
Political Web, page A1 … for 10:20 AM ET, September 19, 2005
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Top Items:

Associated Press:
Negotiators: N. Korea to halt nuke programs  —  In breakthrough, Pyongyang vows to rejoin arms treaty, allow inspectors  —  BEIJING - North Korea pledged to drop its nuclear weapons development and rejoin international arms treaties in a unanimous agreement Monday at six-party arms talks …
Edward Cody / Washington Post:
N. Korea Vows to Quit Arms Program  —  Nuclear Agreement Set at 6-Nation Talks  —  BEIJING, Sept. 19 — China announced Monday that negotiators from six nations have reached agreement under which North Korea pledged to dismantle its nuclear arms program in return for recognition and aid from the United States and its Asian allies.
Associated Press:
North Korea Vows to Drop Nuclear Programs  —  North Korea Pledges to Drop Nuclear Programs at Six-Party Arms Talks  —  BEIJING Sep 19, 2005 — North Korea pledged to drop its nuclear weapons development and rejoin international arms treaties in a unanimous agreement Monday at six-party arms talks.
Burt Herman / Associated Press:
North Korea Vows to Drop Nuclear Program
Discussion: Conservative Thinking
Scott Ott / ScrappleFace:
North Korea Vows to Give Up Nukes, Lying
Discussion: Roger L. Simon
Kevin Drum / The Washington Monthly:   NORTH KOREA BLINKS?....This is via email, but there ought to be a link soon:
Hindrocket / Power Line:
UNCHARTED TERRITORY, ONCE AGAIN  —  In recent years, the Democrats have violated many of the tacit conventions of civility that have enabled our political system to work for more than two centuries.  Yesterday another barrier fell, and once again, we entered uncharted waters …
Chester / The Adventures of Chester:
Clinton the Strategist: A Dissection  —  Something's not quite right here . . .  Bill Clinton on 'This Week with George Stephanopoulos': … Continue reading for a complete fisking. … Clinton betrays his lack of understanding of both the strategic and operational details of the war in these statements.
Lorie Byrd /
Bill Clinton Is No-Class Slime
Discussion: The Right Place
Patrick Cockburn / Independent:
What has happened to Iraq's missing $1bn?  —  One billion dollars has been plundered from Iraq's defence ministry in one of the largest thefts in history, The Independent can reveal, leaving the country's army to fight a savage insurgency with museum-piece weapons.
Juan / Informed Comment:
One to Two Billion Dollars Missing at Ministry of Defense
Discussion: Daimnation!
Craig Whitlock / Washington Post:
Divided German Voters Leave New Leadership Uncertain  —  BERLIN, Sept. 18 — German voters dumped Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder's government Sunday but split their ballots among so many different parties that none was able to muster enough support to replace it.
Discussion: BBC, PoliBlog and Don Surber
Stephen Moore / Opinion Journal:
The GOP's New New Deal  —  The bill for Katrina may fall due next November.  —  There's an old adage that no one in Washington can tell the difference between $1 million and $1 billion.  Seldom has that Beltway learning disability been more vividly demonstrated than in the weeks since Katrina.
Dan Balz / Washington Post:
Carter-Baker Panel to Call for Voting Fixes  —  Election Report Urges Photo IDs, Paper Trails And Impartial Oversight  —  Warning that public confidence in the nation's election system is flagging, a commission headed by former president Jimmy Carter and former secretary of state James …
Ellen Knickmeyer / Washington Post:
U.S. Claims Success in Iraq Despite Onslaught  —  BAGHDAD — Using enemy body counts as a benchmark, the U.S. military claimed gains against Abu Musab Zarqawi's foreign-led fighters last week even as they mounted their deadliest attacks on Iraq's capital.  —  But by many standards …
US News:
A Different Path for Hurricane Campbell  —  It's probably the most important story about the media's coverage of Hurricane Katrina that you didn ' t read: Today, Weekend Edition coanchor Campbell Brown 's gutsy and heartfelt reports cemented her position as NBC's top choice to replace the Today show's Katie Couric.
Glenn Reynolds /
SO THE EARLIER PORK POST — in which various bloggers posted and emailed about pork in their states — looked kind of promising, and N.Z. Bear and I got together to figure out a way to take it up a notch.  —  How are we going to mobilize the blogosphere in support of cuts in wasteful spending to support Katrina relief?
Agence France Presse:
Breast-flashing video proceeds donated to Katrina victims  —  SAN FRANCISCO (AFP) - Video makers notorious for filming women flashing their breasts said they will donate revenues from "Girls Gone Wild" episodes tied to Mardi Gras to the Red Cross to help Hurricane Katrina victims.
Dominic Evans / Reuters:
Iraq invasion radicalized Saudi fighters: report  —  RIYADH (Reuters) - Hundreds of Saudi fighters who joined the insurgency in Iraq showed few signs of militancy before the U.S.-led overthrow of Saddam Hussein, according to a detailed study based on Saudi intelligence reports.
Discussion: TAPPED and Winds of Change.NET

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More Items:

Robert Novak /
Chuck Schumer's defeat
Discussion: Hugh Hewitt and Betsy's Page
Kit Jarrell /
Guard the Borders Blogburst
R.G. Ratcliffe / Houston Chronicle:
Off-beat humor made him a popular musician …
Discussion: Off the Kuff
Washington Post:
NAMES & FACES  —  The stars came out Saturday night in New York …
Will Franklin /
THE CARNIVAL OF THE CAPITALISTS.  —  Welcome to THE Carnival of the Capitalists.
Discussion: the skwib
The unbearable lameness of Aaron Brown
Confederate Yankee:
The City That Should Not Be  —  As I mentioned of a flooded …
Discussion: Argghhh! and basil's blog
Transcript: Hugo Chavez Interview
Discussion: mediabistro
Chris Bowers / MyDD:
Democrats Pissed At Leadership; Ready to Vote For Dems Anyway

Earlier Picks:

Hindrocket / Power Line:
PLAYING OUT THE STRING  —  The New York Times cemented …
Bishops suggest apology for war
Jazz / Running Scared:
Activities supporting the St. Patrick's Four commence
Jay Tea / Wizbang:
Michelle Millhollon /
Blanco says feds pledged buses
Robert Winnett / Times of London:
SAS trainers denounce 'gung ho' armed police
Jonathan Darman / MSNBC:
Southern Comfort  —  Inside track: Mississippi's governor once …
Afghanistan holds landmark vote
Discussion: protein wisdom
Sameer N. Yacoub / Associated Press:
Iraqi Lawmakers OK Amended Constitution
Discussion: Captain's Quarters
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