Top Items:
Faced With Perry's “Niggerhead” Controversy, Conservatives Slam...Herman Cain — Postracial politics? Yeah, right. — Post Comment — As Texas Gov. Rick Perry deals with the fallout from the revelation that his family leases a hunting camp called “Niggerhead,” Herman Cain is facing his own backlash …
The Atlantic Online, The Daily Caller, New York Magazine, Daily Kos, Mediaite, Instapundit, Washington Post and Hullabaloo
Perry Critics Defend Him In Racist Camp Name Furor … Keywords: - Texas Governor Rick Perry, - Race, - Rick Perry Personal, - Rick Perry Politics — At a critical juncture in his race for the GOP presidential nomination, Gov. Rick Perry has been forced to do something no candidate wants …
Marc Caputo / St. Petersburg Times:
Fla poll: Romney 28%, Cain 24, Gingrich 10, Perry 9 — Debates matter. So did Florida's straw poll. Just ask two guys: Herman Cain and Rick Perry. — Cain is now running in second place in Florida now that his support surged nearly 19 percentage points after last month's Republican Party …
The Other McCain, Hot Air, New York Magazine,, Campaign 2012 and Arkansas Blog, Arkansas Times
Ta-Nehisi Coates / The Atlantic Online:
Democracy in America, American Power, Michelle Malkin, Hot Air, Outside the Beltway, Daily Kos, New York Times, Colorlines and Gawker
Justin Sink / The Hill:
Romney says the name of Rick Perry's hunting camp is ‘offensive’
Romney says the name of Rick Perry's hunting camp is ‘offensive’
Weasel Zippers
Justin Sink / Ballot Box:
Cain denies playing ‘race card’
Cain denies playing ‘race card’
CNN, blogs, RealClearPolitics Video Log, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, Sister Toldjah and Instapundit
Jon Ward / The Huffington Post:
Rick Perry Signed 2007 Mandate Requiring 30 Minutes Of Daily Exercise For Texas Students
Rick Perry Signed 2007 Mandate Requiring 30 Minutes Of Daily Exercise For Texas Students
Campaign 2012 and ThinkProgress
Rick Perry / Washington Post:
At Rick Perry's Texas hunting spot, camp's old racially charged name lingered
At Rick Perry's Texas hunting spot, camp's old racially charged name lingered
Swampland, Wonkette, and The Daily Dish
Exclusive: Occupy Wall Street Activist Slams Fox News Producer In Un-Aired Interview [Video] — Even if Geraldo Rivera was at the Zuccotti Park yesterday, Fox News has generally been a tad dismissive of the Occupy Wall Street movement. (as of this writing) …
Anti-Wall Street Protests Spreading to Cities Large and Small — A loose-knit populist campaign that started on Wall Street three weeks ago has spread to dozens of cities across the country, with protesters camped out in Los Angeles near City Hall, assembled before the Federal Reserve Bank …
The Democratic Daily, ACS Blog and
Justin Sink / The Hill:
Paul supports anti-Wall Street protests
Paul supports anti-Wall Street protests
The Politico and Ben Smith's Blog
Obama is Hitler: Hank Williams Jr. Impersonates a Tea Party Sign on Fox & Friends — Hank Williams Jr. joined the morning crew of Fox & Friends and meandered off the rails. It even had the Ailes puppet crew freaking out, causing them to disavow his comments at the end of the segment.
Hullabaloo, The Daily What, Gawker and Outside the Beltway, more at Mediagazer »
Keach Hagey / The Politico:
ESPN yanks Hank Williams for comparing Obama to Hitler — Hank Williams Jr., the voice famous for asking millions of viewers if they're ready for some football, has been pulled from Monday's broadcast of “Monday Night Football” over a comment he made on Fox News this morning.
ESPN, Alan Colmes' Liberaland, Booman Tribune, Mediaite and Big Journalism
Hank Williams Jr. Likens Obama To Hitler In Uncomfortable Fox and Friends Interview — Country music singer Hank Williams Jr. compared President Obama to Adolph Hitler in an awkward interview Monday morning on Fox and Friends. Williams called the golf summit the president had with Speaker …
Discussion: and News Hounds
Shock Photos: Candidate Obama Appeared And Marched With New Black Panther Party in 2007 — New photographs obtained exclusively by reveal that Barack Obama appeared and marched with members of the New Black Panther Party as he campaigned for president in Selma, Alabama in March 2007.
