Top Items:
Sorourke /
Clint Eastwood: ‘I am Certainly Not Affiliated with Mr. Obama’ — — Following the fall out over the controversial Chrysler Super Bowl halftime ad, Clint Eastwood spoke exclusively with O'Reilly Factor producer Ron Mitchell... Obama campaign strategist David Axelrod tweeted his support for the ad last night.
Politico, Reuters, Pat Dollard, blogs, Verum Serum, Taylor Marsh, Weasel Zippers, Mediaite and The Right Scoop
Rachel Weiner / Washington Post:
Karl Rove ‘offended’ by Clint Eastwood's Chrysler ad — A Chrysler ad aired during the Super Bowl Sunday night has inspired ire among some Republicans and admiration among some Democrats — with both sides seeing a political message that boosts President Obama.
The Atlantic Wire, Alan Colmes' Liberaland,, The Nation, New York Magazine, Wonkette, New York Times, Hollywood Reporter, National Review, Los Angeles Times, Christian Science Monitor, The Hill, PopWatch, Poynter, ABCNEWS, Outside the Beltway, The Raw Story, The Moderate Voice, The Daily Caller, emptywheel, Crooks and Liars, The War Room …, Hullabaloo and Daily Kos

Is the White Working Class Coming Apart? — Charles Murray's new book does not provide an adequate explanation for the collapse of the white working class. — Charles Murray's Coming Apart: The State of White America, 1960-2010 is an important book that will have large influence.
The New Republic, Brad DeLong and Angry Bear
James Joyner / Outside the Beltway:
David Frum Eviscerates Charles Murray's Latest Book — David Frum begins a withering review for The Daily Beast, “Charles Murray's Coming Apart: The State of White America, 1960-2010 is an important book that will have large influence. It is unfortunately not a good book.”
The Moderate Voice

A Lightning Rod in the Storm Over America's Class Divide — WASHINGTON — When Charles Murray and Richard J. Herrnstein's book “The Bell Curve” appeared in 1994, it was denounced by social scientists, liberal pundits and a little-known Chicago civil-rights lawyer named Barack Obama …
New York Magazine, No More Mister Nice Blog and Booman Tribune
Jonathan Easley / The Hill:
Influential conservative blogger endorses ‘sweet meteor of death’ in GOP primary — Influential conservative blogger Erick Erickson said he would endorse the “sweet meteor of death” over any of the current GOP candidates, but would back the party's eventual nominee in the general election against President Obama.
Hot Air

Mitt Romney touts endorsement by former Gov. Pete Wilson
ThinkProgress, America's Voice Blog, Los Angeles Times and 2012 Decoded
Rick Santorum / CNN:
Santorum: Romney ‘unqualified’ and ‘dead wrong’ on healthcare
Santorum: Romney ‘unqualified’ and ‘dead wrong’ on healthcare
The Reaction, Politico, The Hill and GOP 12

Congressman Falls for The Onion's Planned Parenthood ‘Abortionplex’ Story — Meet John Fleming, the unfortunate Republican U.S. Representative from Louisiana who made that wonderful and all-too-common mistake of thinking that an Onion article was real and telling his Facebook followers to read it.

John Fleming links to Onion story on Facebook — Rep. John Fleming (R-La.) has deleted his Facebook post linking to an article in The Onion about a fictional Planned Parenthood “Abortionplex.” — In a Facebook status on Friday, Fleming alerted his followers to The Onion's May 18 …
New York Magazine, The Hill, Angry Black Lady Chronicles, Mediaite, The Daily Caller and The Raw Story
Dorsey Shaw / BuzzFeed:
Congressman Sources An Onion Article As Fact On Facebook
Congressman Sources An Onion Article As Fact On Facebook
Jezebel, CBS Washington and Right Wing Watch

Catholic League Poised To Go To War With Obama Over Mandatory Birth Control Payments — NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) — Catholic leaders upped the ante Monday, threatening to challenge the Obama administration over a provision of the new health care law that would require all employers …
TBogg, Pat Dollard, Weasel Zippers, Doug Ross and blogs
Justin Sink / The Hill:
Bachmann: ‘I was the perfect candidate’ — Rep. Michele Bachmann thinks that America missed its opportunity with “the perfect candidate.” — The Minnesota congresswoman was asked by Bloomberg TV's Al Hunt which of the remaining candidates was the most conservative during an interview Friday …
CNN and Washington Post

Clean energy loan recipient lays off staff — In another setback for President Obama's clean energy loan programs, the recipient of more than a half-billion dollars in federal loans is laying off workers at their Delaware and California operations. — Delaware's News Journal reports …
delawareonline, Weasel Zippers, Pirate's Cove and The Lonely Conservative

