Top Items:

Mueller Finds No Trump-Russia Conspiracy, but Stops Short of Exonerating President on Obstruction — WASHINGTON — The investigation led by Robert S. Mueller III found no evidence that President Trump or any of his aides coordinated with the Russian government's 2016 election interference …
Associated Press, CBS News, Raw Story, Washington Post, Vox, CNN,, Breitbart, Bloomberg, POLITICUSUSA, Common Dreams, Washington Press, CANNONFIRE, Contemptor, Towleroad Gay News, Althouse and The Mahablog

Number of Lines: 6 — The Special Counsel obtained a number of indictments and convictions of individuals and entities in connection with his investigation, all of which have been publicly disclosed. During the course of his investigation, the Special Counsel also referred several matters to other offices for further action.
Slate, The Bulwark, Politico, The Daily Beast, Northeastern, Mother Jones, FiveThirtyEight, The Week, Raw Story, The Resurgent,, Mediaite, The Atlantic and Lawfare

The Question the Mueller Report Has Not Answered — Good news, America. Russia helped install your president. But although he owes his job in large part to that help, the president did not conspire or collude with his helpers. He was the beneficiary of a foreign intelligence operation …
The Moderate Voice
How William Barr Did Old Man Back-Flips to Avoid Arresting Donald Trump — Attorney General William Barr just engaged in utterly cowardly dereliction of duty. — During his confirmation hearing, Barr confirmed that things Trump has done are obstruction — When we were awaiting …
Daily Kos, Raw Story and Hullabaloo

Barr's Startling and Unseemly Haste — We cannot yet see the report that Special Counsel Robert Mueller submitted to Attorney General William Barr on Friday. But we can see its shadow in the four-page letter Barr sent to the chairs and ranking members of the House and Senate Judiciary Committees on Sunday afternoon.
Slate, Vox, Lawyers, Guns & Money, Balloon Juice, Gizmodo and The Bulwark

The Many Problems With the Barr Letter — By unilaterally concluding that Trump did not obstruct justice, the attorney general has made it imperative that the public see the Mueller report. — Mr. Katyal is a law professor at Georgetown. He drafted the special counsel regulations under which Robert Mueller was appointed.

Media stares down ‘reckoning’ after Mueller report underwhelms — Fox News host Sean Hannity accused “CNN, MSNBC, and the mainstream media” of having “lied” for two years in his first tweet on Sunday after a four-page summary of special counsel Robert Mueller's conclusions was made public.
Washington Post, Marginal REVOLUTION and The American Conservative

Mueller's punt on obstruction question throws issue into the political arena — Special counsel Robert S. Mueller III's decision that he could not conclude whether President Trump's attacks on the Russia investigation amounted to obstruction of justice illustrates the difficulty in proving such a charge …
The Gateway Pundit, Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Raw Story and Refinery29

Special counsel and DOJ deliberated seeking subpoena for Trump — (CNN)The special counsel's office deliberated at length with Justice Department officials about issuing a subpoena for President Donald Trump to be interviewed, but ultimately the decision was made not to move forward …

Mueller report letter from Attorney General William Barr sent to Congress; describes ‘two main’ Russian efforts to influence the election; no conclusion on justice obstruction — The report doesn't conclude Trump committed a crime and doesn't exonerate him.
Washington Post, Politico, One America News Network, Chicago Tribune, The Gateway Pundit, FiveThirtyEight, Breitbart, CNBC, Opinion Today, Raw Story, NPR and The Week

Trump Aided and Abetted Russia's Attack. That Was Treachery. Full Stop. — The scandal may not be a crime. It's a betrayal. — On Sunday afternoon Attorney General William Barr sent a letter to Congress noting that Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation …

A Cloud Over Trump's Presidency Is Lifted — WASHINGTON — For President Trump, it may have been the best day of his tenure so far. The darkest, most ominous cloud hanging over his presidency was all but lifted on Sunday with the release of the special counsel's conclusions …
Bloomberg, The Wrap, Talking Points Memo and Breitbart

Trump Can Take a Victory Lap, But It's a Partial One — “While this report does not conclude that the president committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.” — President Donald Trump scored a significant political and legal victory on Sunday. — Attorney General William Barr …
Lawfare, Vox, Talking Points Memo and ThinkProgress

Conclusion of Mueller probe raises anew criticisms of coverage — And now comes the reckoning for the mainstream news media and the pundits. — After more than two years of intense reporting and endless talking-head speculation about possible collusion between Donald Trump's presidential campaign …
Politico, The Atlantic and USA Today

