Top Items:

If Obama loses... A defeat for Barack Obama on Tuesday would be no ordinary loss for Democrats. — It would be a traumatic experience: the death of the dream of liberal realignment embodied in Obama's insurgent 2008 campaign. And it would be all the more distressing to Democrats …
The Agonist, Pirate's Cove, Jammie Wearing Fools and

If Romney loses... For Republicans, the only thing harder than losing to Barack Obama might be explaining it. — By any reasonable standard, Obama is a seriously vulnerable incumbent: a president overseeing a limping economy, whose party got thumped in the 2010 midterm elections …
The Moderate Voice, Associated Press and BuzzFeed

Final impreMedia-LD tracking poll: if Latino vote is high, Obama will carry 4 key swing states — High Latino voter turnout could deliver swing states of Nevada, Colorado, Virginia, and Florida to the Democrats — impreMedia & Latino Decisions today released the last in a series …
Washington Monthly, Washington Post, Outside the Beltway and The Hinterland Gazette

The PJ Tatler, Wizbang, GayPatriot and The Lonely Conservative

Nov. 4: Did Hurricane Sandy Blow Romney Off Course? — If President Obama wins re-election on Tuesday, the historical memory of the race might turn on the role played by Hurricane Sandy. — Already, some analysts are describing the storm as an “October surprise” that allowed Mr. Obama to regain …
The Atlantic Online, Taylor Marsh, The Stranger …, The Daily Caller and No More Mister Nice Blog

Projection: Obama Will Likely Win Second Term — With a slight, unexpected lift provided by Hurricane Sandy, Mother Nature's October surprise, President Barack Obama appears poised to win his second term tomorrow. Our final Electoral College projection has the president winning …
Nate Silver / FiveThirtyEight:
State and National Polls Come Into Better Alignment — It appears that President Obama is likely to go into Election Day with a very modest lead in the average of national polls. — As of this writing, on Sunday evening, Mr. Obama led by an average of 1.3 percentage points across 12 national polls …
Taylor Marsh, blogs, Towleroad News #gay, Donklephant, The Raw Story and The Daily Caller

For Democrats, It's (Ground) Game Over — MEMO — FROM: RNC Political Director Rick Wiley — TO: Interested Parties — RE: For Democrats, It's (Ground) Game Over — The Obama camp has been firing off a number of memos in desperate attempt to convince the media (and themselves) that they're not losing.
National Review and The Greenroom

The looming GOP civil war - whether Mitt wins or not — WEST CHESTER, Ohio - Mitt Romney's boisterous rally here Friday night featured both the promise of the Republican Party's future and a sharp reminder of why the GOP may lose its second consecutive presidential race on Tuesday.
Mediaite,, AEIdeas and Booman Tribune

What Your Books And Websites Say About Your Politics — Conservative readers love Drudge and Ayn Rand; liberals like the Times and Noam Chomsky; and there's not much in the middle. The last infographic from Engage . — Via: — Via:
The Greenroom and Roger Ailes

Ryan Warns Evangelicals: Obama Threatens “Judeo-Christian Values” — The Republican vice presidential nominee tries to fire up the Evangelical vote. In private, a departure from the moderate rhetoric of the closing days. — Image by Eric Thayer / Reuters
Hullabaloo, Daily Kos, New York Magazine, AMERICAblog, The Hinterland Gazette, Politico and Prairie Weather
Trip Gabriel / The Caucus:
Ryan Says Obama Policies Threaten ‘Judeo-Christian’ Values
Ryan Says Obama Policies Threaten ‘Judeo-Christian’ Values
Balloon Juice, ABCNEWS and Election 2012

McCain Strategist Admits Voter Fraud 'Doesn't Really Exist' — Steve Schmidt, a former senior strategist to Sen. John McCain's (R-AZ) 2008 presidential campaign, admitted that widespread voter fraud doesn't exist in the United States and claimed that the GOP-backed voter ID laws are based on “mythology.”
Talking Points Memo, The Raw Story and Election Law Blog
Josh Marshall / Talking Points Memo:
This Could Get Weird — Listening to a story from a friend this evening. Guy in a social setting talking to a group of Wall Street heavyweights. Every single one in the room certain Romney wins. Has Ohio locked. Has the whole thing tied up. No doubt.
CANNONFIRE and The Reality-Based Community
Paul Krugman / New York Times:
Sandy Versus Katrina — As Sandy barreled toward New Jersey, there were hopeful mutters on the right to the effect that it might become President Obama's Katrina, with voters blaming him for the damage, and that this might matter on Tuesday. Sorry, guys: polls show overwhelming approval …
Taylor Marsh, Balloon Juice, Daily Kos and Prairie Weather