Major Obama Donors Tied to Fugitive Who Fled to Mexico — Two American brothers of a Mexican casino magnate who fled drug and fraud charges in the United States and has been seeking a pardon enabling him to return have emerged as major fund-raisers and donors for President Obama's re-election campaign.
Washington Post, Weasel Zippers and Election Law Blog

Israel and Iran on the Eve of Destruction in a New Six-Day War — There are plenty of arguments against an Israeli attack on Iran. And all of them are bad. — Jerusalem—It probably felt a bit like this in the months before the Six-Day War of 1967, when Israel launched …
Opinion L.A., PERRspectives, The Daily Caller, The Atlantic Online, Israel Matzav, Noah Millman, Mondoweiss, Lawyers, Guns & Money, The Hill and ABCNEWS

Komen Posts Job Listing for Position That Looks Suspiciously Like Karen Handel's [Disgrace For The Cure] — In the middle of the firestormy crap tornado that engulfed Susan G. Komen for the Cure last week, a little job listing was quietly posted in a DC paper's classified section.
TBogg, Balloon Juice and Angry Black Lady Chronicles

BREAKING: Ninth Circuit Prop 8 Ruling on Tuesday — A Guide to Understanding What's Happening — The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit's public information office expects a ruling on Tuesday, Feb. 7 by 10 a.m. Pacific/1 p.m. Eastern Time in the Perry v. Brown case challenging the constitutionality of Proposition 8.
Mercury News, Towleroad News #gay, Sky Dancing, ThinkProgress, Firedoglake and Guardian
David Catron / American Spectator:
Who Castrated Ann Coulter? — There is no conservative writer that I admire more than Ann Coulter. She's smart as hell and, more importantly, she is courageous. She has always been willing to write what other conservatives believe but don't have the guts to say in print.
Washington Monthly, Daily Pundit and Riehl World View

Disney's ABC, Univision Mull News-Channel Launch — Walt Disney Co. and Univision Communications Inc. are in talks to create a new 24-hour cable-news channel that will broadcast in English, in an effort to keep pace with changing demographics among U.S. Hispanics and reach a new audience of English speakers …
Politico, and New York Magazine, more at Mediagazer »

Archbishop to U.S. Troops: Obamacare Reg ‘Is a Blow to a Freedom...for Which You Have Seen Your Buddies Fall in Battle’ — ( - Archbishop Timothy Broglio, who leads the Roman Catholic Archdiocese for the Military Services, wrote a letter to be read at all Sunday Masses …
NO QUARTER and Weasel Zippers
Eric Lichtblau / The Caucus:
Jack Abramoff Hints at Untold Scandals — WASHINGTON — Jack Abramoff hinted Monday that he knows of still more skeletons that are buried on Capitol Hill, but he's not saying where. — The disgraced lobbyist said he wouldn't want to make anyone else go through the experience …

DocX Faces Foreclosure Fraud Charges in Missouri — One of the largest companies that provided home foreclosure services to lenders across the nation, DocX, has been indicted on forgery charges by a Missouri grand jury — one of the few criminal actions to follow reports of widespread improprieties against homeowners.
naked capitalism

Occupy mudbowl: What's left of McPherson Square — With the partial eviction of Occupiers over the weekend, McPherson Square is no longer full to the point that the local community cannot enjoy it. Instead, it is a mud-bowl that no one can really enjoy. Occupiers managed to undo …
Pat Dollard, Weasel Zippers and Doug Ross
Gingrich spokesman defends Wikipedia edits — (CNN) - As recently as last week, Newt Gingrich's communications director has been criticized by editors on Wikipedia for dozens of edits he has made and requested in defense of his candidate. — While some of the changes were minor …
Wonkette and ThinkProgress
Washington Post:
Congressional earmarks sometimes used to fund projects near lawmakers' properties — (Video by Ben de la Cruz and David S. Fallis/Motion graphic by Sohail al-Jamea/The Washington Post) — AU.S. senator from Alabama directed more than $100 million in federal earmarks to renovate downtown Tuscaloosa near …

Santorum Longs For Good Old Days Of ‘Shadow Abortions’ When Women Obtained Back-Alley Procedures — On the campaign trail, Republican Rick Santorum has made attacking the Affordable Care Act a cornerstone of his stump speech. During an event on Friday, the former Pennsylvania senator supported a …
Right Wing Watch, The Loyal Opposition and Little Green Footballs
McKay Coppins / Politics:
Bloomberg Report Takes Aim At Mormon Church For Online Gun Sales — “One would think that a church would feel a special obligation to make sure that they weren't fueling a black market for a particularly deadly form of commerce,” a source involved in the report says. — (Reuters / ANDREW BURTON)
John D. McKinnon / Washington Wire:
Taxing Gifts to Super PACs? — Super PACs have become dominant forces in the GOP presidential nominating process, sponsoring millions of dollars' of TV ads in places like Florida. Now a Democratic lawmaker is taking the first steps toward reining them in, at least indirectly, via the tax system.