Top Items:
Michael Calderone / The Huffington Post:
NBC's David Gregory Defends Medicare Question As Newt Gingrich Spokesman Blasts Media ‘Minions’ … NEW YORK — When Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) sits down on “Meet the Press” this Sunday, he can expect to be asked about former House Speaker Newt Gingrich comparing his Medicare voucher plan to “right-wing social engineering.”
Fox News, Washington Wire, Taylor Marsh, The Politico, The Atlantic Online, No More Mister Nice Blog, National Review, Hit & Run, Mediaite, Marbury, News Desk, TVNewser, Salon, The Reality-Based Community, TPMDC, Pajamas Media, The Daily Dish, FrumForum, News Hounds and Gawker, more at Mediagazer »
Greg Sargent / Washington Post:
Schumer: You're damn right we'll use Gingrich's criticism of Ryan against the GOP — Newt Gingrich has declared that Dems must not use his now-walked-back criticism of Paul Ryan's Medicare plan against the GOP, but guess what: Dems aren't going to listen to him.
Ross Douthat:
The Lessons of Gingrich v. Ryan — There are two obvious ways to look at the firestorm that greeted Newt Gingrich's criticisms of the Ryan budget, and the humiliating walkback that quickly followed. From one perspective, it's a sign that Gingrich is hopelessly out-of-touch …
Commentary Magazine, National Review, Eunomia, Washington Post, Minnesota Independent and The Daily Dish

Newt Apologizes To Paul Ryan, Begs Democrats Not To Use His Own Quotes In Ads — Newt Gingrich's walk back tour reached its zenith Tuesday night, as Gingrich personally apologized to Paul Ryan for dismissing his Medicare plan as “right wing social engineering.”
RedState, Mediaite, Daily Kos, Talking Points Memo, Fox News, Paul Krugman, Mother Jones, The Reality-Based Community, Firedoglake, Little Green Footballs, Hotline On Call, Left In Alabama, Washington Monthly, rubber hose, Concurring Opinions, The Blotter, Associated Press, Los Angeles Times,*, Taylor Marsh and Balloon Juice
Allahpundit / Hot Air:
Gingrich spokesman: The Beltway “literati” …
Gingrich spokesman: The Beltway “literati” …
Ben Smith's Blog, Mediaite, Weasel Zippers, The Daily Beast, Outside the Beltway, Daily Pundit, The Blaze and Confederate Yankee

Newt Spokesman Pens Epic Poem In Tribute To Gingrich's Heroic Crusade Against The Media
Talking Points Memo, Lean Left, Washington Monthly, Oliver Willis, Ben Smith's Blog, Hullabaloo and Crooked Timber
Jake Sherman / The Politico:
Cantor tells Gingrich he's out of line
Cantor tells Gingrich he's out of line
The Hill, Weasel Zippers and FrumForum
Paul Waldman / TAPPED:
Newt Gingrich Gets Asked to Show His Papers
Newt Gingrich Gets Asked to Show His Papers
ECHIDNE of the snakes, The Caucus, Eschaton, USA Today and TPMDC

BREAKING: Jerome Corsi's Birther Book Pulled from Shelves! — In a stunning development one day after the release of Where's the Birth Certificate? The Case that Barack Obama is not Eligible to be President, by Dr. Jerome Corsi, World Net Daily Editor and Chief Executive Officer Joseph Farah …

How Not to Write Satire — An Esquire writer lobs an egg at the birthers, but the yolk's on him. — “In a stunning development one day after the release of Where's the Birth Certificate? The Case that Barack Obama is not Eligible to be President, by Dr. Jerome Corsi …
Political Punch:
Obama Campaign Hawks Birth Certificate T-Shirt, Campaign Claims Its A “Mobile Version” …
Obama Campaign Hawks Birth Certificate T-Shirt, Campaign Claims Its A “Mobile Version” …
The Blaze, Hot Air, Weasel Zippers, Nice Deb, GayPatriot, Truthdig and Pajamas Media
Jordan Fabian / The Hill:
Obama campaign selling ‘birther’ T-shirts
Obama campaign selling ‘birther’ T-shirts
Outside the Beltway, CNN and HotAirPundit

