Top Items:
Fawn Johnson / The Atlantic Online:
Obama Rolls Out a Jobs Plan That Doesn't Need Congress — The president has asked federal agencies to find solutions on their own. His message to lawmakers: We can do this without you. — President Obama is either fed up with Congress or he's testing his own administration's mettle. Or both.

Obama Moves Jobs Speech After Skirmish With Boehner — WASHINGTON — Any hopes that a kinder, gentler bipartisan Washington would surface once Congress returns after Labor Day were summarily dashed on Wednesday when President Obama and Speaker John A. Boehner clashed over, of all things …
Reuters,,, Washington Post, Washington Monthly, The Atlantic Online, The Democratic Daily, Fausta's Blog, Hullabaloo, Brilliant at Breakfast, Political Correction RSS,, Concurring Opinions, Prairie Weather, JustOneMinute, The Caucus, Balloon Juice, Hugh Hewitt's TownHall Blog and The Hill

Minutes after his Sept. 8 address to Congress is set, Obama bashes both houses
NY Daily News, Wizbang, Betsy's Page and The Politico
Molly K. Hooper / The Hill:
Boehner to give his own jobs address one week after Obama
Boehner to give his own jobs address one week after Obama
National Review
E.J. Dionne Jr / Washington Post:
Obama's paradox problem
Obama's paradox problem
Discussion: blogs, Daily Kos and Liberal Values
Robert Reich:
Obama's Jobs Plan: Will He Offer Policy Miniatures or Give 'em Hell?
Obama's Jobs Plan: Will He Offer Policy Miniatures or Give 'em Hell?
Economist's View, Corrente and*
Rasmussen Reports:
Perry 44% Obama 41%; President Leads Other GOP Hopefuls — For the first time this year, Texas Governor Rick Perry leads President Obama in a national Election 2012 survey. Other Republican candidates trail the president by single digits. — A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone …
Alan Colmes' Liberaland, The Gateway Pundit, GOP 12, Weasel Zippers, Pajamas Media and Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion
New CNN Poll: 65% give Obama thumbs down on economy — Washington (CNN) - Only a third of all Americans approve of how President Barack Obama is handling the economy, according to a new national survey. — And with a CNN/ORC International Poll also indicating that more than three-quarters …

Perry Proposed A Bi-National Health Insurance Plan With Mexico In 2001 — Gov. Perry with then-Mexican President Vincente Fox. — The ghosts of Gov. Rick Perry's (R-TX) more moderate past have come back to haunt him in recent days, particularly when it comes to health care.
The Raw Story, Trail Blazers Blog, Daily Kos and Wonkette

Perry can't exploit key weakness for Romney — AS RECENTLY as six months ago, Mitt Romney's bid for the Republican presidential nomination was widely thought to be doomed because, as governor of Massachusetts, he had signed a health care law strikingly similar to the one President Obama signed last year.
GOP 12
George Bennett / Palm Beach Post:
FEMA'S use of term ‘federal family’ for government expands under Obama — Posted: 6:17 p.m. Wednesday, Augt. 31, 2011 — Don't think of it as the federal government but as your “federal family.” — In a Category 4 torrent of official communications during the approach and aftermath …
Cafe Hayek, Weasel Zippers, No Left Turns and Pajamas Media
Valerie Bauerlein / Wall Street Journal:
How to Measure a Storm's Fury One Breakfast at a Time
How to Measure a Storm's Fury One Breakfast at a Time
Moe Lane and
Cenk Uygur / The Huffington Post:
Is Obama Playing Rope-a-Dope? — Here was the headline on Yahoo from Wednesday night: Obama bows to Boehner on jobs speech. — I can tell you what any progressive who has been paying attention thought, “Oh boy, here we go again.” — President Obama has now changed the day of his address to Congress to accommodate the Republicans.
Don Surber and National Review

Pima County Repubs Raffle Glock As Fundraiser; Same Gun Type Used in Tucson Shooting … Talk about a killer gimmick. — An Arizona Republican fundraiser is offering as a prize the same type of gun used in the attempted assassination of Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords.
Tim Mak / The Politico:
Ariz. GOP raffling off Glock gun

Exclusive: Condoleezza Rice fires back at Cheney memoir — (Reuters) - Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said Wednesday she resented what she viewed as an attack on her integrity by former Vice President Dick Cheney in his just-published memoir. — Speaking in an interview with Reuters …
The Hill, The Politico, Washington Post, The Moderate Voice, New York Magazine and
Robert Stacy McCain / The Other McCain:
Gibson Guitars CEO: U.S. Government Urged Him to Use Foreign Labor — Press release from KMJ-AM in Fresno, California: — Tonight, in an interview on KMJ's “The Chris Daniel Show,” Gibson CEO Henry Juszkiewicz confirmed that the US government wanted Gibson guitars to use foreign labor over American labor:
Michelle Malkin, aglanon's blog, The Gateway Pundit and Big Journalism

