Top Items:
RealClearPolitics Video Log:
Obama: “The Private Sector Is Doing Fine” — Question: What about the Republicans saying that you're blaming the Europeans for the failures of your own policies? — President Obama: The truth of the matter is that, as I said, we created 4.3 million jobs over the last 27 months, over 800,000 just this year alone.

The Private Sector is Doing Fine. The Political Press? Eh... - Obama Blames Europe, Asia, and Everyone Else for America's Economic Woes — Stop Laughing About the LinkedIn Security Breach. It's More Serious Than You Think. - Prometheus Is Deep but Not Very Smart …
The Daily Dish, News Desk, Talking Points Memo and US Politics
Jake Tapper / ABCNEWS:
President Obama Clarifies “Private Sector Is Doing Fine” Remarks — With Republicans seizing upon remarks he made earlier in the day that “the private sector is doing fine” - arguing that they show a president out of touch with an ailing economy — President Obama sought to clarify his remarks Friday afternoon.
Daily Kos, Weasel Zippers, 2012 Decoded and Hot Air
Justin Sink / The Hill:
Romney: Obama ‘doing fine’ comment will ‘go down in history’ as ‘extraordinary miscalculation’ — Mitt Romney blasted President Obama for comments during a press conference Friday in which the president suggested the private sector was “doing fine.” — “He said the private sector is doing fine.
sisu, Little Green Footballs, Hot Air and Weasel Zippers
Greg Sargent / Washington Post:
Mitt Romney: We don't need more cops, firefighters or teachers — When Republicans attack public workers, they often take care to exempt cops and firefighters, because they are culturally sympathetic figures, and muddle the message that government workers are parasites who are destroying the economic conditions of ordinary Americans.
ThinkProgress, The Maddow Blog, The New Republic and The New Civil Rights Movement
Mitt Romney Struggles To Identify A Donut — “Can you see that one of those chocolate, um, uh, chocolate goodies finds its way to our ride?” — McKay Coppins — an hour ago — 20 responses
New York Magazine and
Amie Parnes / The Hill:
Obama walks back comment about private economy ‘doing fine’ — Hours after saying the private sector is “doing fine,” President Obama on Friday walked back those remarks, saying it's “absolutely clear” the economy is not fine. — “That's precisely why I asked Congress to start taking some steps to make a difference,” Obama said.
Race 4 2012

The silent issue that could doom President Obama in 2012 election — Unlike 2008, race works against President this time in a big way — Race won't be the only issue President Obama will face in the 2012 election, not in a world of high gas prices and high unemployment.
Mediaite, The Daley Gator and Weasel Zippers
James Pethokoukis / The Enterprise Blog:
Obama is wrong. The private sector isn't ‘doing fine’ — In his news conference today, President Obama gave some interesting insight into his views of the state of the American economy. — “The private sector is doing fine.” — Here is the whole quote (via RealClearPolitics):

Obama's Most Clueless Moment Yet? — President Obama's seemingly-bizarre claim that “the private sector is doing fine” is echoing across the country. When I first saw the quote, I thought it must be a momentary gaffe, or perhaps taken out of context. But no: Obama really did say …
Michael O'Brien /
Obama: ‘It is absolutely clear that the economy is not doing fine’
Obama: ‘It is absolutely clear that the economy is not doing fine’
BuzzFeed, Business Insider and Indecision Forever

Obama Says ‘Private Sector Doing Fine,’ Calls for Aid to States
Reuters, Politico, Weekly Standard, CNN and ABCNEWS
Ezra Klein:
Obama's press conference: The public sector isn't fine
Obama's press conference: The public sector isn't fine
Business Insider and
Stephen F. Hayes / Weekly Standard:
Scott Walker: Obama's Comments Reflect a Fundamental Misunderstanding of the Economy
Scott Walker: Obama's Comments Reflect a Fundamental Misunderstanding of the Economy
Ed Driscoll
Rick Santorum / CNN:
Romney on Obama: ‘Is he really that out of touch?’
Romney on Obama: ‘Is he really that out of touch?’
The New Civil Rights Movement and Wonkette
Obama: “The Private Sector Is Doing Fine”
Obama: “The Private Sector Is Doing Fine”
Washington Post, New York Magazine and The Page
Philip Rucker / Associated Press:
Mitt Romney: Obama ‘detached, out of touch’
Mitt Romney: Obama ‘detached, out of touch’
Washington Post, American Prospect, Ezra Klein, The Democratic Daily and Taylor Marsh
House Energy and Commerce Committee Republicans:
Emails Show White House Helped Create Third-Party Advertising Initiative Behind Health Care Law, Had Close Involvement in Messaging and Advocacy of Outside Interests — WASHINGTON, DC - The House Energy and Commerce Committee, chaired by Rep. Fred Upton (R-MI), today released a memo …
Washington Wire, The Hill, Speaker Mobile, Hit & Run and

