Top Items:
Dan Pfeiffer / White Blog:
President Obama's Long Form Birth Certificate — Ed. Note: Read the transcript of the President's remarks following this release or watch the video below: — var params = { allowscriptaccess: “always”, allowfullscreen: “true” }; swfobject.embedSWF(" …
tpmmuckraker …, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, The White House, Weasel Zippers, The Hill, The Politico, Michelle Malkin, The Atlantic Online, Christian Science Monitor, BBC, Little Green Footballs,*, The Huffington Post, No More Mister Nice Blog, Salon, Guardian, Mediaite, The Moderate Voice, Daily Kos, TalkLeft, Wake up America,, TPMDC, The Daily Caller, Balloon Juice, Political Punch, Washington Post, The Caucus, Verum Serum, The American Independent, The Stir By CafeMom, Wonkette, Runnin' Scared, Washington Wire, Feministing, techPresident, Oliver Willis, Firedoglake, The Maddow Blog, News Desk, Colorlines, Sky Dancing, The Lonely Conservative, Ben Smith's Blog, Right Wing News, Atlas Shrugs, Riehl World View, Taylor Marsh, Indecision Forever, The Impolitic, Washington Monthly, Hit & Run, Pajamas Media, The Democratic Daily, Gothamist, Questions and Observations, No Runny Eggs, National Review and Shakesville, more at Mediagazer »
Alexander Mooney / CNN:
White House releases Obama's birth certificate — (CNN) - President Obama released his original birth certificate Wednesday, saying the controversy surrounding the issue had become a “sideshow.” — Obama's birth certificate — “We do not have time for this kind of silliness.
George's Bottom Line, Hot Air, Ben Smith's Blog, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, ABCNEWS, The Politico, The Huffington Post, The Note, 24Ahead, UrbanGrounds, Guardian, USA Today, Althouse, William K. Wolfrum Chronicles, Chicks On The Right, Mediaite, Jack & Jill Politics,, Patterico's Pontifications,, Scared Monkeys, Booman Tribune, Illinois Review, The Other McCain and The Lonely Conservative

Trump Adviser: Even If Long-Form Birth Certificate Is Genuine, It Doesn't Prove Anything — This morning, President Obama released his long-form birth certificate from Hawaii. The conspiracy website World Net Daily has written over 600 articles in the last three years questioning Obama's birthplace.
Weigel, Washington Monthly, US News, TPMDC, Swampland, Balloon Juice and Daily Kos
Michael O'Brien / The Hill:
Trump: ‘Very proud of myself’ — Real estate mogul and possible Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump claimed credit Wednesday for President Obama's decision to release his long-form birth certificate. — Trump, speaking in the key GOP primary state of New Hampshire …
Andrew Sullivan / The Daily Dish:
Why Did Obama Wait So Long? — So he had the power to get this into the public eye and yet resisted until the country's polity was almost paralyzed with distraction. I know this was an ethically legitimate position after releasing the short-form document proving that he was indeed born in the US.
Byron Tau / Ben Smith's Blog:
Birthers unmoved — The theories about President Barack Obama's birth — as we reported last week — have evolved over time from the idea that he was a Muslim to the modern incarnation that he was smuggled into the U.S. from Kenya. With the release of his long-form birth certificate today, they've evolved again.
The Maddow Blog, Dean's World, Weigel and Daily Kos

Gingrich On Birth Certificate Release: ‘Why Did It Take So Long?’ — TPM just caught up with Newt Gingrich after his address at the National Catholic Prayer Breakfast on Wednesday morning. We asked about the news of the moment, the release of President Obama's long-form birth certificate.
Glenn Reynolds / Instapundit:
TRUMP 1, OBAMA 0: So I was at the gym when they finally caved and released the birth certificate - and on both the Fox and the CNN monitors I saw Donald Trump, who quickly started talking about . . . gasoline prices. See, he knows how to keep the pressure on. Other GOP candidates might want to take a lesson.

