Top Items:
Alicia M. Cohn / Ballot Box:
Romney rushes to clarify to comments on union bargaining bill — FAIRFAX, Va. — Mitt Romney sought to overturn his controversial comment on unions Wednesday, saying he supports Ohio Gov. John Kasich (R) “110 percent” in limiting collective bargaining power.
Steve Benen / Washington Monthly:
Romney's ‘huge freaking deal’ — At this point in the morning yesterday, it looked like the biggest political screw-up of the day would be Rick Perry's latest Birther flirtations. As it turns out, though as ridiculous as this was, it was eclipsed rather easily.
The Mahablog, DownWithTyranny!, Gawker, The Reaction, The Maddow Blog and Balloon Juice

Mitt Romney Got Used As A Pawn In An Ohio State GOP Civil War Yesterday
Washington Post, The PJ Tatler and Hot Air
Alexander Burns / The Politico:
Mitt Romney: Actually, I do support Ohio law
Mitt Romney: Actually, I do support Ohio law
Hot Air and New York Magazine
Jay Cost / Weekly Standard:
Morning Jay: Romney's Strategic Advantages
Morning Jay: Romney's Strategic Advantages
The Politico, The Greenroom, RedState, Hugh Hewitt's TownHall Blog and Balloon Juice
Tanya Somanader / ThinkProgress:
After Refusing To Take A Position On Ohio's Anti-Labor Law, Romney Is Now ‘110 Percent’ Behind It
After Refusing To Take A Position On Ohio's Anti-Labor Law, Romney Is Now ‘110 Percent’ Behind It
Washington Monthly, CNN, Outside the Beltway and Daily Kos
Adam C. Smith / St. Petersburg Times:
Rick Perry: Obama is an American citizen — ST PETE BEACH - Texas governor Rick Perry clarified Wednesday that he has no doubt that Barack Obama was born in the U.S., saying that he was only kidding around when he voiced doubts in a TV interview earlier this week.

Rick Perry: No doubt President Obama an American citizen
ABCNEWS, The Raw Story, GOP 12 and CNN
Rick Klein / ABCNEWS:
Huntsman: ‘I Cringe’ When Perry Goes Birther; ‘Nonsensical Talk’ Will Drive Away Independents
Huntsman: ‘I Cringe’ When Perry Goes Birther; ‘Nonsensical Talk’ Will Drive Away Independents
Mediaite and Washington Post

EXCLUSIVE: ACORN Playing Behind Scenes Role in ‘Occupy’ Movement — The former New York office for ACORN, the disbanded community activist group, is playing a key role in the self-proclaimed “leaderless” Occupy Wall Street movement, organizing “guerrilla” protest events and hiring door …

Rikers cons flood Zuccotti for free eats — Newly sprung ex-cons and vagrants rousted from other parks are crashing the Occupy Wall Street protest, where gourmet meals are free and boozy, drugfueled parties are on tap, the movement's leaders griped yesterday.
CBS News, City Room, Weasel Zippers, Runnin' Scared, Right Wing News, Say Anything, Mediaite and Washington Post

Zuccotti Park to Lose All-Night Drum Circle, Gain Portable Toilets
CBS New York and JammieWearingFool
Josh Hafner / Iowa Caucuses:
5 questions for ... Herman Cain
5 questions for ... Herman Cain
The Politico, Outside the Beltway and The Page
The Lede:
Police Fire Tear Gas at Occupy Protesters in Oakland — Last Updated 9:48 a.m. Riot police in Oakland dispersed hundreds of protesters with tear gas on Tuesday night as crowds tried to re-enter a plaza outside of City Hall that the authorities had cleared of an encampment earlier in the day.
insideBayArea, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Rortybomb, The PJ Tatler, Campaign 2012, New York Magazine, Power Line, Associated Press, Oakland North, Hullabaloo, US Politics, Feministing, New York Times, Hot Air, Towleroad News #gay, The Impolitic, UrbanGrounds, The Raw Story, Boing Boing, ThinkProgress, Gawker, Verum Serum, Crooks and Liars, Shakesville, Business Insider, Corrente and Weasel Zippers