New York Times:
No Collusion, No ‘Exoneration’
No Collusion, No ‘Exoneration’
Vox, NBC News, Bloomberg, Raw Story and Power Line
Richard L. Hasen / Slate:
Mueller's Unknown Reasoning Could Endanger American Democracy in 2020
Josh Gerstein / Politico:
Mueller finds no Trump-Russia conspiracy
Mueller finds no Trump-Russia conspiracy
Washington Post, RedState, Townhall, Vox, Bloomberg, One America News Network, Breitbart and Axios
Michael Goodwin / New York Post:
How to end our national nightmare — probe Hillary Clinton again
How to end our national nightmare — probe Hillary Clinton again
Fox News and National Review
Has the President Been Exonerated? — Attorney General William …
Has the President Been Exonerated? — Attorney General William …
Breitbart, ABC News and The Daily Beast
Dara Lind / Vox:
Donald Trump isn't being charged with obstruction — but Mueller didn't exonerate him
Donald Trump isn't being charged with obstruction — but Mueller didn't exonerate him
Blake Hounshell / Politico:
Trump Didn't Collude With Russia. So Why Does He Love Putin So Much?
Associated Press:
AP PHOTOS: Mueller flashes smile as world awaits his report
AP PHOTOS: Mueller flashes smile as world awaits his report
Talking Points Memo and
Dana Farrington / NPR:
READ: The Justice Department's Summary Of The Mueller Report
READ: The Justice Department's Summary Of The Mueller Report
The Gateway Pundit, Vox, Townhall, Jezebel and Breitbart
Washington Post:
Trump did not collude with Russia. But he's wrong to say Mueller exonerated him.
Trump did not collude with Russia. But he's wrong to say Mueller exonerated him.
Breitbart and Mercury News
Douglas E. Schoen / The Hill:
End of Mueller probe a boost for Trump, a warning for Democrats
Heather Caygle / Politico:
Battle over Mueller's probe moves to Capitol Hill
Battle over Mueller's probe moves to Capitol Hill
Washington Press, NB Blog and Daily Wire
Will Bunch /
March Mueller Madness shows the system that worked in Watergate is broken today
March Mueller Madness shows the system that worked in Watergate is broken today
RT, The Atlantic and The Daily Caller
Abigail Abrams / TIME:
These Are All of the Other Investigations Donald Trump Faces
These Are All of the Other Investigations Donald Trump Faces
Townhall, Hullabaloo, Washington Post, The Week and New York Times
David French / National Review:
Barr's Letter Contains Unambiguously Good News for the U.S.
Barr's Letter Contains Unambiguously Good News for the U.S.
Instapundit, RealClearPolitics and Slate
Chuck Ross / The Daily Caller:
Carl Bernstein Defends The Press: ‘One Of The Great Reporting Jobs In History’ [VIDEO]
Carl Bernstein Defends The Press: ‘One Of The Great Reporting Jobs In History’ [VIDEO]
POLITICO Playbook: Mueller fallout ... All eyes on Barr
POLITICO Playbook: Mueller fallout ... All eyes on Barr
Texas Monthly, Washington Examiner and RedState
Washington Post:
Mueller did not find the Trump campaign conspired with Russia, attorney general says
Mueller did not find the Trump campaign conspired with Russia, attorney general says
The Hill, RT, CNN, Slate, Washington Press, Quartz, Balloon Juice, Talking Points Memo and American Greatness
Aidan McLaughlin / Mediaite:
Brian Stelter Defends Media Coverage of Mueller Probe From ‘Rookie’ Attacks: 'Don't Be Fooled By the Partisans'
Brett Samuels / The Hill:
Nadler: DOJ withholding underlying evidence of Mueller report would be ‘equivalent to a cover-up’
Nadler: DOJ withholding underlying evidence of Mueller report would be ‘equivalent to a cover-up’
POLITICUSUSA and Breitbart

Second Parkland shooting survivor kills himself, police confirm — A second Parkland shooting survivor has killed himself, Coral Springs police confirmed on Sunday. — Investigators told the Miami Herald that a current Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School student died in “an apparent suicide” on Saturday night.
RedState, Quartz, Sun-Sentinel, Fox News, Raw Story, The Daily Beast, FOX31 Denver, New York Post, The Guardian and Outside the Beltway

The 2020 Democrats Trumpworld fears most — President Trump has publicly boasted that he could beat any of his 2020 Democratic challengers. But privately, several members of the Trump campaign see a few who could pose a threat to his re-election, and are in the early stages of building out their strategy for attack.