Top Items:
Kos / Daily Kos:
Announcing Operation Hilarity: Let's keep the GOP clown show going! — It's time for us to take an active role in the GOP nomination process. That's right, it's time for those of us who live in open primary and caucus states—Michigan, North Dakota, Vermont and Tennessee in the next three weeks …
Politics, Hot Air, BuzzFeed, Mediaite, Talking Points Memo, THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS and Hugh Hewitt's TownHall Blog

Is Romney Going To Run Out Of Money? — Santorum goes to the small-donor well, but Romney may have to dip into his own pockets to survive the long haul. Looking “under every stone.” — (Getty Images / Eric Thayer) — Mitt Romney is running out of rich people.
Hot Air, The Other McCain, American Prospect, Daily Kos and

Interview: Megadeth's Dave Mustaine talks guitar, politics and today's music … Above video: Mustaine at the 1992 Democratic National Convention for MTV News. — Speaking of news, you were a correspondent for MTV during the 1992 presidential election. What's your take on US politics in 2012?
Discussion:, Rolling Stone, BuzzFeed and Shakesville
Maggie Haberman / Politico:
Exclusive: Santorum releases four years of tax returns — Rick Santorum said they would come this week, and here are four years worth of his taxes, from years 2007 through 2010. — They can be found here, here, here and here. The returns are the most in number that have been released …
Discussion:, ABCNEWS and New York Times
Ed Morrissey / Hot Air:
Rasmussen national poll puts Santorum up 12 over Romney
Rasmussen national poll puts Santorum up 12 over Romney
CNN, Ballot Box, GOP 12, Big Government and The Reaction
Dan Popkey / Idaho Statesman:
Presidential hopeful Rick Santorum woos Idaho conservatives at Boise gathering
Presidential hopeful Rick Santorum woos Idaho conservatives at Boise gathering
Washington Monthly, Balloon Juice and Reason

Michigan governor to back Romney — Grand Rapids, Michigan (CNN) - Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder plans to endorse Mitt Romney at a campaign event on Thursday, a GOP source confirmed to CNN. — The governor will announce his support in Farmington Hills, Michigan, at a meeting of the area chamber of commerce.
Newt Gingrich / CNN:
CNN Poll: Obama approval rating back to 50% mark — Washington (CNN) - President Barack Obama's approval rating is back to 50% for the first time in more than eight months, and he currently holds an edge against all the remaining Republican presidential candidates in hypothetical head-to-head match-ups …
Rick Santorum / CNN:
TRENDING: Ad wars to intensify — Washington (CNN) - The war of commercials from the presidential campaigns and various super PACs supporting candidates is expected to intensify in the coming days and to greatly expand in its scope. — Mitt Romney's campaign has now bought almost $1.2 million …
Jim Lakely / Heartland Institute:
Heartland Institute Responds to Stolen and Fake Documents — FEBRUARY 15, 2012 - The following statement from The Heartland Institute - a free-market think tank - may be used for attribution. For more information, contact Communications Director Jim Lakely at and 312/377-4000.

OMB director undercuts legal case for Obamacare — Testifying before Congress this morning, President Obama's acting budget director Jeffrey Zients directly undercut one of the administration's key legal defenses of its national health care law as it nears a hearing before the Supreme Court.
Hot Air,, The Lonely Conservative, Sister Toldjah and The Volokh Conspiracy
Val Prieto / Babalú Blog:
Chimichangamalangarepaorale — So, leftist WaPo Columnist Dana Milbank “inadvertently” mocks latinos by stating “The Chimichanga? It may be the only thing Republicans have left to offer Latinos.” And subsequently Obama Campaign Manager Jim Messina tweets that this is “the line of the day” and the twitterverse is afire.
Justin Sink / The Hill:
GOP demands apology for Obama campaign manager's ‘chimichanga’ tweet
GOP demands apology for Obama campaign manager's ‘chimichanga’ tweet
24Ahead, Hot Air, Wonkette, Don Surber and The Impolitic
Tyler Durden / ZeroHedge:
Farage On Greek Chaos: “You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet” — Outspoken and oracular MEP Nigel Farage bombards his fellow unelected officials with 'you can't handle the truth' comments as he points out the total contradiction that is the European Parliament's (and 'Puppet Papademos') …
The Moderate Voice and National Review

Iran helping al Qaeda plot attack on West, intelligence sources say — LONDON — Iran and al Qaeda's core leadership under Ayman al Zawahiri have established an operational relationship amid fears the terror group is planning an attack against the West. — There are concerns such an attack …
The Long War Journal and The Jawa Report
Jennifer Rubin / Washington Post:
Santorum: Birth control ‘harmful to women’ — Yesterday I speculated on some of the reasons Rick Santorum has problems with women voters. This interview from 2006 sure isn't going to help — For starters, does he realize that married women (men too!) use birth control?
Mike Lillis / The Hill:
Social conservatives press Obama on administration's birth-control mandate — A group of social conservative lawmakers on Wednesday intensified its push to overturn President Obama's new birth-control mandate. — The lawmakers, representing both parties and both chambers, said the president's recent …
Taylor Marsh and CNN

Greece spiralling into catastrophic depression — NOTE: WE DO NOT STORE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS(ES) BUT YOUR IP ADDRESS WILL BE LOGGED TO PREVENT ABUSE OF THIS FEATURE. PLEASE READ OUR LEGAL TERMS & POLICIES — Greece is expecting to agree the terms of European leaders for a rescue package …
US Politics and Via Meadia

Newt Gingrich: The most disliked politician in America — Newt Gingrich hasn't just fallen in the GOP presidential race; he may be the most unpopular person in American politics right now. — Two new polls out this week show the former House speaker with an absolutely atrocious favorability rating.
Power Line, The Caucus, Hot Air,, ThinkProgress and Daily Kos

Chris Christie Ignores Gov. Gregoire's Outreach On Marriage Equality, Hopes To Swiftly Veto Measure — New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) hopes to put the politically delicate question of same-sex marriage behind him and is prepared to swiftly veto a bill extending marriage rights to gays and lesbians …
Poliglot, BuzzFeed and Towleroad News #gay

Sun team probing “sustained criminality”: source — (Reuters) - An investigation into Rupert Murdoch's top-selling British newspaper, the Sun, has uncovered evidence that it paid tens of thousands of pounds in retainers to public officials for tipoffs, a source with knowledge of the probe said on Wednesday.
Capital New York, Guardian, Politico and US Politics, more at Mediagazer »
Julian Pecquet / The Hill:
Payroll tax deal would take first real bite from Obama's health law — The payroll tax cut package under discussion in Congress would take the first real bite out of President Obama's healthcare reform law, according to congressional aides and lobbyists. — A tentative deal struck late …
Washington Post and Firedoglake
Gretchen Morgenson / New York Times:
California Audit Finds Broad Irregularities in Foreclosures — An audit by San Francisco county officials of about 400 recent foreclosures there determined that almost all involved either legal violations or suspicious documentation, according to a report released Wednesday.
naked capitalism and
Rush Limbaugh:
Staggering: Obama to Cut Nukes by 80% — RUSH: There are some things happening today that are downright scary. The regime, led by Barack Hussein Obama, is weighing options for reducing our US nuclear force, including a reduction of up to 80% in the number of deployed warheads, 80%.
The Gateway Pundit
Kim Zetter /
Female Passengers Say They Were Targeted for TSA Body Scanners — TSA agents in Dallas singled out female passengers to undergo screening in a body scanner, according to complaints filed by several women who said they felt the screeners intentionally targeted them to view their bodies.
The Raw Story, Campaign 2012, HotAirPundit and US Politics