GOP elite see Mitch Daniels as 2012 savior — Top Republicans are increasingly convinced that President Barack Obama will be easily reelected if stronger GOP contenders do not emerge, and some are virtually begging Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels to add some excitement to the slow-starting nomination race.
The Note, The New Republic, Hot Air, Indianapolis Star, CNN, Swampland, Salon, Daily Kos, Outside the Beltway, Right Wing Watch, Sky Dancing, FiveThirtyEight, No More Mister Nice Blog, Washington Post, Left Coast Rebel, Gothamist, The Page, Mother Jones, Betsy's Page, GOP 12, American Power and Riehl World View
Steve Benen / Washington Monthly:
Republicans ‘depressed’ by 2012 options
Republicans ‘depressed’ by 2012 options
Yglesias, Fox News, Booman Tribune, CNN and New York Times
Frank Newport / Gallup:
With Huckabee Out, No Clear GOP Front-Runner
With Huckabee Out, No Clear GOP Front-Runner
The Daily Caller, Big Journalism, Eunomia, The Raw Story, FITSNews, Outside the Beltway, Hit & Run, National Review, Weasel Zippers, Hot Air, Fox News, AmSpecBlog, Washington Post, Daily Kos, Pajamas Media, Balloon Juice,, American Power, The Daily Dish and Public Policy Polling
Juana Summers / The Politico:
Mitt Romney, Sarah Palin jump to top in new Gallup poll
Mitt Romney, Sarah Palin jump to top in new Gallup poll
Guardian, Outside the Beltway, Real Clear Politics and CNN

The Twitter Trap — Last week my wife and I told our 13-year-old daughter she could join Facebook. Within a few hours she had accumulated 171 friends, and I felt a little as if I had passed my child a pipe of crystal meth. — I don't mean to be a spoilsport, and I don't think I'm a Luddite.
TechCrunch, Booman Tribune, FishbowlNY, Outside the Beltway, Boing Boing, Gizmodo, Bits, Mediaite and Felix, more at Mediagazer »
Dylan Matthews / Washington Post:
You can be an expert if you try
You can be an expert if you try
Eschaton and Brad DeLong's Grasping Reality …

Loud cell-phone talker removed from quiet car by police — A woman who was escorted off an Amtrak train by police this weekend after she allegedly refused to stop talking loudly on her cell-phone has the Internet cheering her fate. — Civilians and quiet-car champions are supporting …
UrbanGrounds, AMERICAblog News, Five Feet of Fury, Gawker, and The Gateway Pundit

You idiot! Shamed politician John Edwards rages at mistress Rielle Hunter for not destroying sex tape — Furious John Edwards has allegedly vented his anger at mistress Rielle Hunter over the steamy sex video they made during his White House run. — In an amazing outburst …

