Top Items:

Rep. Anthony Weiner: ‘The Picture Was of Me and I Sent It’ — Rep. Anthony Weiner of New York said today he has engaged in “several inappropriate” electronic relationships with six women over three years, and that he publicly lied about a photo of himself sent over Twitter to a college student in Seattle over a week ago.
CNN, National Review, American Spectator,, CBS News, Salon, Pajamas Media, The Daily Beast, Mediaite, Blogcritics, The Other McCain, TPMDC, No More Mister Nice Blog, neo-neocon, Top of the Ticket, Fox Nation, Scared Monkeys, Don Surber, The Note, Zandar Versus The Stupid, Maggie's Notebook, Washington Monthly, Taylor Marsh, Hot Air, Washington Post, Runnin' Scared, Liberal Values, Sky Dancing, HotAirPundit, Proof Positive, Wonkette, The Moderate Voice, FrumForum, Weasel Zippers, New York Magazine, Gothamist, Alan Colmes' Liberaland, The Page, Guardian, Gawker and Lisa Graas, more at Mediagazer »

My Story — My name is Meagan Broussard. I am 26 years old. I served in the U.S. Army, and I am a full-time college student and a single mom. — I admired Rep. Anthony Weiner because I had seen a video of him standing up for the 9/11 responders. It was a rant, but he came across …

Weiner Sexting Partner Reveals Her Identity, Says: ‘He Called Me On Congress Phone!’ — The woman who carried on a nine-month sexting relationship with Rep. Anthony Weiner is a 40-year-old Las Vegas blackjack dealer named Lisa Weiss. — Following a bombshell joint investigation …
City Room, American Thinker, The Daily Beast, Weasel Zippers, Gawker and Pajamas Media
Elizabeth Scalia / The Anchoress:
Weinergate: Barbara Walters Loses Reporter Cred - UPDATE — I know, I know; I am the only blogger in the world, it seems, who is not writing about Anthony Weiner. Mea Culpa — Mondays are my busiest day, and today I didn't even get to go to Adoration, so you know it was just unmanageably busy.
Washington Post and Wizbang

Déjà Vu: Another Congressman Bares Naked Torso (and More) for Online Pal — and have reported throughout the morning about the emergence of new details in the Weinergate saga, after a young woman came forward with new information that tends …
Mediaite, Washington Post,, The Atlantic Online, The Daily Beast, Sister Toldjah, Althouse, The Politico, Bookworm Room, The Huffington Post, Show Tracker, Taylor Marsh, Hugh Hewitt's TownHall Blog, Atlas Shrugs, Fausta's Blog, NY Daily News, FishbowlDC, Gothamist, Weigel, Left Coast Rebel, Open Congress, HotAirPundit, Crooks and Liars, Capital Tonight, Guardian, Power Line, Alan Colmes' Liberaland, Moe_Lane's blog,, The Gateway Pundit, Big Journalism, Wake up America, Michelle Malkin, Verum Serum, UrbanGrounds, The Other McCain, CANNONFIRE, Gawker, National Review, Maggie's Notebook, Pajamas Media and Towleroad News #gay, more at Techmeme »

Erections have consequences — Let us declare with certitude the obvious: Rep. Anthony Weiner has disgraced his office, and himself, and he needs to quit. — Never mind that he went before the TV cameras yesterday, cried on cue and assumed “responsibility” for a litany of offenses to common decency …
New York Times and TechCrunch
The Huffington Post:
Anthony Weiner's Survival Chances Deemed Slim By Insiders, Experts … WASHINGTON — It was only fitting that the circus surrounding Rep. Anthony Weiner's admission on Monday that he had, in fact, sent lewd messages to random females over Twitter ended with a lewd question referencing a wiener.
Daily Kos, Hot Air, The Daily Caller and CBS News

Nancy Pelosi calls for Anthony Weiner ethics inquiry — House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Rep. Steve Israel, the chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, are calling for an investigation into Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.) over the series of sexually explicit conservations …
Allahpundit / Hot Air:
Creepy must-see flashback: Weiner lies shamelessly to ABC about what happened
Creepy must-see flashback: Weiner lies shamelessly to ABC about what happened
Slate Magazine, National Review, Pajamas Media and Wizbang
The Atlantic Online:
Anthony Weiner Admits to Sending Racy Photos: Should We Really Ignore It?
Anthony Weiner Admits to Sending Racy Photos: Should We Really Ignore It?
Outside the Beltway and A plain blog about politics
Dylan Howard / RADAR:
Weinergate Grows: Another Woman Provides Sex Messages From His Account
Weinergate Grows: Another Woman Provides Sex Messages From His Account
Big Government, NY Daily News, City Room, Gawker, Ben Smith's Blog, Power Line, Ricochet Conversation Feed, FishbowlDC, Nice Deb, Weasel Zippers, TPMDC, Hot Air, Mediaite, Capital Tonight, The Daily Caller, Althouse, Wake up America, JammieWearingFool, Pajamas Media,, National Review and Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion
Danb / RADAR:
Weiner Used Jewish Sexual Stereotype To Facebook Sexting Partner
Weiner Used Jewish Sexual Stereotype To Facebook Sexting Partner
Mediaite, Hot Air, Weasel Zippers, The Other McCain, Patterico's Pontifications and National Review
Michael Barbaro / New York Times:
Weiner Admits He Sent Lewd Photos; Seeks Not to Resign
Weiner Admits He Sent Lewd Photos; Seeks Not to Resign
New York Times, Wall Street Journal, The Politico, The Caucus, Daily Kos, Connecting.the.Dots and American Power
Jennifer Epstein / The Politico:
Anthony Weiner admits tweet, will not resign
Anthony Weiner admits tweet, will not resign
The Huffington Post, ThinkProgress, Mediaite, Hit & Run, Yahoo! News, UrbanGrounds, CNN, AMERICAblog News, Washington Post, Shakesville, Outside the Beltway, Hot Air, Modeled Behavior, The Democratic Daily, Wake up America, Indecision Forever, Hugh Hewitt's TownHall Blog and New York Magazine
Maggie Haberman / The Politico:
Andrew Breitbart takes over Anthony Weiner news conference
Andrew Breitbart takes over Anthony Weiner news conference
Althouse,, Founding Bloggers, The Raw Story, FrumForum and Shakesville
City Room:
Weiner Says He Sent Photos and Lied, but Won't Resign
Weiner Says He Sent Photos and Lied, but Won't Resign
AlterNet, Moonbattery, Washington Post, Balloon Juice, Wake up America, Runnin' Scared and No More Mister Nice Blog
CBS New York:
Weiner Admits Tweeting Lewd Photo & Having Multiple ‘Inappropriate’ Online Relationships
Weiner Admits Tweeting Lewd Photo & Having Multiple ‘Inappropriate’ Online Relationships
Pajamas Media, RealClearPolitics Video Log and CNN
Carolyn Hax / Washington Post:
‘The picture was of me, and I sent it’
‘The picture was of me, and I sent it’
Big Government, The BLT, Truthdig, alicublog and Runnin' Scared
The Note:
Weiner Flashback: “I Was the Victim of This”
Weiner Flashback: “I Was the Victim of This”
American Thinker, Pajamas Media, Althouse and POWIP