The Long-Form Birth Certificate of Barack Obama
The Daily Dish and Washington Wire
Jeff Poor / The Daily Caller:
Limbaugh credits Trump and polling for timing of long-form birth certificate release
Limbaugh credits Trump and polling for timing of long-form birth certificate release
The Moderate Voice
Colby Hall / Mediaite:
Eric Cantor Criticizes President Obama For Addressing Birth Certificate Controversy
Eric Cantor Criticizes President Obama For Addressing Birth Certificate Controversy
Fox Nation, Alan Colmes' Liberaland, Pundit & Pundette, The Stir By CafeMom and Fox News
Ta-Nehisi Coates / The Atlantic Online:
More Fact Check
More Fact Check
JustOneMinute, Associated Press and Guardian, more at Mediagazer »
David Remnick / News Desk:
Trump, Birtherism, and Race-Baiting
Trump, Birtherism, and Race-Baiting
Big Hollywood, Gothamist and Washington Post
Bob Unruh / WorldNetDaily:
White House releases Obama ‘birth certificate’
White House releases Obama ‘birth certificate’
The Daily Dish, Wonkette, New York Magazine and The Raw Story
The Smoking Gun:
Will Release Of Obama's Purported Birth Certificate Give Rise To New “Certer” Movement?
Will Release Of Obama's Purported Birth Certificate Give Rise To New “Certer” Movement?
National Review, Hullabaloo, Patterico's Pontifications, The Greenroom and Mediaite
Lee Fang / ThinkProgress:
Trump Says Obama Should ‘Get Off His Basketball Court’
Trump Says Obama Should ‘Get Off His Basketball Court’
Alan Colmes' Liberaland, Gawker, The Daily Beast and Weasel Zippers
Sam Stein / The Huffington Post:
Reid: The Senate Will Vote On Paul Ryan's Budget … WASHINGTON — Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) announced on Wednesday that he would host a vote on Rep. Paul Ryan's (R-Wis.) budget as a means of forcing moderate GOP senators to weigh in on the legislation's controversial proposals.
Washington Monthly, Daily Kos,*, Washington Post, The Raw Story and Raw Replay
Lydia Saad / Gallup:
Americans Divided Over Ryan vs. Obama Deficit Plans — Favor congressional Republicans over Democrats on federal budget, generally — PRINCETON, NJ — U.S. adults are evenly split in their reactions to the major deficit-reduction plans being debated in Washington.
Firedoglake,, The Politico, National Review, The Moderate Voice, Hot Air, Big Government, Hotline On Call and Don Surber
Jordan Fabian / The Hill:
Reid will hold Senate vote on Ryan budget
Reid will hold Senate vote on Ryan budget
The Politico and New York Magazine
Josh Kraushaar / Hotline On Call:
Gallup: Seniors Most Favorable To Ryan Budget
Gallup: Seniors Most Favorable To Ryan Budget
No More Mister Nice Blog

Julianne Moore as Sarah Palin: First Photo … Check out the first photo of Julianne Moore as Sarah Palin in the upcoming HBO film, Game Change. — The actress nails Palin's look with a bright suit, patriotic flag pin and similar glasses. She also ditched her trademark red hair for Palin's brown style …
CNN, Indecision Forever, Gothamist, Mediaite and The Daily Caller

FIRST PHOTO: Julianne Moore As Sarah Palin — Julianne Moore as Sarah Palin in Game Change — Donning the trademark eyeglasses and up 'do, Julianne Moore is proving she's more than all right as former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin. — The The Kids Are All Right actress, 50 …
Hollywood Reporter, CNN, Big Hollywood, The Page and Gawker

House votes to restrict unions — Measure would curb bargaining on health care — Robert J. Haynes, president of the Massachusetts AFL-CIO, said the union would fight the legislation “to the bitter end.” (M. McDonald for The Boston Globe) — House lawmakers voted overwhelmingly …

‘Atlas Shrugged’ producer: ‘Critics, you won.’ He's going ‘on strike.’ — EXCLUSIVE: Twelve days after opening “Atlas Shrugged: Part 1,” the producer of the Ayn Rand adaptation said Tuesday that he is reconsidering his plans to make Parts 2 and 3 because of scathing reviews and flagging box office returns for the film.
Balloon Juice, Hot Air, alicublog, Shakesville and Outside the Beltway

Fatah and Hamas agree to historic Palestinian reconciliation deal — Rival groups will form interim government and then move toward setting a date for a general election, four years after their government collapsed when Hamas overran the Gaza Strip. — Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas's …
The Investigative Project …, The Moderate Voice, Ben Smith's Blog and Booman Tribune

Fatah, Hamas end feud, agree to interim government
The Enterprise Blog and New York Times
Elliott Abrams / Pressure Points:
A Hamas-Fatah Coalition? — Khaled Meshal, leader …
A Hamas-Fatah Coalition? — Khaled Meshal, leader …
Ben Smith's Blog and Weasel Zippers

Panetta to Pentagon, Petraeus to CIA — Major changes in leadership of the United States national security apparatus will move CIA director Leon Panetta into the job of Defense Secretary and Gen. David Petraeus, currently commanding forces in Afghanistan, to the helm of the CIA, sources confirm to ABC News.
The Politico, The Hill, CNN and The Note
New York Times:
Panetta and Petraeus in Line for Top Security Posts
Panetta and Petraeus in Line for Top Security Posts
Washington Post, News Desk, The Washington Note, The Awl and The BLT
Douglas Stanglin / USA Today:
AP: Panetta to take over Pentagon, Petraeus picked for CIA chief
AP: Panetta to take over Pentagon, Petraeus picked for CIA chief
Washington Post, Outside the Beltway, Questions and Observations, Booman Tribune and Oliver Willis
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System:
For immediate release — Information received since the Federal Open Market Committee met in March indicates that the economic recovery is proceeding at a moderate pace and overall conditions in the labor market are improving gradually. Household spending and business investment in equipment and software continue to expand.

Trump's Birther Antics Are Driving Away His Liberal Audience — He may be dumber than you think: Exclusive research reveals “Celebrity Apprentice” viewers are the most Democratic in primetime TV. — Click to expand — He may have gotten President Obama's attention …

Supreme Court recount gets wobbly start in Waukesha County — By Larry Sandler and Laurel Walker of the Journal Sentinel — Waukesha — The state Supreme Court recount got off to a wobbly start here Wednesday. — After more than a half-hour of meticulous instructions and ground rules relayed …

Nobody Puts Condoleezza Rice in a Corner — Much has been written about your unique relationship with George W. Bush. You're a history buff — are you aware of any relationships like it? — Not really. I think there have been other secretaries of state who were close friends, like James Baker and George H. W. Bush.
The Politico and Eunomia