Top Items:
Jon Ward / The Huffington Post:
Chris Christie Denied Mitt Romney Request To Appear At Campaign Event Days Ahead Of 2012 Election … REACT: — FOLLOW: — Elections 2012, Mitt Romney, Barack Obama 2012 , Elections 2012, Barack Obama , Video, Chris Christie Obama, Chris Christie Mitt Romney, Chris Christie Sandy …
CNN, Mediaite, Outside the Beltway, Daily Kos, The Raw Story, National Review, The Stranger … and Election 2012

Exclusive: Romney up ONE POINT in Ohio and TIED in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, according to his campaign's internal polling — If the figures hold true Romney will almost certainly become the 45th President of the United States — Mitt Romney is ahead by a single percentage point in Ohio …
Weasel Zippers, Hot Air, The PJ Tatler and The Strata-Sphere

Nov. 4: Did Hurricane Sandy Blow Romney Off Course? — If President Obama wins re-election on Tuesday, the historical memory of the race might turn on the role played by Hurricane Sandy. — Already, some analysts are describing the storm as an “October surprise” that allowed Mr. Obama to regain …

If Obama loses... A defeat for Barack Obama on Tuesday …
Discussion:, Pirate's Cove, The Agonist, Jammie Wearing Fools and Connecting.the.Dots
Mark Blumenthal / The Huffington Post:
Polls 2012: Barack Obama Leads Mitt Romney With One Day Remaining
Polls 2012: Barack Obama Leads Mitt Romney With One Day Remaining
CNN, The New Republic, Business Insider, The Lonely Conservative, First Read and The Daily Dish
Bret Baier / Fox News:
What President Obama really said in that ‘60 Minutes’ interview about Benghazi — ANALYSIS: Two days before the election, CBS posted additional portions of a Sept. 12 “60 Minutes” interview where President Obama seems to contradict himself on the Benghazi attack.
CBS under fire for withholding Obama's Benghazi remarks — CBS News is continuing to draw fire for withholding footage of a Sept. 12 interview with President Barack Obama in which he said it was “too early to tell” whether or not the previous day's attack in Benghazi, Libya, had been an act of terror.
Weasel Zippers

Obama suspects Libya attack targeted Americans — In an interview with Steve Kroft conducted on Sept. 12, 2012, President Obama says he's suspicious that those who carried out the deadly attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, were “looking to target Americans from the start.”
The Heritage Foundation and Washington Free Beacon
Julian Pecquet / The Hill:
Republicans pounce on Obama, CBS News over unaired Libya remarks
Romney 49%, Obama 48% in Gallup's Final Election Survey — Early voting so far breaks 49% for Obama and 48% for Romney — PRINCETON, NJ — President Barack Obama and Republican challenger Mitt Romney are within one percentage point of each other in Gallup's final pre-election survey of likely voters …

Gallup: Obama Notches Approval Rating Of 52 Percent In Final Pre-Election Poll — Fifty-two percent of American adults approve of the job President Barack Obama is doing in Gallup's tracking survey on Monday, the final such poll to be released before Election Day.The poll shows 45 percent disapprove of Obama's job performance.
The Moderate Voice

The looming GOP civil war - whether Mitt wins or not — WEST CHESTER, Ohio - Mitt Romney's boisterous rally here Friday night featured both the promise of the Republican Party's future and a sharp reminder of why the GOP may lose its second consecutive presidential race on Tuesday.
Washington Monthly, Mediaite, Booman Tribune, AEIdeas and

For Democrats, It's (Ground) Game Over — MEMO — FROM: RNC Political Director Rick Wiley — TO: Interested Parties — RE: For Democrats, It's (Ground) Game Over — The Obama camp has been firing off a number of memos in desperate attempt to convince the media (and themselves) that they're not losing.
Wake up America, The Greenroom and National Review
Katie Glueck / Politico:
Sarah Palin: Please vote for Mitt Romney
Sarah Palin: Please vote for Mitt Romney
ABCNEWS, Telegraph and
Peggy Noonan's Blog:
Monday Morning — We begin with the three words everyone writing about the election must say: Nobody knows anything. Everyone's guessing. I spent Sunday morning in Washington with journalists and political hands, one of whom said she feels it's Obama, the rest of whom said they don't know.

