Top Items:
Jon Ward / The Huffington Post:
Chris Christie Denied Mitt Romney Request To Appear At Campaign Event Days Ahead Of 2012 Election … REACT: — FOLLOW: — Elections 2012, Chris Christie, Mitt Romney, Barack Obama 2012 , Elections 2012, Barack Obama , Video, Chris Christie Obama, Chris Christie Mitt Romney …
Talking Points Memo, Sky Dancing, CBS News, The Moderate Voice, AMERICAblog, Mediaite, Outside the Beltway, Politico, Daily Kos, National Review and The Raw Story
Jason Linkins / The Huffington Post:
Dixville Notch Election Results 2012: Obama And Romney Tie, 5 Votes Apiece … REACT: — FOLLOW: — Elections 2012, Barack Obama , Mitt Romney, Barack Obama 2012 , Elections 2012, Video, 2012 Election Results, Dixville Notch, New Hampshire, Dixville Notch 2012, Dixville Notch Election Results 2012 …
Outside the Beltway
Peter Hamby / CNN:
Christie adviser denies report about Romney invitation — Boston (CNN) - An adviser to Chris Christie is flatly denying a report that the New Jersey governor turned down an offer from the Romney campaign to appear at a Sunday night campaign rally in Pennsylvania.
Politico, The Hill, and The Raw Story
Romney 49%, Obama 48% in Gallup's Final Election Survey — Early voting so far breaks 49% for Obama and 48% for Romney — PRINCETON, NJ — President Barack Obama and Republican challenger Mitt Romney are within one percentage point of each other in Gallup's final pre-election survey of likely voters …

Battleground Tracking Poll: Dead heat — BOSTON—The presidential race is tied going into Election Day. — The final POLITICO/George Washington University Battleground Tracking Poll of 1,000 likely voters — conducted Sunday and Monday — shows Mitt Romney and President Barack Obama each claiming 47 percent nationally.
Business Insider
Michael Walsh / National Review:
Crush Them — Conservatives have a rare opportunity tomorrow to do something they signally failed to do in the landslide elections of 1972 and 1984: finish the job. Nixon's victory was vitiated by Watergate and quickly revenged by Woodward and Bernstein, leading to his replacement in 1974 by Jerry Ford …
American Power, Sense of Events and The Atlantic Online

Election overtime: A winless Wednesday? — Could the presidential race go into overtime? — It turns out the unnerving prospect of an election that drags on for days — or even weeks — past Election Day isn't as far-fetched as it sounds. — Between the possibility of recounts …

Obama, Romney campaigns brace for battle after Tuesday's vote
Outside the Beltway, Politico, Hit & Run and The Fix
John M. Broder / New York Times:
Ohio Law Could Bring Long Delays in a Recount
Ohio Law Could Bring Long Delays in a Recount
Washington Examiner, Princeton Election Consortium and Lawyers, Guns & Money

Email Voting Fails Some New Jersey Residents — Bouncing email addresses, personal hotmail accounts. “It's really maddening,” says Tanz. — New Jersey's last-minute offer of email voting to displaced residents was greeted by concern by security experts, who warn that email offers a fast track to voter fraud.
New York Magazine and CNN
Salvador Rizzo / New Jersey Online:
N.J.'s emergency email voting system could cause problems, experts say
N.J.'s emergency email voting system could cause problems, experts say
The Daily Beast and
Randy E. Barnett / Wall Street Journal:
The Mistake That Is the Libertarian Party — Voting the LP line could swing the election to the Democrats. That's not an outcome libertarians should hope for. — In 1972, the Libertarian Party nominated University of Southern California philosophy Prof. John Hospers as its first presidential candidate …
neo-neocon, The Volokh Conspiracy, The Other McCain and Instapundit

New Congress Likely to Frustrate Obama or Romney — No matter who is elected president, he's likely to find that the next Congress will remain what the current one has been for President Barack Obama — a headache. — Months of speeches, saturation TV advertising, uncountable events …
Yuval Levin / National Review:
Deserving Victory — I have no insight to add to the question …
Deserving Victory — I have no insight to add to the question …
Weekly Standard

