Top Items:
Our withdrawn review “Blood cotton” — Apology: In our review of “The Half Has Never Been Told: Slavery and the Making of American Capitalism” by Edward Baptist, we said: “Mr Baptist has not written an objective history of slavery. Almost all the blacks in his book are victims, almost all the whites villains.”
Gawker, Business Insider and The Huffington Post

The Economist Denounces One-Sided Account of Slavery [Updated] — What about slave-on-slave crime? — Shares — The Economist reviews The Half Has Never Been Told: Slavery and the Making of American Capitalism, by Edward Baptist. Not having read the book, I cannot credibly assess it.
Eschaton, Talking Points Memo and Lawyers, Guns & Money

The Trouble With Harvard — The Ivy League is broken and only standardized tests can fix it — The most-read article in the history of this magazine is not about war, politics, or great works of art. It's about the admissions policies of a handful of elite universities …
Washington Monthly

Fed: Under Obama, only the richest 10 percent saw incomes rise … Under President Obama, the richest 10 percent were the only income group of Americans to see their median incomes rise, according to a survey released this week by the Federal Reserve. — The Fed data covered the years 2010-2013 …
John Hawkins' Right Wing News
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System:
Survey of Consumer Finances
Survey of Consumer Finances
PolicyShop, naked capitalism, ParaPundit and Wall Street Journal
Matthew C Klein / FT Alphaville:
US income and wealth inequality facts of the day
US income and wealth inequality facts of the day
Marginal REVOLUTION and Wall Street Journal

‘Meet’ the Chuck Todd advantage — Todd's roundtable will feature regular contributors, including Joe Scarborough, who has been promoted to NBC News senior political analyst and a regular contributor to “Meet.” (Todd dismisses any suggestion that Scarborough doesn't fit the bill for reported analysis …
Dylan Byers / Politico:
Chuck Todd to interview President Obama on first ‘Meet The Press’ broadcast
Chuck Todd to interview President Obama on first ‘Meet The Press’ broadcast

NATO Approves New Reaction Force for Eastern Europe — NEWPORT, Wales — NATO on Friday approved plans for a 4,000-person rapid reaction force headquartered in eastern Europe, aimed at reassuring members near Russia unnerved by its military actions in the Ukraine conflict that the principle of collective defense remains sacrosanct.
ThinkProgress, Mashable and Mediaite
Charles Krauthammer / Washington Post:
Ukraine abandoned — At his first press briefing after the beheading …
Ukraine abandoned — At his first press briefing after the beheading …
ERR, VodkaPundit and AEIdeas

New Book Says C.I.A. Official in Benghazi Held Up Rescue — CAIRO — Five commandos guarding the C.I.A. base in Benghazi, Libya, in September 2012 say that the C.I.A. station chief stopped them from interceding in time to save the lives of Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and an American technician during …
The Daily Caller, CANNONFIRE and Business Insider

Woman beheaded ‘with machete’ in north London garden — Palmira Silva was decapitated at her home in Edmonton in an indiscriminate rampage before armed police subdued her ‘crazed’ attacker — An 82-year-old woman was beheaded in a north London suburban garden by a man with a machete.
Business Insider

More Senate Democrats urge Obama to delay immigration order — More top Democrats are pressuring President Barack Obama to slow down on immigration reform, further diminishing the chances that he'll take sweeping administrative action before Election Day. — Sen. Bill Nelson (D-Fla.) wants Obama to wait until after November.
Power Line, Weekly Standard, National Review, The PJ Tatler, Washington Post and Capitol Report

Top CIA officer in Benghazi delayed response to terrorist attack, US security team members claim — A U.S. security team in Benghazi was held back from immediately responding to the attack on the American diplomatic mission on orders of the top CIA officer there, three of those involved told Fox News' Bret Baier.

Not Everyone Can Afford the All-American On-Campus Experience — Living away from home gives students a chance to immerse themselves in new academic and social worlds. But that kind of college experience is available only to an increasingly privileged few.
Daisuke Wakabayashi / Wall Street Journal:
Apple CEO Denies a Lax Attitude Toward Security Allowed Hackers to Post Nude Photos of Celebrities — Apple Inc. said it plans additional steps to keep hackers out of user accounts, but denied that a lax attitude toward security had allowed intruders to post nude photos of celebrities on the Internet.

Holder: Civil rights probe into Trayvon Martin shooting still active — Attorney General Eric Holder said Thursday that the federal civil rights investigation into the 2012 killing of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin remains active, noting “recent developments” in the case.
Discussion: and Instapundit

Chairman Mike Rogers: We Will Have to Risk American Lives to Defeat ISIS — Military assessment teams and ad hoc air strikes may provide temporary gains, but they will not defeat this enemy — Two years ago, a prominent Middle East ally of the United States came to Washington to highlight …
Washington Post and Fox News

Congress Set to Bow to Obama on ISIS War — Congress says it wants to have a role in authorizing Obama's ongoing war against ISIS. But the White House is using a series of maneuvers to make sure that never happens. — In recent days, leading lawmakers in both parties have been talking tough …
Hot Air, Hit & Run and ThinkProgress

The need for a mighty U.S. military — The writer is the former governor of Massachusetts. In 2012, the Republican Party nominated him for president of the United States. — Russia invades, China bullies, Iran spins centrifuges, the Islamic State (a terrorist threat “beyond anything that we've seen …
American Prospect, Hot Air, Fox News and Wall Street Journal

Christie won't take stand on immigration — Washington (CNN) — Gov. Chris Christie, who has long avoided wading into the immigration debate, said Thursday in Mexico City that he won't lay out his position on immigration reform unless he decides to run for president.
National Review

Man jailed for phoning and texting ex-girlfriend 21,807 times — French man who harassed woman demanding compensation for work on appartment admits behaviour was ‘stupid’ — Defendant accepted responsibility for a barrage of phone calls and text messages over a 10-month period Photograph: David Brabyn/ David Brabyn/Corbis
Ken Ritter / Associated Press:
Hillary Clinton: US Should Lead on Clean Energy — Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said Thursday that the U.S. should become what she called the world's 21st-century clean energy superpower, during remarks resembling both a campaign speech and a call to action at the annual National Clean Energy Summit in Las Vegas.
Talking Points Memo

Early Voting in Ohio, Despite Republican Objections — A federal judge's decision this morning to allow early voting in Ohio is a big victory for those who think voting should be easier and more accessible. It was also a remarkable decision in purely human terms, showing …

Premiums Set to Decline Slightly for Benchmark ACA Marketplace Insurance Plans in 2015 — Analysis of 15 States and D.C. Also Finds Changes Vary Across States and Insurers — Results Suggest Consumers Should Shop Carefully When Open Enrollment Begins November 15
Vox, Daily Kos and New York Times