Occupy Oakland: Tear gas & flashbang grenades (PHOTOS, VIDEO)
Crooks and Liars, ThinkProgress and The Raw Story
Shelby Grad / L.A. NOW:
Occupy Oakland: More than 100 arrested; police defend tactics
Occupy Oakland: More than 100 arrested; police defend tactics
Political Mojo, The Raw Story, The Maddow Blog, Shakesville, Oakland North, Boing Boing and insideBayArea
Jonathan Easley / The Hill:
Obama education chief: student loan reform to address income inequality — President Obama's education reform efforts will address growing income inequality in the U.S., Secretary of Education Arne Duncan said Wednesday. — Speaking on MSNBC's Morning Joe on Wednesday …
The Politico
Tamar Lewin / New York Times:
President to Ease Student-Loan Burden for Low-Income Graduates
President to Ease Student-Loan Burden for Low-Income Graduates
Alan Colmes' Liberaland

Obama Wrote Fewer Rules Than Bush, Cost More — President Barack Obama's “tsunami” of new government regulations looks more like a summer swell. — Obama's White House has approved fewer regulations than his predecessor George W. Bush at this same point in their tenures …
ThinkProgress, Political Mojo, Washington Monthly, The Raw Story and Booman Tribune
Quinnipiac University:
Pizza Magnate Leads GOP Presidential Pack In Ohio, Quinnipiac University Poll Finds; Romney Stalled As Perry Vanishes — Former Godfather's Pizza CEO Herman Cain has jumped to the front of the line among GOP presidential contenders with 28 percent support among Ohio Republicans.

Ryan: Obama ‘sowing social unrest’ — House Budget Committee chairman Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) will take direct aim at President Barack Obama in a speech Wednesday morning, accusing him of “preying on the emotions of fear, envy and resentment” as he travels the country to sell his jobs plan.
Naftali Bendavid / Washington Wire:
Paul Ryan Slams Obama Over Economy, ‘Divisive Rhetoric’
Paul Ryan Slams Obama Over Economy, ‘Divisive Rhetoric’
The Enterprise Blog

Copying: It's A Good Thing — Tim Lee has a great post not so much defending Google and Android from accusations of “stealing” ideas from Apple and iOS as defending their right to do so. He's got this exactly right, I think. … Copying of business concepts is integral to the “invisible hand” model of market competition.
Political Mojo
Timothy B. Lee / Disruptive Economics:
Yes, Google “Stole” From Apple, And That's A Good Thing
Yes, Google “Stole” From Apple, And That's A Good Thing
Outside the Beltway
Lyle Denniston / SCOTUSblog:
Health care cases set for Nov. 10 — The Supreme Court will take its first look at the challenges to the new federal health care law at its Conference on Thursday, November 10. Five of the six pending petitions (the sixth is not ready yet) were distributed to the Justices' chambers on Wednesday …
Washington Post, ThinkProgress, and Outside the Beltway

Top Earners Doubled Share of Nation's Income, C.B.O. Says — WASHINGTON — The top 1 percent of earners more than doubled their share of the nation's income over the last three decades, the Congressional Budget Office said Tuesday, in a new report likely to figure prominently …

OWS Supporter Michael Moore Lies on National Television About His Wealth: No I'm Not Worth Millions — Schlockumentary filmmaker Michael Moore is so hell-bent on being a leader of the Occupy Wall Street movement that he's willing to lie about his wealth on national television.
Discussion:, Tim Blair and The Powers That Be

Rick Perry aide says yes to Michigan debate, but maybe not beyond — Rick Perry, who made clear during his Bill O'Reilly interview last night that he finds the debate formats geared toward promoting a fight, is going to the No. 9 one after that - but is a question mark for some of the glut of face-offs after that.
Washington Wire, Rick Perry 2012 Campaign …, Hot Air, Ben Smith's Blog, GOP 12 and Burkablog

Chelsea Clinton Mulls Congressional Run from New York State; 18th District in Westchester County Considered Likely Choice — Talk of the Sound has learned that Chelsea Clinton may run for Congress next year. — Clinton has been approached by “the right people” in the New York Democratic Party, according to one source in Albany.
Crooks and Liars
Jeffrey M. Jones / Gallup:
Record-Low 26% in U.S. Favor Handgun Ban — Support for stricter gun laws in general is lowest Gallup has measured — PRINCETON, NJ — A record-low 26% of Americans favor a legal ban on the possession of handguns in the United States other than by police and other authorized people.
Gschwarzcnn / CNN:
Poll: Romney at or tied for top spot in first 4 states to vote — (CNN) - Mitt Romney is on the top or tied for the lead in the race for the Republican presidential nomination in new surveys in the first four states to vote in next year's primary and caucus calendar.
The Hill and Business Insider