WikiLeaks: Iraqi children in U.S. raid shot in head, U.N. says — This cell phone photo was shot by a resident of Ishaqi on March 15, 2006, of bodies Iraqi police said were of children executed by U.S. troops after a night raid there. A State Department cable obtained by WikiLeaks quotes …
War Is A Crime .org and The Raw Story

The Daily News endorses Bob Turner over David Weprin for Congress to replace Anthony Weiner — The people of Anthony Weiner's old congressional district will elect a successor at a time when Washington faces historic challenges in cutting the national debt and creating jobs. They should choose Bob Turner.
PolitickerNY and National Review
Celeste Katz / NY Daily News:
GOP's Bob Turner, Democrat David Weprin Spar Over Medicare, Social Security At NY-9 Debate
GOP's Bob Turner, Democrat David Weprin Spar Over Medicare, Social Security At NY-9 Debate
Ballot Box and Campaign 2012
Paul Krugman:
Iceland Exits — Iceland is no longer under an IMF program; here's the IMF report (pdf) pronouncing the adjustment program successful. Indeed. Iceland still has high unemployment and is a long way from a full recovery; but it's no longer in crisis, it has regained access to international capital markets …
TalkLeft and The Agonist
Todd J. Gillman / Salt Lake Tribune:
Perry has plenty of ideas on Supreme Court, including term limits — One solution the governor embraces is to end lifetime tenure — a cornerstone of the Constitution, whose drafters worried far less about activist or senile judges than about meddling tyrants and political pressure.
Little Green Footballs, Balkinization, Ben Smith's Blog and The New Republic

Deputy mayor quit after being busted for domestic violence — The blizzard didn't bury him — roughing up his wife did. — Former Deputy Mayor Stephen Goldsmith — who drew sharp criticism for bungling the Christmas storm that shut down the city — actually resigned in disgrace after his wife …
Metropolis, City Room, New York Magazine, Gawker, Gothamist and New York Times

Another Republican Rebukes Cantor: Chris Christie Demands Hurricane Aid Without Offsetting Cuts — Last week, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) shockingly said that Congress should not approve emergency aid to states battered by Hurricane Irene unless it makes offsetting budget cuts elsewhere first.
New Jersey Online, Pennsylvania Ave., Outside the Beltway and Daily Kos
Ann Coulter / Official:
LIBERALS' VIEW OF DARWIN UNABLE TO EVOLVE — Amid the hoots at Republican presidential candidate Rick Perry for saying there were “gaps” in the theory of evolution, the strongest evidence for Darwinism presented by these soi-disant rationalists was a 9-year-old boy quoted in The New York Times.
How US firms profited from rendition flights — Court documents illustrate how US contracted out secret rendition transportation to a network of private companies — The scale of the CIA's rendition programme has been laid bare in court documents that illustrate in minute detail …
emptywheel, Obsidian Wings and Shakesville
Stephen Braun / Associated Press:
Court case lifts lid on secret post 9/11 flights
Court case lifts lid on secret post 9/11 flights
The Daily Weekly, Washington Post, Guardian, The Politico and TalkLeft

Howard Dean: Right On Foreign Medical Students — Justin Elliott has a kind of exposé piece in Salon about Howard Dean's post-DNC work as a de facto lobbyist and PR man for McKenna Long & Aldridge. Elliott's interest in the topic stems, I believe, from Dean's advocacy on behalf …

Michele Bachmann AWOL from N.H. — Bachmann's New Hampshire effort is led by state chairman Jeff Chidester, a radio host based in Rochester. In an interview, he told POLITICO he's received assurances from the campaign's national leadership that the candidate will be back in September …
Taegan Goddard's …
Andrew Restuccia / The Hill:
Chu signals support for proposed oil pipeline — Energy Secretary Steven Chu signaled this week that he supports a controversial proposed oil sands pipeline project being considered by the Obama administration. — The administration is reaching the tail end of its multi-year review …
Firedoglake, Energy Now and The American Independent

Apple loses another unreleased iPhone (exclusive) — Cava22, the San Francisco bar where another unreleased iPhone apparently went missing. — In a bizarre repeat of a high-profile incident last year, an Apple employee once again appears to have lost an unreleased iPhone in a bar, CNET has learned.
Guardian, Digits, TPM Idea Lab, GigaOM, Washington Post and New York Magazine, more at Techmeme »