Top Items:

Mitt Romney tells ‘interrupters’ at rally to ‘take a hike’ — Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, campaigns at Allstar Building Materials in Ormond Beach, Fla. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak / January 22, 2012) — Mitt Romney opened an aggressive new phase …
Newt Surges to Lead in Fla., Romney Trails by 8 Points — More ways to share... Mixx — Stumbled — LinkedIn — Vine — Buzzflash — Newstrust — Technocrati — Forward Article — Newt Gingrich has now surged to a significant lead over Mitt Romney in Florida …

FLORIDA FAMILIES — While Florida families struggled during the housing crisis, Newt Gingrich cashed in while working for Freddie Mac. After being sanctioned for ethics violations and resigning in disgrace, Newt Gingrich cashed in as a D.C. insider. President Obama and his campaign …
CNN, FiveThirtyEight, Washington Post, The Caucus, PJ Media, The Stranger …, No More Mister Nice Blog, ABCNEWS, Orlando Sentinel and Swampland
Meghashyam Mali / Ballot Box:
Poll: Gingrich surges to lead in Florida primary
Poll: Gingrich surges to lead in Florida primary
The Moderate Voice, Questions and Observations, Outside the Beltway, ThinkProgress, GOP 12, Prairie Weather and The Hill

The Gingrich Challenge — A test for Romney, GOP officials …
The Enterprise Blog and GOP 12
David Weigel / Slate:
Romney Campaign on Newt: “We Want to Know What Nancy Pelosi Knows”
Romney Campaign on Newt: “We Want to Know What Nancy Pelosi Knows”
Washington Monthly, Taylor Marsh and The Caucus
Jim Vandeheiand Mike Allen / The Politico:
Newt Gingrich: The master of disguise
Newt Gingrich: The master of disguise
Reuters, CNN, Hot Air, Pirate's Cove, Taylor Marsh and Gothamist

Rand Paul detained by TSA — Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul was detained Monday by the Transportation Security Administration in Nashville, Tenn., after refusing a full body pat-down, POLITICO has confirmed. — “I spoke with him five minutes ago and he was being detained indefinitely,” Paul spokesperson Moira Bagley said.
Washington Monthly, Wonkette, Indecision Forever and Campaign 2012

Sen. Rand Paul ‘detained’ by TSA in Nashville, TSA denies — Kentucky Republican Sen. Rand Paul's press secretary Moira Bagley tweeted on Monday that Transportation Security Administration officials were detaining her boss in Nashville, Tenn. — “Just got a call from @senrandpaul,” Bagley tweeted at about 10 a.m. on Monday.
A.Killough / CNN:
BREAKING: Spokeswoman: TSA turns away Sen. Rand Paul — (CNN) - Authorities blocked U.S. Sen. Rand Paul at the Nashville airport Monday after the Kentucky Republican refused a pat-down at a security checkpoint, his spokeswoman said. — Paul went through a scanner at the airport and set off an alarm …
National Review
Rand Paul in Pat-Down Standoff With TSA in Nashville — Sen. Rand Paul told his communications director this morning he was being detained by TSA in Nashville. — @moirabagley, the Twitter account associated with Paul staffer Moira Bagley tweeted around 10 a.m., ET, “Just got a call from @senrandpaul.
Hot Air, PolitickerNY, The Gateway Pundit, Outside the Beltway, Mediaite and Big Government
Charlie Savage / The Caucus:
Rand Paul Is Stopped by T.S.A. in Nashville
Rand Paul Is Stopped by T.S.A. in Nashville
Los Angeles Times, Blog and Ron Paul 2012 Presidential …

Supreme Court Rules Warrants Needed for GPS Monitoring — The Supreme Court ruled unanimously Monday that law enforcement authorities need a probable-cause warrant from a judge to affix a GPS device to a vehicle and monitor its every move — but the justices did not say that a warrant was needed in all cases.
The Volokh Conspiracy, Hit & Run, Above the Law, Gizmodo and Gov 2.0, more at Techmeme »

