
Political Web, page A1 … for 8:55 PM ET, September 27, 2005
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Top Items:

Washington Post:
Former FEMA Director Blames La. Officials for Katrina Response Failures  —  Michael D. Brown, the ousted director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, appeared before a House panel this morning and blamed Louisiana officials for "serious problems" in the government's response to Hurricane Katrina …
Ex-FEMA chief slams 'dysfunctional' Louisiana  —  But Democratic and Republican lawmakers alike put blame on Brown  —  WASHINGTON - Former FEMA director Michael Brown aggressively defended his role in responding to Hurricane Katrina on Tuesday and blamed most coordination failures on Louisiana …
Victor Davis Hanson / Opinion Journal:
Ivory Cower  —  University presidents have lost their dignity.  —  Whether or not you agreed with them, university presidents used to be dignified figures on the American scene.  They often were distinguished scholars, capable of bringing their own brand of independent thinking to bear …
Christian Science Monitor:
US is logging gains against Al Qaeda in Iraq  —  The US military says improved intelligence led to the killing of two key leaders of the group.  —  BAGHDAD AND CAIRO - In a succession of intelligence breaks, the US says it has killed two key members of Al Qaeda in Iraq in recent days …
Discussion: PrairiePundit
Bill Roggio / The Fourth Rail:
Who was Abdullah Abu Azzam al-Iraqi?
Discussion: PrairiePundit
Ruth Gledhill / Times of London:
Societies worse off 'when they have God on their side'  —  RELIGIOUS belief can cause damage to a society, contributing towards high murder rates, abortion, sexual promiscuity and suicide, according to research published today.  —  According to the study, belief in and worship of God …
Los Angeles Times:
Katrina Takes a Toll on Truth, News Accuracy  —  Rumors supplanted accurate information and media magnified the problem.  Rapes, violence and estimates of the dead were wrong.  —  BATON ROUGE, La. — Maj. Ed Bush recalled how he stood in the bed of a pickup truck in the days after Hurricane Katrina …
Patrick Ruffini / Patrick Ruffini '05:
September Straw Poll: Tag the Vote  —  You knew it was coming.  —  Last month's GOP primary straw poll got over 17,000 votes (!) and provided reams of state-by-state and blog-by-blog data to chew over.  This month's poll has all the features you know and love — the results by blog referrer …
Clayton Cramer / Clayton Cramer's BLOG:
No Lie Too Outrageous  —  There's a guy who is appearing at antiwar protests claiming to be a Republican ashamed of his own party.  His name is Jeb Eddy.  There's one little problem: Wizbang says: … And then lists his political contributions over the last few years—all to Democrats.
Faye Fiore / Los Angeles Times:
Laura Bush to appear on "Extreme Makeover: Home Edition"  —  WASHINGTON — Facing criticism that he appeared disengaged from the disaster wrought by Hurricane Katrina, President Bush has been looking for opportunities to show his concern.  But the White House will take the effort a step further Tuesday …
Louisiana's Looters  —  THE NATION is at war.  It is mired in debt.  It has been hit by floods and hurricanes.  In the face of this adversity, congressional leaders have rightly dropped proposals for yet more tax cuts, and some have suggested removing the pork from the recently passed transportation bill.
Kevin Drum / The Washington Monthly:
RATHERGATE UPDATE....I don't know what the rest of the book says, but if the first chapter of Mary Mapes's new book is any indication, she's still clinging to the notion that the infamous Killian memos that were broadcast on 60 Minutes last September are real.
Washington Post:
Arrests Made in Case Connected to Abramoff  —  Three Men Allegedly Killed 'Gus' Boulis, Who Sold A Casino Cruise Line to the Embattled Washington Lobbyist  —  Fort Lauderdale police have arrested three men on murder and conspiracy charges in the 2001 gangland-style killing of a South Florida businessman …
Discussion: Daily Kos and MyDD
Deb Riechmann / Associated Press:
High Court Selection Process Winds Down  —  President Bush, close to nominating a successor to retiring Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, has narrowed his list to a handful of candidates that outside advisers say includes federal judges and two people who have never banged a gavel _ corporate …
Associated Press:
Playmate appeals to Supreme Court  —  Anna Nicole Smith seeks $474 million inheritance  —  WASHINGTON (AP) — Former Playboy model Anna Nicole Smith is going to the United States' highest court in her fight over the fortune of her 90-year-old late husband.
E. J. Dionne Jr / Opinions:
Democrats In Disarray  —  Democrats and liberals are ecstatic that President Bush has finally faced his moment of accountability.  The travails of Hurricane Katrina followed a bad summer for the president and have called into question his leadership style, competence and intense partisanship.
Julia Silverman / Associated Press:
Leader of New Orleans Police Resigns  —  NEW ORLEANS - Police Superintendent Eddie Compass resigned Tuesday after four turbulent weeks in which the police force was wracked by desertions and disorganization in Hurricane Katrina's aftermath.  —  "I served this department for 26 years …
David Sirota /
Hurricanes Rain on Bush's Tax Cut Parade  —  How the Katrina catastrophe proves that conservatives' tax cut zealotry has left america vulnerable to disaster.  —  When President Bush kicked off his bid for re-election in the spring of 2004, he launched what was another in a long line of cookie-cutter conservative campaigns.

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More Items:

Greg Bluestein / Associated Press:
Hostage Gave Meth to Atlanta Fugitive
Beth / MY Vast Right Wing Conspiracy:
Email from Iraq
Patrick Goldstein / Los Angeles Times:
Funny choices  —  Something's wrong when a studio balks at a comedy this inspired.
John / AMERICAblog:
Don't ever trust ABC's "The Note" again
David W. Webber / The Nation:
Roberts's Queer Reasoning on AIDS
Discussion: SCOTUSblog and TalkLeft
Tom Shales / Washington Post:
Geena Davis Sweeps Up the Oval Office
White House:
Press Gaggle with Scott McClellan
Discussion: Attytood and Wonkette
Washington Post:
Frist Says He Had No Inside Data On Stock
John Podhoretz / The Corner on National Review Online:

Earlier Picks:

J. Random American / Ideas in Progress:
Carnival of Tomorrow #10
William Beutler / The Hotline's Blogometer:
9/27: TimesShare  —  The MSM is always coming under fire …
Josh Marshall / Talking Points Memo:
Long goodbye or not, aren't pearls of wisdom such as Brown appears …
Charles Ornstein / Los Angeles Times:
Hospital Halts Organ Program
Paul Farhi / Washington Post:
CPB Taps Two GOP Conservatives for Top Posts
Agence France Presse:
Terror suspects eyeing up Paris metro, airport
Ellen Knickmeyer / Washington Post:
Baghdad Neighborhood's Hopes Dimmed by the Trials of War
Washington Post:
Picture This: Ben Affleck, Senator From Va.
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