ROBERT THE BRUCE — Today marks the final installment of our weekly feature #WAR. Combing through footage of Andrew over the past few months is something I have not taken lightly. And now, on the eve of this historic election, I have been tasked with selecting one more video.
Power Line, Fausta's Blog and Riehl World News

I Didn't Leave the Democrats. They Left Me — There is an anti-Israel movement among the rank and file, and the party no longer appears to value self-reliance, charity and accountability. — When members of the Democratic Party booed the inclusion of God and Jerusalem in their party platform this year, I thought of my parents.
CNN and Washington Wire

Buckeye Hate — Obama and Romney are Telling Ohioans that They're the Greatest. This Ohio Native Disagrees. — In my new, more realistic understanding of American democracy, gained just this year from a thousand expert sources, the role of all but a portion of the electorate is to show …
Bret Baier / Fox News:
What President Obama really said in that ‘60 Minutes’ interview about Benghazi — ANALYSIS: Two days before the election, CBS posted additional portions of a Sept. 12 “60 Minutes” interview where President Obama seems to contradict himself on the Benghazi attack.
Politico, Betsy's Page, The Lonely Conservative, The PJ Tatler, National Review and Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion
Andrew Cohen / The Atlantic Online:
No One in America Should Have to Wait 7 Hours to Vote — What's happening at polling stations in Ohio and Florida isn't some fluke of nature or breakdown in equipment. It's all part of a partisan design. — A line of early voters snakes around a parking lot at a voting location in Columbus, Ohio.
American Prospect, ThinkProgress, Colorlines, The Reaction and BuzzFeed
Paul Waldman / American Prospect:
Why the Romney Campaign Screwed Up — In the last week or so, Mitt Romney has accused Barack Obama of focusing his campaign on “small things,” but let's be honest—at this point, everybody is focused on small things. And these small things are unlikely to make much of a difference with so little time left.
A.B. Stoddard / Pundits Blog:
Too close to call — A tie is a tie is a tie. We also have an abundance of conflicting data and no idea how the election will turn out. And yes, both campaigns believe they will win on Tuesday. It's easy to argue that in a dead heat, the votes ultimately tip to the challenger.

Obama-Springsteen Crowd Lower Than Kerry In 2004 — What does it mean? We'll find out tomorrow. — Image by Aaron Josefczyk / Reuters — The crowd for President Barack Obama's final rally in Wisconsin with Bruce Springsteen is falling short of the audience John Kerry drew with the musician in 2004.
JSOnline and The Gateway Pundit
Justin Sink / The Hill:
Toomey: 'I think Gov. Romney's going to carry Pennsylvania' — Sen. Pat Toomey (R-Pa.) predicted Monday that Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney would carry the state of Pennsylvania, pushing back against Obama campaign adviser David Plouffe's suggestion that GOP efforts in the state were a …
Slate Votes — Obama wins our staff. … Laura Anderson, assistant editor: Barack Obama — Full disclosure: There is probably a 0-percent chance I will ever vote for a Republican presidential candidate in my life. But Romney is particularly unappealing; I'm appalled by his apparent inability …
Glenn Cook / Las Vegas Review-Journal:
How many noncitizens are registered to vote? — Voter registration fraud is not a groundless conspiracy. It is not a hypothetical threat to election integrity. — In Nevada, a battleground state that could decide the presidency and control of the U.S. Senate, it is real.
Examiner and Weasel Zippers
Mark Kirk /
Exclusive: Kirk's First Post-Stroke Interview — U.S. Senator Mark Kirk hoped to send a message on Sunday when he tackled stairs and his first public appearance since suffering a stroke. — “I hope this gives a message to people across Illinois that may face stroke,” …
Roll Call, The PJ Tatler and Hotline On Call

Obama's woman in Tehran — One of US president's senior advisors is secretly making efforts to establish line of communication with Iran — A Chicago lawyer is the key player behind the secret talks between the US and Iran. Yedioth Ahronoth reported Monday. A close friend of Michelle Obama,
Weasel Zippers, CBS DC, “The Lid” and Israel Matzav
Justin Sink / The Hill:
Larry Summers: Republican critique of unemployment rate ‘ridiculous’ — Larry Summers, President Obama's director of the National Economic Council, on Monday said it was “ridiculous” for Republicans to point out the 7.9 percent unemployment rate announced last Friday was higher than when the president assumed office.
Weekly Standard