Police Use of G.P.S. Is Ruled Unconstitutional
ABCNEWS, Washington Post, Washington Monthly, The Politico, USA Today, Cato @ Liberty, Outside the Beltway, ACS Blog and SCOTUSblog
Jennifer Haberkorn / The Politico:
Supreme Court says no to debate over Elena Kagan health care role
Supreme Court says no to debate over Elena Kagan health care role

Sen. Mark Kirk undergoes surgery after suffering stroke — U.S. Sen. Mark Kirk underwent surgery today at Northwestern Memorial Hospital after suffering a stroke, his office said. — “On Saturday, Senator Kirk checked himself into Lake Forest Hospital, where doctors discovered …
The Moderate Voice, The Daily Caller, Israel Matzav and The Gateway Pundit

Firedoglake, The Atlantic Online, Weasel Zippers, News Desk, ThinkProgress, The New Republic, Washington Post and Paul Krugman
Wallacegw / CNN:
TRENDING: Paul skipping primary night in Florida — (CNN) - Want more proof Rep. Ron Paul is looking past Florida to February's contests? Well, here it is. — While the Republican presidential candidate and longtime congressman from Texas will attend both of the GOP debates being held …
GOP 12 and Orlando Sentinel
Jonathan Easley / Ballot Box:
Gingrich tops 40 percent in Rasmussen Florida poll
Gingrich tops 40 percent in Rasmussen Florida poll
The Other McCain
Mark Steyn / National Review:
The Man Who Gave Us Newt — The nature of this peculiar primary season - the reason it seems at odds with both the 2009-2010 political narrative and the seriousness of the times - was determined by Mitt Romney. Even if you don't mind RomneyCare, or the abortion flip-flop, or any of the rest …
Rod Dreher, GOP 12, Ross Douthat, Jay Bookman, Wonkette, Betsy's Page, Ricochet Conversations Feed and News Desk
Fred Lucas / CNSNews:
Obama Defends Roe v. Wade As Way for ‘Our Daughters’ to Have Same Chance As Sons to ‘Fulfill Their Dreams’ — ( - President Barack Obama says the 39th anniversary of Roe v. Wade is the chance to recognize the “fundamental constitutional right” to abortion and to …
The Gateway Pundit and Weasel Zippers

Why GOP leaders don't trust Gingrich — Editor's note: David Frum, a CNN contributor, was a special assistant to President George W. Bush from 2001 to 2002. He is the author of six books, including “Comeback: Conservatism That Can Win Again.” — (CNN) — “Why liberals oppose a strong American presence in space.”
This Just In
Igor Volsky / ThinkProgress:
Santorum Promises To Outlaw Gay Civil Marriage Because It Does Not Reflect 'God's Will For Us' — Rick Santorum told CNN's Piers Morgan on Friday that he would never change his opposition to same-sex marriage because it does not reflect “God's will for us.”
Towleroad News #gay
Lydia Saad / Gallup:
U.S. Economy Most Toxic of 24 Issues — Scope of government and U.S. morality also rankle Americans — PRINCETON, NJ — As President Barack Obama prepares his annual address to Congress, Americans are broadly dissatisfied with the state of the nation in several specific issue areas …
The Politico, Hot Air, Don Surber, Weasel Zippers and National Review

PRIVATE INEQUITY — At this point, the people who run America's private-equity funds must be ruing the day Mitt Romney decided to run for President. His fellow Republican candidates, of all people, have painted a vivid picture of private-equity firms—including Bain Capital …
ThinkProgress, Swampland, Paul Krugman, The Mahablog and The Daily Dish
Kelly Chernenkoff / Fox News:
Biden Wades into Gingrich Fidelity Debate — Vice President Biden dipped a tentative toe into the touchy side of presidential politics when he addressed accusations from Republican candidate Newt Gingrich's ex-wife that Gingrich wanted an open marriage. — “I have no comment,” …
The Hill and The Politico