E-Mails Reveal Extent of Obama's Deal With Industry on Health Care
Hot Air, THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS, Hullabaloo and Politico
Jonathan Easley / The Hill:
President: Allegation that security leaks were politically motivated is ‘offensive’
President: Allegation that security leaks were politically motivated is ‘offensive’
Politico, Hot Air, The Lonely Conservative and
Matea Gold / Los Angeles Times:
FEC debates semantics in political ads
FEC debates semantics in political ads
ABCNEWS and Balloon Juice

Romney heckler and a Biz owner in Council Bluffs: We were disrespected — Council Bluffs, Ia. — A 62-year-old Vietnam veteran who continuously disrupted Mitt Romney's event here today by screaming “liar” over a megaphone says he was disrespected by security and guests who shouted insults …
Daily Kos

Romney Visits Iowa Restaurant, Owners Feel Dissed — They didn't even get to meet the candidate. UPDATED: When Romney found out they felt snubbed, he called to apologize. — Romney meets with local business leaders and farmers at a restaurant in Council Bluffs, Iowa. — (AP / Evan Vucci)
Des Moines Register and Guardian

'Schindler's List' Producer Claims Graduation Speech Censorship — A controversy erupted in a small Montana town after a high school principal prevented Oscar winner Gerald Molen from delivering his planned speech because he's “a right-wing conservative.” — Gerald Molen won a best picture Oscar …
The Volokh Conspiracy, The PJ Tatler, Clayton Cramer's Blog and Campaign 2012

Booker's big mouth ruins relationship with Obama, Cabinet hopes — It's bye-bye, Beltway for Cory Booker. — Newark's mayor, who was gunning for a spot in President Obama's Cabinet, lost the chance after he shot his mouth off during a blunderingly honest TV appearance last month, sources told The Post.
Anne Sorock / Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion:
Elizabeth Warren dodges questions at Netroots Nation - security guards block me — I returned to Netroots Nation today. — At lunch, I went to listen to Elizabeth Warren's speech and panel discussion. I wanted to ask her a few questions after her panel, which was entitled “2012 and the War on (and for) Women.”
The Gateway Pundit and American Power
William A. Jacobson / Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion:
Breitbart lives in the heads of Netroots Nation protectors of Elizabeth Warren
Breitbart lives in the heads of Netroots Nation protectors of Elizabeth Warren
American Power and The Gateway Pundit

NPR: Criticism of President Coming from ‘GOP Dope’ — National Public Radio has a blog post about President Obama's statement this morning on the private sector—and how conservatives reacted to the president's assertion that"the private sector is doing fine." The title of the post?
National Review

Joe Scarborough says New York Times is “thin skinned” for correcting his nonsense — MSNBC talker doesn't let facts get in the way of his “general impressions” of liberal media bias — Joe Scarborough may have been totally, utterly, completely wrong this morning, when he incorrectly argued …
Taylor Marsh, Politico, FishbowlDC, American Prospect and Mediaite
Jeff Dunetz / “The Lid”:
Kimberlin's Cronies Go After The Lid — As I mentioned earlier this week today has been declared a national day of blogger silence/action to protect blogger freedom of speech. Since Ace suggested we use today to urge congress protect free speech the day has taken on more significance to me personally, yesterday
The Lonely Conservative
Michelle Malkin:
Going dark to urge congressional action: Who will protect the freedom to blog?
Going dark to urge congressional action: Who will protect the freedom to blog?
The Other McCain, Liberty Chick, CANNONFIRE, The Moderate Voice, EBL, The Radical Watchdog, The Conservatory,, The Mental Recession, The Radio Patriot, National Review, Wake up America, The Jawa Report, Nice Deb, Wizbang, The Lonely Conservative, Right Wing News, Little Green Footballs, American Power, Booman Tribune, The Camp Of The Saints, Examiner, Hot Air, Pundit & Pundette, Riehl World View, Sister Toldjah, alicublog, The Sundries Shack, Datechguy's Blog, neo-neocon, Pirate's Cove, Instapundit, The PJ Tatler, TBogg and Patterico's Pontifications