WaPo-ABC tracking poll: final weekend tally is Obama 50, Romney 47, still a ‘margin of error’ contest — A nail-biter throughout, the presidential contest remains closely competitive through its last days, even as most voters perceive a likely win for the president.
Politico, Guardian, Business Insider, The Greenroom and National Review

Everything — Except the Polls — Points to a Romney Landslide — RUSH: Well, the Drive-Bys are all excited because Romney has announced he's going back to Ohio tomorrow. On Election Day, Romney is going to Ohio, and the Drive-Bys are trying to interpret that as meaning it's slipping away.
Marc Caputo / Naked Politics:
Day before Election Day FL outlook: 4.5m have voted, Ds lead Rs by 167,000 ballots — More than 4.5 million Florida votes are already in before Election Day and Democrats used the last full official day of in-person early voting to extend their lead over Republican ballots cast by 167,000, according to this morning's figures.
emptywheel and Election 2012
Kevin Robillard / Politico:
Florida early voting: West sees ‘nefarious actions’
Florida early voting: West sees ‘nefarious actions’
The Fix, and Daily Kos

Axelrod: Dick Morris Is “Delusional” — The Democrat-turned-Fox News figure is predicting a Romney landslide and is claiming Obama's top strategist used work for him. — Morris addresses the Faith and Freedom Coalition in June in Washington, DC. — Image by Win McNamee / Getty Images
Taegan Goddard's …
Andrew Cohen / The Atlantic Online:
No One in America Should Have to Wait 7 Hours to Vote — What's happening at polling stations in Ohio and Florida isn't some fluke of nature or breakdown in equipment. It's all part of a partisan design. — A line of early voters snakes around a parking lot at a voting location in Columbus, Ohio.
ThinkProgress, Mother Jones,, Colorlines, Daily Kos, American Prospect, The Daily Dish and The Reaction
Reid J. Epstein / Politico:
Obama jokingly compares himself to Jay-Z — COLUMBUS, Ohio - Bruce Springsteen and Jay-Z repeatedly reminded the crowd that Election Day is tomorrow, but President Obama did but once. — Instead Obama delivered a stump speech virtually identical to those he's given since re-emerging …
Weasel Zippers
Josh Glasstetter / Right Wing Watch:
'I Don't Want Everybody to Vote' - The Roots of GOP Voter Suppression — The lower the turnout tomorrow, the better Mitt Romney will do. It's always been this way for Republicans. Anyone who doubts that needs to watch the video below. — The media frequently reports on right-wing …
Towleroad News #gay, Daily Kos and Hullabaloo

Gary Johnson: Obama will win — Libertarian Party presidential nominee Gary Johnson said Monday he thinks President Barack Obama will defeat Mitt Romney to win a second term. — “I think Obama's going to win, that's what I think,” Johnson told POLITICO in an interview.

McCain Strategist Admits Voter Fraud 'Doesn't Really Exist' — Steve Schmidt, a former senior strategist to Sen. John McCain's (R-AZ) 2008 presidential campaign, admitted that widespread voter fraud doesn't exist in the United States and claimed that the GOP-backed voter ID laws are based on “mythology.”
Right Wing Watch, Talking Points Memo, The Raw Story and Election Law Blog

What Your Books And Websites Say About Your Politics — Conservative readers love Drudge and Ayn Rand; liberals like the Times and Noam Chomsky; and there's not much in the middle. The last infographic from Engage . — Via: — Via:
The Greenroom and Roger Ailes

Obama Responds to 10-Year-Old's Heartfelt Letter About Her Dads … Barack Obama , LGBT , Civil Rights , Elections 2012 , Gay Marriage , Barack Obama , Obama Gay Marriage , Obama Same-Sex Marriage , Sophia Bailey Klugh , Sophia Bailey Klugh Obama , Sophia Bailey Klugh Obama Letter …
AMERICAblog, The Raw Story and Advocate

Buckeye Hate — Obama and Romney are Telling Ohioans that They're the Greatest. This Ohio Native Disagrees. — In my new, more realistic understanding of American democracy, gained just this year from a thousand expert sources, the role of all but a portion of the electorate is to show …
Balloon Juice
Noel Sheppard / blogs:
Jay-Z Substitutes ‘Mitt’ for ‘B-tch’ While Rapping at Obama Rally — Rapper Jay-Z while performing at an Obama campaign rally in Ohio Monday substituted the name “Mitt” for the word “b-tch” in the lyrics to his song “99 Problems.” — Before doing so, he told the crowd he didn't get it vetted …
Manny Fernandez / The Caucus:
Shutting the Gates Over Fears of Election Unrest — A gated community near Atlanta has decided to step up security this week. The reason is not burglaries, but another issue entirely: the presidential election. — In Woodstock, Ga., about 30 miles north of Atlanta …
Outside the Beltway

I Didn't Leave the Democrats. They Left Me — There is an anti-Israel movement among the rank and file, and the party no longer appears to value self-reliance, charity and accountability. — When members of the Democratic Party booed the inclusion of God and Jerusalem in their party platform this year, I thought of my parents.

Is Ohio a ‘Toss-Up’? — The Columbus Dispatch, the only newspaper in Ohio's biggest city, has declared Ohio a “toss-up” between President Obama and Mitt Romney. This will please the Romney camp, which has been fighting hard against the “Ohio is Obama's rock-solid firewall” narrative.
Mother Jones, Guardian and National Review