Top Items:
Jeff Gluck /
Five NASCAR Drivers Decline President Obama's White House Invitation — President Barack Obama will honor NASCAR champion Jimmie Johnson and the 11 other Chase drivers from last year in a White House ceremony on Wednesday - but nearly half of the 2010 playoff contenders won't be there.

Investigators Probe White House Role in Massive Energy Loan — House investigators said they have uncovered evidence that White House officials became personally involved in an Energy Department review of a hot-button $535 million loan guarantee to the now-failed California solar company Solyndra.
Power Line, Outside the Beltway, iWatch News, The Crawdad Hole and Ricochet Conversation Feed

The White House mess — We will little note nor long remember Wednesday's breathless kerfuffle, with the White House deciding to schedule a speech in front of a joint session of Congress without actually asking Congress first — and planning for it during a long-planned Republican debate.
Pajamas Media and Instapundit

Jon Lovett's written for the president, but will that get him to Hollywood? — A young and witty speechwriter for an eloquent but exhausted president escapes a struggling White House and stodgy capital city for Hollywood, where he beats the odds to find fame and fortune writing comedy for more bankable stars.
Rich Lowry / National Review:
Obama's Enron — Bush was flayed for Enron. Where does that put Obama and his green-energy pet? — We have seen the future, and it went bankrupt. — If the praises of high-ranking Obama-administration officials were a viable business plan, the solar-panel maker Solyndra would be an industrial juggernaut.
Los Angeles Times, Hot Air and

White House received emails about Fast and Furious gun-trafficking operation — Three national security officials were given some details about the operation. But an administration official says the emails do not prove that anyone in the White House was aware of the covert tactics of the program.
Juliet Eilperin / Washington Post:
Obama pulls back proposed smog standards in victory for business — President Obama abruptly pulled back proposed new national smog standards Friday morning, overruling the Environmental Protection Agency's efforts to compel states and communities nationwide to reduce local air pollution in the coming years or face federal penalties.
Hullabaloo, Little Green Footballs, The Volokh Conspiracy, Daily Kos, Suburban Guerrilla and
John M. Broder / New York Times:
Obama Administration Abandons Plan to Tighten Air-Quality Rules — WASHINGTON — The Obama administration is abandoning its plan to immediately tighten air-quality rules nationwide to reduce emissions of smog-causing chemicals after an intense lobbying campaign by industry …
Lawyers, Guns & Money, New York Magazine and The Political Carnival
The White House:
Statement by the President on the Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards — Over the last two and half years, my administration, under the leadership of EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson, has taken some of the strongest actions since the enactment of the Clean Air Act four decades ago …
The Hill, The Heritage Foundation, Hot Air, The Politico, Campaign 2012 and Online NewsHour

Did the White House double-cross its supporters on the smog rule? — (BRIAN NICHOLSON/ASSOCIATED PRESS) Get ready to hear a lot about ozone in the coming weeks. On Friday, in a surprise move, the White House told the EPA to pull back on national standards for ground-level ozone pollution …
Daily Kos and Hullabaloo

Obama Asks EPA to Withdraw Proposed Ozone Rule
Washington Wire, Law Blog, The Caucus, Hit & Run, Michelle Malkin and National Review
The Hill:
White House shelves smog rule in huge defeat for green groups
White House shelves smog rule in huge defeat for green groups
National Review, Streetsblog Capitol Hill and Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion
Heather Zichal / White Blog:
Cleaner Air and a Stronger Economy - A Record of Success
Cleaner Air and a Stronger Economy - A Record of Success
Politics and The Raw Story
John Fund /
Why Sarah Palin Is Not Running — More ways to share... Mixx — Stumbled — LinkedIn — Vine — Buzzflash — Newstrust — Technocrati — Forward Article — Sarah Palin will swoop into Iowa and New Hampshire to speak at tea party rallies this Labor Day weekend …
Real Clear Politics, Campaign 2012 and Ben Smith's Blog

Palin to Rip “Crony Capitalism” in Iowa Speech
GOP 12, Washington Post, Firedoglake,, Conservatives4Palin, Iowa Caucuses, The Daily Dish and Politics
Peter Hamby / CNN:
Palin will up the ante but not announce run in Iowa speech
Palin will up the ante but not announce run in Iowa speech
The Hill, National Review, Hot Air, Iowa Caucuses, Rasmussen Reports and Conservatives4Palin

U.S. Showed No Job Growth in August; Rate Stays at 9.1% — The economy showed no job growth in August, the first time there has been no increase in net jobs in the United States in 11 months. — The flat performance in the job market was down sharply from a revised 85,000 gain of jobs in July …
Washington Post, ThinkProgress, Washington Monthly, Associated Press, The Atlantic Online, Economix,, Calculated Risk, Free exchange, Felix Salmon, Outside the Beltway, Real Time Economics,, Gothamist, AFL-CIO NOW BLOG, Ricochet Conversation Feed, Sky Dancing, Guardian, PERRspectives, Gawker,, Online NewsHour, Hugh Hewitt's TownHall Blog and Balloon Juice
Matthew Yglesias / ThinkProgress:
The Conservative Recovery Teeters Into Recession — Looks like we had 17,000 thousand new private sector jobs in August, which were 100 percent offset by 17,000 lost jobs in the public sector. — The striking zero result should galvanize minds, but it's worth noting that this has been the trend all year.
The Hand That Feeds You