Obama's one-way conversation — President Obama today met King Abdullah of Jordan in the Oval Office — statements, no questions. Still, it was better than last week's meeting with the NATO leader: No pool, no statements, no questions, no photos. — Yesterday, Obama met with flood victims and first responders in Memphis.
White House Dossier
Hillary Chabot / Boston Herald:
White House shuts out Herald scribe
White House shuts out Herald scribe
Mediaite, US News, Hot Air, The Hill, The Daily Caller, Michelle Malkin, Don Surber, RedState, Moonbattery, Pajamas Media, Sense of Events, Patterico's Pontifications, Weasel Zippers, White House Dossier, Pirate's Cove, Israel Matzav, Poynter, Left Coast Rebel, JammieWearingFool and Fox News
Joshua Rhett Miller / Fox News:
CDC Warns Public to Prepare for ‘Zombie Apocalypse’ — Are you prepared for the impending zombie invasion? — That's the question posed by the Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention in a Monday blog posting gruesomely titled, “Preparedness 101: Zombie Apocalypse.”
The Blaze, Liberal Values, Mediaite, Gizmodo and Gawker
MyFOX Detroit:
Michigan Man Still Receiving Food Assistance Despite Winning $2 Million Jackpot — (WJBK) - A Michigan man has continued to accept food aid from the state even though he won big in a state lottery game and said he told officials about it. — Leroy Fick won the $2 million jackpot in the “Make Me Rich!” contest in June.
Weasel Zippers and HotAirPundit
Amanda Carey / The Daily Caller:
New documents suggest Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan involved with crafting legal defense of Obamacare — Newly released documents reveal Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan was more involved with President Obama's health-care law than she disclosed previously.
Hot Air, Verum Serum and Cold Fury
Tony Mauro / The BLT:
The Garner Transcripts: That v. Which, and Other Supreme Court Writing Tips
The Garner Transcripts: That v. Which, and Other Supreme Court Writing Tips
Law Blog and SCOTUSblog
New York Times:
U.S. Imposes Sanctions on Syrian Leader and 6 Aides — WASHINGTON — President Obama imposed sanctions on Syria's leader, President Bashar al-Assad, and six other senior Syrian officials on Wednesday, ratcheting up American pressure in the wake of a bloody crackdown on political protests in the country.
Washington Post, Swampland and THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS

Tanks shell Syrian town, West piles on pressure
BBC, Firedoglake and Pajamas Media
U.S. slaps sanctions on Syrian president, top aides
U.S. slaps sanctions on Syrian president, top aides
Time, Syria Comment and HotAirPundit
Christopher Shea / Ideas Market:
Republican and Democratic Professors Grade Differently — When it comes to grading, Republican and Democratic professors at one unnamed elite university put their ideologies into practice, a new study finds: Republicans welcomed inequality, handing out more very high and very low grades …

IMF accuser in apt. for HIV vics — Dominique Strauss-Kahn may have more to worry about than a possible prison sentence. — The IMF chief's alleged sex-assault victim lives in a Bronx apartment rented exclusively for adults with HIV or AIDS, The Post has learned.
Feministing, The Camp Of The Saints, Fox Nation, The Gateway Pundit, Healthwatch, Scared Monkeys and Vox Popoli
New York Times:
Attention Shifts to Schwarzenegger's Housekeeper — BAKERSFIELD, Calif. — She moved here nearly a year ago, to a four-bedroom home with a pool in this middle-class community more than 100 miles from Los Angeles and the Brentwood mansion where she had worked for 20 years.
Weasel Zippers and skippy the bush kangaroo

Many With New College Degree Find the Job Market Humbling — The individual stories are familiar. The chemistry major tending bar. The classics major answering phones. The Italian studies major sweeping aisles at Wal-Mart. — Now evidence is emerging that the damage wrought …

The floodgates open: Strauss-Kahn's tangled love life and the women who claim he abused them — The full extent of Dominique Strauss-Kahn's tangled love life emerged today as a string of high-profile women claimed he abused them - and others were said to have had affairs with him.
Stephen Dinan / Washington Times:
Senator questions benefits to ‘adult baby’ — Coburn sees possible fraud — Stanley Thornton Jr., 30, is being fed with a bottle by his roommate, Sandra Dias. They were featured on National Geographic Channel's “Taboo” program. Sen. Tom Coburn is questioning their disability payment eligibility.
New York Magazine, Pajamas Media, This ain't Hell … and Fox News

Lessons Learned — Two notable themes emerge from GOProud: the lack of any actual gay pride in those who run it and the truth about who is still really steering the GOP. — There are two things we've learned from GOProud, the small, often obnoxious right-wing gay group that makes the Log Cabin Republicans seem like liberals.
The New Civil Rights Movement, Pam's House Blend, AMERICAblog Gay and Joe. My. God.