Obama loses bin Laden bounce; Romney on the move among GOP contenders — The public opinion boost President Obama received after the killing of Osama bin Laden has dissipated, and Americans' disapproval of how he is handling the nation's economy and the deficit has reached new highs, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll.
Hot Air, USA Today, Top of the Ticket, Taegan Goddard's …, CNN, DownWithTyranny! and Prairie Weather

ABC News Poll: Romney Even Against Obama In Match-Up — An announcement bump for Mitt Romney and a bus-tour boost for Sarah Palin put the pair atop the field for the Republican presidential nomination. But while their primary standings are similar, their broader prospects for election look vastly different.
David Frum / CNN:
Don't doom GOP's chance to win in 2012
Don't doom GOP's chance to win in 2012
Discussion: and The New Republic
William A. Jacobson / Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion:
Charles Johnson: I Won't Apologize to Breitbart — Earlier today I noted that numerous people owed Andrew Breitbart an apology. — Among those people was Charles Johnson of Little Green Footballs who accused Andrew Bretibart of “smearing” Weiner with “phony” accuastions.
Weasel Zippers, Nice Deb, Little Green Footballs and Daily Kos

Andrew Breitbart's day of vindication — ‘Breitbart is a regular whipping boy. We can accuse him of anything,’ Breitbart said of himself. AP Photo — In Andrew Breitbart's up-and-down career as a conservative agitator, it doesn't get any better than this.
CANNONFIRE, YID With LID, Pirate's Cove, JammieWearingFool, New York Times and Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion
Charles Johnson / Little Green Footballs:
Anthony Weiner Schedules Press Conference to Deal with Latest Accusations
Anthony Weiner Schedules Press Conference to Deal with Latest Accusations
Datechguy's Blog
Laura Bassett / The Huffington Post:
Louisiana Republican Aims To Overturn Roe v. Wade … The Louisiana state legislature is considering a bill that would make performing an abortion a criminal offense, including in cases of rape and incest, and that would force a woman to pay out of pocket for an abortion that is necessary to save her life.
Outside the Beltway and FrumForum
Cheryl Wetzstein / Washington Times:
Pro-choice forces seek to prevent referendum
Joel J. Miller / National Review:
What Sarah Palin Got Wrong — And We Did, Too — Before we all ride the Palin-Revere fiasco utterly into the ground, it's worth noting what she really got wrong, and what the rest of us did as well. — Sarah Palin said that Paul Revere “warned the British that they weren't gonna be taking away our arms …
AmSpecBlog, Ben Smith's Blog and GOP 12
Jackie Calmes / The Caucus:
Goolsbee Leaving as Top Economic Adviser — Austan Goolsbee, a longtime adviser to President Obama and the only economist left on his core economic team, plans to leave as chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers by September after a year in the job to return to the University of Chicago.
Firedoglake, Economist's View and The Lonely Conservative
Mike Allen / The Politico:
Austan Goolsbee to leave White House
Austan Goolsbee to leave White House
Outside the Beltway, CNN and Gawker
Russ Britt / MarketWatch:
Firms to cut health plans as reform starts: survey — 30% of companies say they'll stop offering coverage — Front Page - News Viewer - Commentary - Markets - Investing - Personal Finance - Community - Games — LOS ANGELES (MarketWatch) — Once provisions of the Affordable Care Act start …
ThinkProgress, Weasel Zippers, Babalú Blog and Don Surber

Cain Says He Would Be Ok With Appointing Gay Cabinet Members Because They Wouldn't Impose Sharia Law — ThinkProgress filed this report from The Family Leader Presidential Lecture Series in Pella, Iowa. — Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain has faced a steady drumbeat …
Towleroad News #gay and Iowa Caucuses
The Hill:
For Obama, problem's not just the economy — Grave national-security and foreign-policy issues are crowding President Obama's agenda as he struggles to repair the nation's economy. — With the 2012 election looming, Obama is juggling a decision on how many troops to withdraw from Afghanistan …
The Politico