
Political Web, page A1 … for 1:00 AM ET, September 19, 2005
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Top Items:

David Kaspar / Davids Medienkritik:
2005 German National Election: Unexpected Results  —  Surprising Numbers: CDU-CSU Much Lower - FDP Much Higher Than Expected  —  Here are the initial preliminary results from today's election as reported in the German media.  These results can still fluctuate, they are not final and official:
David Rising / Associated Press:
Germany's Schroeder Refuses to Concede  —  BERLIN - Exit polls showed conservative challenger Angela Merkel's party leading in German parliamentary elections Sunday but falling short of the majority she needed to form a center-right coalition as the nation's first female chancellor.
No clear winner after German vote  —  Early projections show a tight finish to Germany's election, with both main parties claiming victory.  —  Challenger Angela Merkel's Christian Democrats (CDU) won only the slimmest of leads, early results suggest.  —  Some predictions give the CDU …
David Kaspar / Davids Medienkritik:
Election Results: Divided Germany  —  (Click here for the most recent election results and returns)  —  Many observers noted during the 2004 Presidential elections in the United States how entire regions of the nation were either "blue" for Democrat states or "red" for Republican states.
Discussion: Peaktalk and The Right Coast
Split German Vote Has Both Conservatives, Schroeder Claimng Victory
Discussion: MyDD
BBC:   Hung parliament looms in Germany
Bruce Kesler / Democracy Project:
Remember Germany? Remember Afghanistan?
Discussion: protein wisdom and GOP Bloggers
Jay / Stop the ACLU:
Give Us The Memos  —  Certain memos that could very well play an instrumental part in the confirmation process of John Robert's are being concealed from the public.  But we are not talking about the Solicitor General's memos that are protected under a attorney-client type protection.
Patterico / Patterico's Pontifications:
Give Us the Memos!
Basil / basil's blog:
Headline News: 9/18/2005  —  Running the risk of falling flat …
Discussion: Mean Ol' Meany
Doug Simpson / Associated Press:
New Orleans Mayor Defends Return Plan  —  NEW ORLEANS (AP) - Mayor Ray Nagin defended his plan to return up to 180,000 people to the city within a week and a half despite concerns about the short supply of drinking water and heavily polluted floodwaters.  —  Coast Guard Vice Adm. Thad Allen …
Discussion: Reaganites Unite!
Glenn Reynolds /
SO THE EARLIER PORK POST — in which various bloggers posted and emailed about pork in their states — looked kind of promising, and N.Z. Bear and I got together to figure out a way to take it up a notch.  —  How are we going to mobilize the blogosphere in support of cuts in wasteful spending to support Katrina relief?
Henry G. Brinton / Washington Post:
Darwin Goes to Church  —  Most adult Sunday school classes don't raise eyebrows, but my church is planning to hold one that's sure to.  It's called "Evolution for Christians," and it will be taught this winter by David Bush, a member of the church I lead, Fairfax Presbyterian.
David Smith / Observer:
How the penguin's life story inspired the US religious right
Dafna Linzer / Washington Post:
Iran's President Does What U.S. Diplomacy Could Not  —  U.N. Speech Raises Doubts About Nuclear Program  —  NEW YORK, Sept. 18 — Five weeks ago, Iran's new president bought his country some time.  Facing mounting criticism after walking away from negotiations with Europe and restarting part …
Discussion: Daily Pundit and War and Piece
Patrick Cockburn / Independent:
What has happened to Iraq's missing $1bn?  —  One billion dollars has been plundered from Iraq's defence ministry in one of the largest thefts in history, The Independent can reveal, leaving the country's army to fight a savage insurgency with museum-piece weapons.
Discussion: The Agonist and War and Piece
Transcript for September 18  —  MR. TIM RUSSERT: Our issues this Sunday: former President Bill Clinton convenes leaders from around the world to discuss poverty, religion, the environment, and more.  Speakers include King Abdullah of Jordan, British Prime Minister Tony Blair …
Washington Post:
Obeying Orders  —  IN THIS COUNTRY it is not a crime for a journalist to complain — even to complain loudly — about the government's attempts to manipulate the media.  But it is a crime in China, as Shi Tao, a journalist in Hunan, recently discovered.  At a meeting in April 2004 …
Discussion: Roger L. Simon and The Right Coast
Fareed Zakaria / MSNBC:
Leaders Who Won't Choose  —  In Washington, it's business as usual in the face of a national catastrophe.  —  Newsweek  —  Sept. 26, 2005 issue - Adversity builds character," goes the old adage.  Except that in America today we seem to be following the opposite principle.
Christopher Hitchens / Telegraph:
'Galloway is a hot, blustering bully - but I'm staying on his case until the very end'  —  The experience of spending some hours on a public platform with George Galloway is disappointingly similar to the experience of watching him on al Jazeera, or on Syrian state television.
Young and female - a brave new face of Afghan politics  —  Declan Walsh in Kabul  —  Among the stony-faced mugshots on posters plastered across election-crazed Kabul, one stands out.  At first glance it looks like an ad for a Bollywood blockbuster: a close-up of a pretty young woman …
Discussion: Gateway Pundit and normblog

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More Items:

Kevin Drum / The Washington Monthly:
TOUCHY....One gets used to idiocy from Michelle Malkin …
Cchris / Chris Christner's Blog:
Bush 7, Axis of Weasels 1
Robert Winnett / Times of London:
Ministers dithered on Islamist crackdown
Jeff E. Schapiro / Richmond Times-Dispatch:
Governor's race is too close to call
Discussion: MyDD and Daily Kos
Jesse Taylor / Pandagon:
Wretchard / The Belmont Club:
Heads You Win, Tails I Lose
Discussion: Dr. Sanity
The Big Trunk / Power Line:
INSIDE THE SWAMP  —  The American Enterprise Institute …
Discussion: The Right Coast
The Liberal Avenger:
Soccer Dad:
Haveil Havlim #37  —  Welcome to the 37th edition of Haveil Havalim …

Earlier Picks:

A disturbing view from inside FEMA
Rita Beamish / Associated Press:
Money Earmarked for Evacuation Redirected
Jay / Stop the ACLU:
ACLU Concerned With Bleeding Heart Liberals
Robert Burns / Associated Press:
Military May Play Bigger Relief Role
The MinuteMan / JustOneMinute:
To The Barricades!  —  How do we provide assistance to the students …
Mark Steyn / Chicago Sun Times:
Flawless Roberts holding Dems scoreless
Robert Mayer / Publius Pundit:
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