Debunking Austerity Madness: ZERO Job Growth in US, Gloomy Europe - Yet an Argentinean ‘Tango’
Washington Post, The Huffington Post and New York Times
Steve Benen / Washington Monthly:
On the road to the ‘conservative recovery’
On the road to the ‘conservative recovery’
ThinkProgress and Prairie Weather

Regulations, taxes aren't killing small business, owners say — WASHINGTON — Politicians and business groups often blame excessive regulation and fear of higher taxes for tepid hiring in the economy. However, little evidence of that emerged when McClatchy canvassed a random sample of small business owners across the nation.
Lisa Rein / Washington Post:
Undocumented workers got billions from IRS in tax credits, audit finds — The Internal Revenue Service allowed undocumented workers to collect $4.2 billion in refundable tax credits last year, a new audit says, almost quadruple the sum five years ago. — Although undocumented workers …
The Politico, RedState, Hot Air, The Gateway Pundit, neo-neocon and

YouTuber Charged with Material Support of Terrorism — Jubair Ahmad, a 24 year old immigrant from Pakistan living in the D.C. suburb of Woodbridge, has been indicted for providing material support for a terrorist organization. The material support in question?
Amy Sullivan / Swampland:
Articles of Faith: What Journalists Should Be Asking Politicians About Religion — A few weeks ago, I opened up my Twitter feed early in the morning and immediately wondered if I was being punk'd. Instead of the usual horse race speculation, my colleagues in the political press corps …
American Spectator
Russell Berman / The Hill:
Cheney: We considered bypassing Congress on TARP authorization — Former Vice President Dick Cheney anticipated the conservative uproar over the 2008 Wall Street rescue package, and he writes in his new memoir that the Bush administration “briefly” considered not seeking congressional authorization for the $700 billion bank bailout.
Washington Monthly and Washington Post

U.S. Is Set to Sue a Dozen Big Banks Over Mortgages — The federal agency that oversees the mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac is set to file suits against more than a dozen big banks, accusing them of misrepresenting the quality of mortgage securities they assembled and sold …
The Atlantic Online, Firedoglake, Politics, Guardian, The Heritage Foundation, DealBook, Fortune, New Deal 2.0, Swampland, AMERICAblog News, Hot Air, CBS News, Zandar Versus The Stupid, Suburban Guerrilla, Truthdig, neo-neocon, naked capitalism, Pajamas Media, DownWithTyranny!, ThinkProgress, Money & Company, The Politico, Felix Salmon, CANNONFIRE, Gothamist, New York Magazine, Prairie Weather, Mish's Global Economic … and Booman Tribune

Florida Sheriff Saves $1 Million Over CCA by De-Privatizing Jail — Sheriff Michael Page of Hernando County, Florida, is the latest in a line of Sheriffs to inherit the headache that is the county jail. After being operated by CCA for 22 years, the facility had fallen into exceptional disrepair …

ARIANNA HUFFINGTON: Mike Arrington Is Out At TechCrunch — TechCrunch founder and editor Michael Arrington no longer works for TechCrunch, says Arianna Huffington, the president and editor-in-chief of AOL Huffington Post Media Group. — This contradicts some initial reports of Mr. Arrington's new role …
Paul Krugman / New York Times:
Eric and Irene — “Have you left no sense of decency?” That's the question Joseph Welch famously asked Joseph McCarthy, as the red-baiting demagogue tried to ruin yet another innocent citizen. And these days, it's the question I find myself wanting to ask Eric Cantor, the House majority leader …
Firedoglake, Associated Press, Northern Reflections and Washington Monthly
Jeffrey T. Kuhner / Washington Times:
Martin Luther King Jr.'s mixed legacy — Embrace of victimology tainted his call for a color-blind society — In Washington, there now stands a new memorial: a 30-foot-tall granite statue of Martin Luther King Jr. overlooking the Tidal Basin. For decades, liberals and some conservatives …
alicublog, Hullabaloo and Right Wing Watch

Black unemployment: Highest in 27 years — NEW YORK (CNNMoney) — The August jobs report was dismal for plenty of reasons, but perhaps most striking was the picture it painted of racial inequality in the job market. — Black unemployment surged to 16.7% in August, its highest level since 1984 …
ThinkProgress and The Gateway Pundit
Steve Benen / Washington Monthly:
GOP leaders stop taking credit for job data — When the jobs reports were looking quite good in the early spring, Republican leaders were eager to take credit for the positive numbers they had nothing to do with. After all, as far as GOP officials were concerned, their mere presence …
Daily Kos and Smartypants
Barney Frank / Washington Post:
The Senate refuses to consider Obama nominees — Once upon a time, we could have expected the following sequence: After considerable debate, Congress would have passed a bill creating an agency. The president would then nominate someone to head that agency. That nomination would be considered on its merits by the Senate.
The Politico, The New Republic, Politics and Daily Kos