Top Items:
The White House:
Remarks by the President in Address to the Nation on Libya — National Defense University — Washington, D.C. — THE PRESIDENT: Tonight, I'd like to update the American people on the international effort that we have led in Libya — what we've done, what we plan to do, and why this matters to us.
William Kristol / Weekly Standard:
You've Come a Long Way, Baby — President Obama's unapologetic, freedom-agenda-embracing, not-shrinking-from-the-use-of- force speech. — I knew pretty early on during tonight's speech that President Obama had rejoined—or joined—the historical American foreign policy mainstream.
Hot Air, Ben Smith's Blog, American Power, The Other McCain and The Reality-Based Community

Obama Cites Limits of U.S. Role in Libya — WASHINGTON — President Obama defended the American-led military assault in Libya on Monday, saying it was in the national interest of the United States to stop a potential massacre that would have “stained the conscience of the world.”
FP Passport, The Caucus, Marbury, Prairie Weather and Guardian

FACT CHECK: How Obama's Libya claims fit the facts — WASHINGTON (AP) — There may be less than meets the eye to President Barack Obama's statements Monday night that NATO is taking over from the U.S. in Libya and that U.S. action is limited to defending people under attack there by Moammar Gadhafi's forces.
Zandar Versus The Stupid, and RedState

Modest Support for Libya Airstrikes, No Clear Goal Seen — Little Public Interest in Libyan Mission — After several days of airstrikes on Libya by the United States and its allies, the public has mixed reactions to the military operation. Nearly half of Americans (47%) …
Washington Post, Hot Air, Daily Kos, Jay Bookman, Connecting.the.Dots, TPMDC and CNN

Why Libya? Because We Could and Our Interests and Values Demanded It
The Brody File, The Duck of Minerva, Washington Post, AMERICAblog News and The Atlantic Online
Washington Post:
Obama: U.S. had responsibility to act in Libya
Obama: U.S. had responsibility to act in Libya
Lynn Sweet and This ain't Hell …
Tom Malinowski / The New Republic:
The Timeliness Paradox — Why isn't Obama getting credit for stopping an atrocity?
The Timeliness Paradox — Why isn't Obama getting credit for stopping an atrocity?
The Politico, Pirate's Cove, Daniel W. Drezner, The only adult in the room and Lawyers, Guns & Money
Spencer Ackerman / Danger Room:
U.S. Plan to End Libya War: Hope The Generals Quit
U.S. Plan to End Libya War: Hope The Generals Quit
CNN, Pajamas Media, Hot Air, RedState,,, RealClearWorld, The Blaze, The Daily Dish and Firedoglake
Glenn Thrush / The Politico:
Obama's Libya speech: Libya is no Iraq
Obama's Libya speech: Libya is no Iraq
GayPatriot, Alan Colmes' Liberaland, The Gateway Pundit and The Lonely Conservative
Ben Smith / Ben Smith's Blog:
Trump fails to produce birth certificate — Donald Trump made headlines earlier today when he provided what he said was a copy of his birth certificate — but a quick check reveals it's actually not an official document. — The paper that Trump released says “Jamaica Hospital” …

Exclusive to Newsmax: Donald Trump's Birth Certificate — More ways to share... Mixx — Stumbled — LinkedIn — Vine — Buzzflash — Newstrust — Technocrati — Forward Article — Donald Trump, who has been making television appearances calling for President Barack Obama …
Ben Smith / Ben Smith's Blog:
Trump's birther play
Trump's birther play
ABCNEWS, CNN, Swampland, TPMDC, The Moderate Voice and The Atlantic Online

Republicans Prepare To Reject Final White House Budget Offer — It's been almost a week since House Republicans, Senate Democrats and the White House last sat down to hammer out a budget agreement, and the schedule's still blank. Accusations of bad faith are now flying from both sides.
Ezra Klein / Washington Post:
It's beginning to look a lot like a shutdown — (Alex Brandon - AP) Brian Beutler has a nice story running down the state of play on the budget negotiations. The takeaway is that Republicans aren't just insisting that Democrats cut as deep as the GOP wants, but that they also cut in the way the GOP wants.
Larry O'Connor /
Black Activist Confronts Bill Ayers With Facts — Truth to power! Well done, young lady.
UrbanGrounds, Betsy's Page, FREEDOM EDEN and Nice Deb

EU to ban cars from cities by 2050 — Cars will be banned from London and all other cities across Europe under a draconian EU masterplan to cut CO2 emissions by 60 per cent over the next 40 years. — The European Commission on Monday unveiled a “single European transport area” …
protein wisdom, Watts Up With That?, Weasel Zippers, Pirate's Cove, Babalú Blog and The Lonely Conservative

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Asks Field Offices to Put Bi-National Immigration Cases on Hold — Following up on reports from this weekend, Metro Weekly just received confirmation from Christopher Bentley, the spokesman for the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services …
AMERICAblog Gay and Joe. My. God.
Matthew Boyle / The Daily Caller:
In an email to The Daily Caller on Monday morning, Huffington Post editor Roy Sekoff alleged that conservative publisher Andrew Breitbart is not telling the truth about discussions they had regarding HuffPo's removal of his blog from its front page. — HuffPo removed Breitbart's blog …
STRANAHAN dot COM and Patterico's Pontifications
Erick Stakelbeck /
Iranian Video Says Mahdi is ‘Near’ — New evidence has emerged that the Iranian government sees the current unrest in the Middle East as a signal that the Mahdi—or Islamic messiah—is about to appear. — CBN News has obtained a never-before-seen video produced by the Iranian regime …
Chicago Boyz

Obama Featured On Chicago Anti-Abortion Billboards Targeting Black South Siders … An anti-abortion group behind a controversial New York billboard targeting African Americans is now taking its message to the South Side of Chicago, in a billboard targeting supporters of President Obama.
Iowa Independent, Susan Campbell and Feministing
Bill Carter / Media Decoder:
Before Libya, White House Must Negotiate With ABC — President Obama had a message for the American people Monday night, an explanation of the government's intentions in Libya, one that he believed was important enough to request air time from the broadcast networks as well as the cable news networks.
Pundit Press, Salon, Weasel Zippers and Gawker, more at Mediagazer »

Two Christians killed, churches burned: extremists respond to Florida Koran burning — In Hyderabad and Lahore, a mob of Islamic fundamentalists targeted the Christian places of worship. Desecrated several copies of the Bible. Anti-American slogans and demonstrations in different cities of Pakistan.
Weasel Zippers, The Jawa Report and Jihad Watch
State stops collecting union dues, starts charging more for health care — By Jason Stein and Patrick Marley of the Journal Sentinel — Madison - Gov. Scott Walker's administration is no longer collecting dues on behalf of state unions and as of Sunday began charging employees …
Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, TPMDC and The Political Environment
Allahpundit / Hot Air:
Video: The most insane tsunami footage yet — Via Gizmodo, I thought we'd seen the worst a few weeks ago, but no. The clip at the last link looked like a flood turning into rapids transforming into a roaring river. This looks more like what it actually was — an honest-to-goodness ocean spilling into a city and swallowing it whole.
theblogprof, Maggie's Notebook, Los Angeles Times and Agence France Presse