Big Journalism, Don Surber, Hot Air, Media Matters for America, Doug Ross, Pajamas Media, Atlas Shrugs, National Review, Little Green Footballs, Sister Toldjah, summer patriot …, Moonbattery, Verum Serum, The Gateway Pundit, The Lonely Conservative, Weasel Zippers, The Right Scoop, Michelle Malkin, GayPatriot and JammieWearingFool
President Obama Calls Himself ‘Underdog’ in 2012 Race for White House — George Stephanopoulos of ABC News interviews President Barack Obama live on and Yahoo! today at 2:35 EST. (Saul Loeb/AFP/Getty Images) — Calling himself an “underdog,” President Obama today …
Yahoo! News, Media Decoder, Guardian, Towleroad News #gay, Questions and Observations, Weasel Zippers, CNN and RedState, more at Mediagazer »
Gary Langer / Politics:
Majority Expects Obama to Lose Re-Election — A majority of Americans expect Barack Obama to be a one-term president, an assessment on which, in past elections, the public more often has been right than wrong. — Just 37 percent in a new ABC News/Washington Post poll say they expect Obama …
Weasel Zippers, Ballot Box, American Power, GayPatriot, Indecision Forever and The Daily Caller
Conor Friedersdorf / The Atlantic Online:
Is America Suffering from Rogue Leaders or Broken Institutions? — Overzealous presidents and a weakened Congress are the source of our problems. And the remedy is obvious. — Today on Twitter, several progressive Washington DC-based journalists sent around a link to a paragraph written …
Alas, a Blog
John B. Bellinger III / Washington Post:
Will drone strikes become Obama's Guantanamo?
Will drone strikes become Obama's Guantanamo?
Pajamas Media, The Huffington Post, Hot Air, Lawfare, The Atlantic Online, Opinio Juris and Clausewitz
VIDEO: Reagan Called For An End To ‘Crazy’ Tax Loopholes That Let Millionaires Pay Less Than Bus Drivers — When President Obama released his plan for “the Buffett rule,” which involves closing tax loopholes and ensuring that millionaires pay their fair share in taxes, he explained that …
The Cost Of A Demobilized Left — Watching the growth of Occupy Wall Street solidarity protests around the country, it's hard not to be reminded of the lost opportunity to mobilize a left-wing popular movement back in the winter of 2008-2009 and the spring of 2009.
The Crawdad Hole, Ben Smith's Blog, Corrente, Balloon Juice and Eschaton
Innovation Starvation — My lifespan encompasses the era when the United States of America was capable of launching human beings into space. Some of my earliest memories are of sitting on a braided rug before a hulking black-and-white television, watching the early Gemini missions.
Greg Sargent / Washington Post:
How Obama's tax hikes would really impact the rich, in three easy charts — Ever since Obama redoubled his push to hike taxes on the rich, conservatives have been ridiculing Obama's invocations of fairness, insisting that the rich are already paying a rising share of the overall tax burden …
Political Mojo
Russell Berman / The Hill:
Rep. Cantor rejects Obama, says president's jobs package is dead — House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) declared President Obama's $447 billion jobs bill dead on Monday in its current form, flatly rejecting the president's latest plea for Congress to vote on the measure.
The Politico, ABCNEWS, Firedoglake and CNN
Alexander Mooney / The 1600 Report:
Obama: No regrets over Solyndra — President Obama Monday said he does not regret a half-billion dollar government loan to the now-bankrupt solar energy company Solyndra and vigorously defended his administration's policy of providing assistance to similar entities.
New York Times, Politics, Hot Air and Weasel Zippers
Carol D. Leonnig / Washington Post:
Obama was advised against visiting Solyndra after financial warnings
Obama was advised against visiting Solyndra after financial warnings
Weasel Zippers and The Lonely Conservative
Obama impeachment a possibility, says Ron Paul — Ron Paul said Monday that President Barack Obama's targeted killing of Anwar al-Awlaki might be an impeachable offense. — Asked at a Manchester, N.H. town hall meeting about last week's killing of the American-born Al Qaeda leader …
Weasel Zippers, and The Moderate Voice
John Hinderaker / Power Line:
Bloomberg Whiffs, Part 1 — Last Friday, I wrote about a Bloomberg Markets story on Koch Industries which at that time was still in preparation. According to multiple reports, the story was expected to focus on claims that a European Koch subsidiary had business transactions in Iran …
Crooks and Liars, Arkansas Blog, Arkansas Times and Hit & Run
Michael Marshall / New Scientist:
Political backlash to geoengineering begins — Political opposition to technologies that could artificially cool the planet is in full swing. A field test of geoengineering, planned for October in Sculthorpe, UK, has been postponed for six months. Meanwhile, the European Parliament …
The Atlantic Online and Instapundit
Amanda Knox / The Daily Beast:
Inside Obama's Populist Makeover — The president's friends (and foes) on what prompted his lurch to the left—and whether it will work. Plus, Michael Tomasky on Obama's new centrist battle plan.
The Politico, TPMDC, Weasel Zippers,, Washington Monthly and The Daily Caller, more at Mediagazer »
Robert J. Samuelson / Washington Post:
Risk-averse America — Economist Robert Litan of the Kauffman Foundation likes to recall that half of today's Fortune 500 companies began as start-ups in a recession or a bear stock market. And why not? During a recession, it's cheaper to hire new workers, rent office space, buy supplies.
Restrictions Could Keep Five Million Traditionally Democratic Voters From The Polls In 2012 — Restrictive voting laws in states across the country could affect up to five million voters from traditionally Democratic demographics in 2012, according to a new report by the Brennan Center.