Top Items:

In Voting Rights Arguments, Chief Justice Misconstrued Census Data — At the voting rights argument in the Supreme Court on Wednesday, Chief Justice John Roberts tore into Solicitor General Donald Verrilli, grilling him on his knowledge of voting statistics.
Alan Colmes' Liberaland, The Moderate Voice, Angry Bear, emptywheel and Politico

The Voting Rights Act, stuck in the past — Progressives are remarkably uninterested in progress. Social Security is 78 years old, and myriad social improvements have added 17 years to life expectancy since 1935, yet progressives insist the program remain frozen, like a fly in amber.

Jim Clyburn: Antonin Scalia Rejects Voting Rights Act Because He's ‘White And Proud’
Mediaite and The Impolitic
Campbell Robertson / New York Times:
A Divide on Voting Rights in a Town Where Blood Spilled
A Divide on Voting Rights in a Town Where Blood Spilled
Lawyers, Guns & Money and No More Mister Nice Blog
Steven Harmon / Daily Democrat:
California GOP leader steps into rape pregnancy controversy — Bay Area News Group — SACRAMENTO — A California Republican leader may have inadvertently revived the controversial subject of rape and pregnancy. — Before arriving at the state GOP's spring convention here …

California GOP Leader: Pregnancies Resulting From Rape Are Rare Because ‘The Body Is Traumatized’ — Celeste Greig, president of California Republican Assembly, the state's oldest and largest GOP volunteer organization told The Daily Democratthis week that pregnancies resulting from rape are rare …
Alan Colmes' Liberaland
Kathleen Parker / Washington Post:
Why the ‘threat’ on Bob Woodward matters — To the world beyond the Beltway, it might not mean much that Bob Woodward of the famed Watergate duo went public with his recent White House run-in. — This would be an oversight. — It also may not mean much that the White House press corps got teed off …
Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, Hot Air, Roger Ailes and Althouse
Igor Volsky / ThinkProgress:
Bob Woodward Agrees With Hannity: Journalists Should Ask Obama About Bill Ayers
Bob Woodward Agrees With Hannity: Journalists Should Ask Obama About Bill Ayers
NewsHounds blog

The Holocaust Just Got More Shocking — THIRTEEN years ago, researchers at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum began the grim task of documenting all the ghettos, slave labor sites, concentration camps and killing factories that the Nazis set up throughout Europe.
The Jawa Report

Sources: NBC Discussing Jay Leno Exit Plan — With Jimmy Kimmel attracting younger viewers, Jimmy Fallon seems a logical choice to move into the coveted 11:35 time slot in 2014. — Is NBC preparing to announce Jay Leno's departure from The Tonight Show? — The network says categorically no …

CPAC TURNS AWAY PAMELA GELLER — For the last four years, Pamela Geller of and the American Freedom Defense Initiative have held events at CPAC featuring guests she invites to discuss the influence of Islamism on America. But this year, the American Conservative Union (ACU) has no room for Geller or her message.
Jihad Watch and Joe. My. God.
Pamela Geller / Atlas Shrugs:
“CPAC Turns Away Pamela Geller”
“CPAC Turns Away Pamela Geller”
Riehl World News, American Power and The Other McCain
Icwhatudo /
Rachel Maddow Busted Using Multiple Fake Twitter Accounts To Boost Mentions Of Her Show — A poster on Twitter, upon seeing what he thought were very similar posts referencing MSNBC host Rachel Maddow's show, did some searching and found out that Maddow has been using phony twitter accounts to boost her …
Vox Popoli, NewsBusters and Lawyers, Guns & Money

Kansas Bill To Drug Test Welfare Recipients Passes Senate With Amendment To Test Lawmakers, Too — A Kansas bill to drug test recipients of welfare and unemployment benefits is advancing, but not without an attempt to equalize the burden the invasive tests impose.

Popular Standard Shotgun Could Be Banned Under Proposed Bill — DENVER (CBS4) - A popular hunting shotgun could be banned under one of the bills moving through the state Capitol. — A pump or semi-automatic shotgun is the gun most hunters in Colorado use.
Weasel Zippers, The PJ Tatler and The Gateway Pundit

U.S. Capitol official: Obama wrong on janitors' pay cut — During his news conference to announce that he and congressional leaders failed to avert the sequester cuts going into effect tonight, President Obama gave several examples of people who will be directly affected by the cuts.
BuzzFeed, The PJ Tatler and
Glenn Kessler / Washington Post:
Sequester spin: Obama's incorrect claim of Capitol janitors receiving ‘a pay cut’
Sequester spin: Obama's incorrect claim of Capitol janitors receiving ‘a pay cut’
Hot Air, Hit & Run and Michelle Malkin

Iraqi forces attack FSA positions inside Syria — For the first time, Iraqi forces opened fire on Syria shelling the positions of the Free Syrian Army (FSA) days after Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki warned that a victory of the Syrian opposition would spread chaos in the region.
Outside the Beltway, The PJ Tatler and The Moderate Voice
Paul Krugman:
Self-destructive Europe — I just wanted to flag two important articles on Europe. First, Simon Wren-Lewis reminds us that while extreme austerity is being imposed on Europe's periphery, the core has also pursued contractionary fiscal policies. Here's the IMF's estimate …
Business Insider, Hullabaloo and Financial Times

Pakistani clerics endorse suicide bombings, reject proposed peace conference — Tahir Ashrafi, the head of the Pakistan Ulema Council. Image from TOLOnews. — The tortuous path of the Afghan government's plan for a regional ulema conference that would issue a fatwa condemning suicide attacks reached …
Weasel Zippers
Jordy Yager / The Hill:
Mass illegal immigrant release could be headache for Obama, tricky for GOP — The release of hundreds of illegal immigrants into a federal monitoring system this week may be an ongoing headache for the Obama administration, as Republicans focus their scrutiny on uncovering potential missteps.
Jammie Wearing Fools
Alicia A. Caldwell / Associated Press:
AP Exclusive: DHS released over 2,000 immigrants
AP Exclusive: DHS released over 2,000 immigrants
The PJ Tatler