Top Items:
Prof. Phil Jones / Watts Up With That?:
Climategate 2.0 emails - They're real and they're spectacular! — UPDATE: 8:20 AM PST These emails have not been verified yet, and this story was posted by one of my moderating staff while I was asleep. Until such time they are verified, tread lightly because without knowing what is behind …
Discussion:, Hot Air, Guardian, Power Line, Don Surber, Patterico's Pontifications, The Strata-Sphere, The PJ Tatler and Maggie's Farm

‘New release’ of climate emails — The writer appears to argue that combating climate change will create poverty — What appears to be a new batch of emails and other documents from the University of East Anglia's Climatic Research Unit has been released.
Alan Colmes' Liberaland, The Hill and DeSmogBlog
Leo Hickman / Guardian:
Fresh round of hacked climate science emails leaked online — A file containing 5,000 emails has been made available in an apparent attempt to repeat the impact of 2009's similar release — A fresh tranche of private emails exchanged between leading climate scientists throughout the last decade was released online on Tuesday.

Uh oh, global warming loons: here comes Climategate II! — Breaking news: two years after the Climategate, a further batch of emails has been leaked onto the internet by a person - or persons - unknown. And as before, they show the “scientists” at the heart of the Man-Made Global Warming industry in a most unflattering light.
The Enterprise Blog, blogs, Get Energy Smart! and Campaign 2012
Jeff Id / The Air Vent:
Climategate 2.0 — Files can be downloaded here.
Climategate 2.0 — Files can be downloaded here.
Political Mojo, ThinkProgress, The Reference Frame and The PJ Tatler
Tallbloke / tallbloke's talkshop:
Breaking news: FOIA 2011 has arrived !
Breaking news: FOIA 2011 has arrived !
THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS, Big Government and YID With LID
Judd Legum / ThinkProgress:
New ThinkProgress ‘Ad’: Romney Says 'Let Us Just Raise Your Taxes Some More'* — Yesterday, Mitt Romney released his first campaign ad, which quotes President Obama saying “if we keep talking about the economy, we're going to lose.” But those weren't Obama's words; he was quoting a strategist for Sen. John McCain in 2008.
RELATED: Truth-O-Meter rulings from National:
Mitt Romney: Says Barack Obama said, “If we keep talking about the economy, we're going to lose.” — The Truth-o-Meter says: Pants on Fire! Mitt Romney ad charges Obama said, 'If we keep talking about the economy, we're going to lose' — On the eve of a presidential trip to New Hampshire on Nov. 22 …
ThinkProgress, ABCNEWS, Mediaite, New York Times, Planet Washington and Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion
A.Killough / CNN:
TRENDING: Romney names possible running mate — (CNN) - GOP presidential front-runner Mitt Romney on Monday dropped a name for a possible running mate should he secure his party's nomination. — “There are probably 15 names of people, including (New Hampshire Sen.) Kelly Ayotte,” Romney said in an interview on Fox News.
Brian Montopoli / CBS News:
Mitt Romney attack ad misleadingly quotes Obama
Mitt Romney attack ad misleadingly quotes Obama
Washington Monthly and Truthdig
Gail Gitcho / Mitt Romney for President …:
TABLES TURNED — Three years ago, candidate Barack Obama mocked …
TABLES TURNED — Three years ago, candidate Barack Obama mocked …
News Desk, Washington Post and ThinkProgress

It Figures... UC Davis Students AGREED to Be Pepper Sprayed Before Incident (Video) ...Update: UC Davis Pepper Spray Massacre Victims Giggled & Smiled Describing Historic Torture — For the record... The UC Davis students who were holding the illegal protest on campus last weekend were warned …
Pat Dollard, The Lonely Conservative and The PJ Tatler

TPMDC — Fox News On UC Davis Pepper Spraying: 'It's A Food Product, Essentially' — On Monday night, O'Reilly Factor host Bill O'Reilly and Fox News host Megyn Kelly sat down to discuss what really happened at UC Davis on Friday and whether campus police acted appropriately in showering …
Political Mojo, New York Times and First Draft
Mr Patch W. Adams / The P/Oed Patriot:
UC Davis Protesters AGREED To Being Pepper Sprayed By Police
UC Davis Protesters AGREED To Being Pepper Sprayed By Police
Discussion:, TIME Healthland and Verum Serum
Quinnipiac University:
Gingrich On Top Of GOP Pack As Cain Fades, Quinnipiac University National Poll Finds; Romney Ties Obama In One-On-One Matchup — Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich more than doubles his share of the Republican presidential vote to lead the presidential pack with 26 percent and in a head …
Danny Yadron / Washington Wire:
Tonight's Debate: Six Issues to Watch
Lydia Saad / Gallup:
Gingrich Now Leads GOP Field in Positive Intensity
Gingrich Now Leads GOP Field in Positive Intensity
Guardian, Big Government and GOP 12

