer-Board of Nights …
Steve Benen / Washington Monthly:
THE RIGHT'S SELECTIVE EMBRACE OF RELIGIOUS LIBERTY.... It's hardly a secret that in modern politics, conservative Christian Republicans tend to think the issue of religion in public and political life is “theirs.” It's one of those things that “everyone knows” — Democrats dominate when it comes to workers …

EXCLUSIVE: Herman Cain Tells ThinkProgress ‘I Would Not’ Appoint A Muslim In My Administration — ThinkProgress filed this report from the Conservative Principles Conference in Des Moines, IA. — As the Republican presidential nomination process begins, one GOP candidate is making a name …
Alan Colmes' Liberaland, and Outside the Beltway
Gautham Nagesh / The Hill:
Lieberman would back US action in Syria — Senate Homeland Security chairman Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) said the U.S. should intervene to help Syrian protestors if officials there turn weapons on the public as took place in Libya on Fox News Sunday. — Lieberman told host Chris Wallace …
CNN, TalkLeft and Maggie's Farm
Steve Benen / Washington Monthly:
GUESS WHO ‘STOLE THE SHOW’ IN IOWA?.... Iowa will host dozens of “cattle call” events for 2012 Republican presidential candidates over the next several months, and the latest was yesterday's gathering in Des Moines, hosted by far-right Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa). Five likely aspirants showed up, and the receptions they received matter.
Discussion: and Washington Post

Vice President's staff lock journalist in a closet for hours during a fundraiser to stop him talking to guests — The White House website proudly says ‘President Obama is committed to creating the most open and accessible administration in American history.’
protein wisdom, Michelle Malkin, RedState, Pajamas Media, Wake up America,, and Maggie's Notebook
Gautham Nagesh / The Hill:
Clinton: US will stay out of Syria, no timeline for Libya — Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said the U.S. is not planning to get involved in the recent political turmoil in Syria and evaded questions about the long-term outlook for the military intervention in Libya Sunday on CBS' “Face the Nation.”
The Politico
Jordy Yager / The Hill:
Levin: Gadhafi ‘on his heels,’ Libyan people need to remove him — The chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee said on Sunday that Col. Moammar Gadhafi is “on his heels” and Libyan people need to take advantage of the situation and remove their dictator.