CHICAGO SOURCE TELLS AUTHOR BRAD THOR: OBAMA CAMPAIGN PLANNING TO PROCLAIM EARLY VICTORY TO ‘DEMORALIZE ROMNEY SUPPORTERS’ — New York Times best-selling author Brad Thor, based in Chicago, tells TheBlaze that the Obama campaign may be planning to preemptively announce victory …
Peggy Noonan's Blog:
Monday Morning — We begin with the three words everyone writing about the election must say: Nobody knows anything. Everyone's guessing. I spent Sunday morning in Washington with journalists and political hands, one of whom said she feels it's Obama, the rest of whom said they don't know.
John Althouse Cohen / Jaltcoh:
Live-blogging the final presidential debate of 2012 — I'll say anything I have to say about tonight's presidential debate, which you can watch live online, in this post. — I'll be writing down any quotes on the fly, without the aid of a transcript or pause/rewind button.
Elizabeth Titus / Politico:
Gary Johnson: Obama will win

Briton Killed in China Had Spy Links — A Wall Street Journal investigation has found that murdered Briton Neil Heywood provided information about the family of ousted Communist Party leader Bo Xilai. The WSJ's Jeremy Page reveals what Heywood may have been up to in China.

Romney Supporters Ready To Blame Government Moochers If Obama Wins — FAIRFAX, Va. — If President Obama wins re-election on Tuesday, retired Army Colonel Allen Wild knows exactly who blame: “the 47 percent.” Not the leaked video of Republican nominee Mitt Romney claiming that 47 percent …
Balloon Juice

Exclusive: Romney up ONE POINT in Ohio and TIED in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, according to his campaign's internal polling — If the figures hold true Romney will almost certainly become the 45th President of the United States — Mitt Romney is ahead by a single percentage point in Ohio …
Politico, Telegraph, Hot Air, Weasel Zippers, The PJ Tatler, The Strata-Sphere and The Reality-Based Community
CBS under fire for withholding Obama's Benghazi remarks — CBS News is continuing to draw fire for withholding footage of a Sept. 12 interview with President Barack Obama in which he said it was “too early to tell” whether or not the previous day's attack in Benghazi, Libya, had been an act of terror.
Scared Monkeys and Weasel Zippers
Bret Baier / Fox News:
What President Obama really said in that ‘60 Minutes’ interview about Benghazi
What President Obama really said in that ‘60 Minutes’ interview about Benghazi
Power Line, protein wisdom, Atlas Shrugs, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, Betsy's Page, Michelle Malkin, CBS News, Washington Free Beacon, BREITBART.COM, The Heritage Foundation, The Hill, American Power, neo-neocon, The PJ Tatler, Politico, The Lonely Conservative, Taylor Marsh and National Review

Obama Returns to Iowa for Nostalgic Finale — DES MOINES, Iowa—President Barack Obama finished his second presidential campaign where he began his first, in Iowa, the state that propelled him out of the caucuses and toward the Democratic nomination and ultimately the White House.

In Ohio, Polls Show Benefit of Auto Rescue to Obama — We conclude our Presidential Geography series, a one-by-one examination of each state's political landscape and how it is changing, with Ohio, the Buckeye State. FiveThirtyEight spoke with Herb Asher and Paul A. Beck …
Little Green Footballs, AMERICAblog and American Prospect
Jesse Helfrich / The Hill:
Voters set to deliver verdict after grueling presidential campaign — A grueling and combative presidential race comes to an end Tuesday when voters head to the polls to choose between President Obama and GOP rival Mitt Romney. — The race has been neck and neck for weeks …

Obama Campaign to Supporters: Don't Panic Over Early Exit Polls — President Obama and Bruce Springsteen today. (Photo: Getty) — In a conference call this afternoon, President Barack Obama's re-election campaign had one central message for their supporters when Election Day arrives tomorrow …
Hot Air, Belmont Club and Michelle Malkin