Michele Bachmann's Entrance On Jimmy Fallon? The Fishbone Song ‘Lyin’ Ass Bitch' — Earlier this morning, our own Nando Di Fino critiqued Michele Bachmann's appearance on last night's Late Night with Jimmy Fallon by saying that that the first half of her segment, when she discussed …
Bachmann Mocked Amid Talk-Show Yuks — The drummer for the house band on “Late Night with Jimmy Fallon” apologized sort of for his decision to play “Lyin' Ass Bitch” when Rep. Michele Bachmann appeared on the talk show Monday night. — “The performance was a tongue-in-cheek and spur of the moment decision.
PolitickerNY, Big Hollywood and Jammie Wearing Fools
Ian Swanson / The Hill:
Obama heckled by protesters at New Hampshire speech — President Obama was heckled on Tuesday during an appearance at a New Hampshire high school. — Obama had traveled north to the Granite State, which holds the nation's first presidential primary, to discuss the economy and his proposal to extend a current payroll tax cut.
The Hill, CNN, Maggie's Farm, Weasel Zippers and Jammie Wearing Fools
Greg Sargent / Washington Post:
Despite attacks, Dems standing by Occupy Wall Street — For weeks now, Republicans have attacked Democrats for voicing support for the Occupy Wall Street protesters, in particular faulting the DCCC for standing up for them. And the incidents of violence and excess have led some neutral commentators …
Hot Air, Verum Serum, The Gateway Pundit, The Maddow Blog, Weasel Zippers, Klein Online, Washington's Blog and

Gov. John Kitzhaber stops executions in Oregon, calls system ‘compromised and inequitable’ — SALEM — Gov. John Kitzhaber announced today he will not allow the execution of Gary Haugen — or any death row inmate — to take place while he is in office. — The death penalty is morally wrong and unjustly administered, Kitzhaber said.
The Politico, The Moderate Voice, Associated Press, his vorpal sword and Daily Kos
William Yardley / New York Times:
Oregon Executions to Be Blocked by Gov. Kitzhaber
Oregon Executions to Be Blocked by Gov. Kitzhaber
The Stranger …

Thank You, Grover Norquist — The super committee's failure is rooted in a clash of visions. — So it's all Grover Norquist's fault. Democrats and the media are singing in unison that the reason Congress's antideficit super committee has failed is because of the conservative activist's magical antitax spell over Republicans.
Outside the Beltway, ThinkProgress, American Spectator and Business Insider
David Brooks / New York Times:
The Two Moons — In 1951, Samuel Lubell invented the concept of the political solar system. At any moment, he wrote, there is a Sun Party (the majority party, which drives the agenda) and a Moon Party (the minority party, which shines by reflecting the solar rays).
Washington Monthly, Washington Post, Booman Tribune, Connecting.the.Dots, Balloon Juice, Ben Smith's Blog and driftglass
Ben Smith / Ben Smith's Blog:
A complicated Romney family — Part of Mitt Romney's political persona is his perfect family: His oft-mentioned marriage of 40 years, his five handsome, successful sons and their photogenic families. Like much with Romney, it's an asset that is on the edge of being a liability …
Taegan Goddard's …

The Path to 270 — Demographics Versus Economics in the 2012 Presidential Election — Changing demographics and the perceived and real state of the economy will play a huge role in determining the presidential winner when voters head to the polls in 2012. — SOURCE: AP/ Pat Sullivan
The Daily Beast, and The New Republic

Sarah Palin Got Scolded by Roger Ailes for Not Announcing Her Non-Candidacy on Fox News — Sarah Palin's announcement that she wouldn't run for president disappointed her legions of admirers — but it infuriated Roger Ailes. The Fox News chief wasn't angry about the decision itself.
Jamelle Bouie / American Prospect:
The Huntsman Dilemma — After spending $800,000-plus on media over the last several months, Our Destiny PAC, the pro-Jon Huntsman political action committee, plans to spend an additional $650,000 on new television ads for the New Hampshire primary. If Huntsman were a viable contender, this might make sense.
Outside the Beltway

Why the SuperCommitee Needed to Fail — Ask me what my greatest fear is right now, and I will tell you that my greatest fear is that the members of the SuperCommittee — which, as you may have noted, both Newt Gingrich and I think was a colossally stupid idea — will come up with some face-saving …
Firedoglake, Balloon Juice and The Impolitic
A.Killough / CNN:
Live Blog: CNN Republican National Security Debate — Washington, D.C. (CNN) - The CNN Political Ticker is live blogging the CNN Republican National Security Debate in Washington, D.C. Check here for live updates throughout the event and be sure to follow @PoliticalTicker, @CNNPolitics and use #CNNDebate. .
Firedoglake, The Gateway Pundit and Lawfare
Jon Huntsman / CNN:
Bring U.S. military in line with new reality — Editor's note: Jon Huntsman, former governor of Utah and U.S. ambassador to China, is a candidate for the Republican nomination for president. (Republican presidential candidates take on national defense, the economy, international relations …
Jammie Wearing Fools and Outside the Beltway