
Political Web, page A1 … for 12:20 AM ET, October 9, 2005
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Top Items:

Bork calls Miers nomination a 'disaster'  —  Former Supreme Court nominee gives take on newest pick for the bench  —  TRANSCRIPT  —  A conservative uproar erupted over President George Bush's recent appointee to the Supreme Court.  Bush nominated Harriet Miers to replace Justice Sandra Day O'Connor.
Steve Bainbridge /
Why the Miers Fight is Worth Fighting  —  There is a school of thought in the conservative blogosphere that "the Miers pick ... is done now; we have to move on."  Presumably this entails conservative critics of Miers taking Lindsey Graham's advice to just "shut up."  I for one, however, have no plans to do so any time soon.
Jennifer Loven / Associated Press:
Bush Predicts Miers Will Be Confirmed for Supreme Court; Some in GOP Withhold Support  —  WASHINGTON (AP) - President Bush predicted Friday that the Senate would confirm Harriet Miers to the Supreme Court, even as a Republican senator said she had much work left to ensure that outcome.
Discussion: The Right Coast
The Blogosphere and the Meirs Nomination  —  The good news is that the information flow was immediate and unrestricted.  May it ever be so.  The bad news is that the reaction spread instantly, and that first impressions are difficult to reverse much less erase.
Discussion: The Right Coast
Washington Post:
Bush Rejects Calls To Withdraw Miers  —  President Bush yesterday rejected conservative calls to withdraw his nomination of White House counsel Harriet Miers to the Supreme Court and prepared to reassure skeptical Republicans and persuade the Senate to confirm her for the seat of retiring Justice Sandra Day O'Connor.
The Big Trunk / Power Line:   NEGATIVE CAPABILITY  —  President Bush's nomination of Harriet Miers …
Glenn Reynolds /   OUCH: "Former federal judge Robert Bork - whose nomination …
Christopher Torchia / Associated Press:
Quake Kills More Than 18,000 in South Asia  —  A devastating earthquake triggered landslides, toppled an apartment building and flattened villages of mud-brick homes Saturday, killing more than 18,000 people across a mountainous swath touching Pakistan, India and Afghanistan.
Death toll in Asian quake tops 800  —  Official says number of dead could reach into the thousands  —  (CNN) — Darkness is hampering the search for survivors of Saturday's major earthquake that rocked south Asia.  —  The magnitude 7.6 quake, which has generated strong aftershocks …
Gateway Pundit:
Massive Earthquake Hits Pakistan!  —  Update: (6:00 PM CST) 250 children who perished at one school northe of Islamabad in Pakistan.  Police chief Riffat Pashar told Reuters news agency 350 altogether had died in the collapse in Mansehra district.  "Fifty were killed in another school in the same district," he said.
Christopher Torchia / Associated Press:
Hundreds Dead in Pakistan-India Earthquake
Discussion: PunditGuy and Pam's House Blend
Hundreds die in South Asia quake
White House:
President's Radio Address  —  In Focus: Judicial Nominations  —  THE PRESIDENT: Good morning.  This week, I nominated an exceptional individual to replace retiring Justice Sandra Day O'Connor on the Supreme Court of the United States.  Harriet Miers is a remarkable woman and an accomplished attorney.
Jesse J. Holland / Associated Press:
Senate Dems Defend Miers on Top Court Nod  —  Senate Democrats Defend Harriet Miers From Conservative Criticism Over Supreme Court Nomination  —  WASHINGTON Oct 8, 2005 — Some Senate Democrats are jumping in the middle of a Republican fray to defend Harriet Miers from conservative criticism …
Anthony Colarossi /
War-dead Web site leads to Polk obscenity arrest  —  Polk County officials arrested a Lakeland man on obscenity charges Friday after investigating his graphic Web site, which has gained international attention for allowing U.S. soldiers to post pictures of war dead on the Internet.
John / AMERICAblog:
War-dead-for-porn Web site raided …
Discussion: The American Street
Howard Kurtz / Washington Post:
Al-Jazeera Finds Its English Voice  —  David Frost Joins New International Television Network  —  Al-Jazeera, which is launching an English-language network with Washington as a major hub, has landed its first big-name Western journalist: David Frost.  And the veteran BBC interviewer …
Discussion: Rantingprofs and democracy guy
Emily Bazelon / Slate:
Harriet's Man  —  The Texas judge who is vouching for Miers on Roe.  —  Harriet Miers' paperless record is supposed to deprive Democrats of spitballs to throw at her Supreme Court confirmation hearings.  And it will.  But at the moment, her blank-slate persona is giving some conservatives fits.
Richard W. Garnett / Bench Memos on National …:
The Administration, Ms. Miers, and the Federalist Society  —  I have, in several posts and comments (for example, here), criticized some of the criticisms of Ms. Miers's nomination, and expressed my view that it is a mistake to assume too quickly that the President has failed to nominate …
Pieter Dorsman / Peaktalk:
MOONBAT PRINCESS  —  The sister of Dutch Queen Beatrix has stepped into the limelight to declare that the West should initiate peace negotiations with al-Qaeda in an interview with De Volkskrant, one of the country's top newspapers.  She also offered some criticisms of President Bush who in her opinion subscribes to only one ideal:
Drudge Report:
MIERS VOTED FOR REAGAN IN '84  —  The DRUDGE REPORT has learned from a senior official on Harriet Miers' confirmation team that her political evolution began in 1984 during the Reagan revolution when she voted to reelect President Ronald Reagan.  —  DRUDGE sources have also uncovered Miers …

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More Items:

Suzanne Gamboa / Associated Press:
DeLay Asks That Indictments Be Set Aside
Yahoo! News:
House Speaker Applauds Passage of Bill to Address Post-Hurricane Energy Concerns
KEN / Oblogatory Anecdotes:
Open Trackback and Comment Weekend!
Miami Herald:
NO CHARGES FILED  —  A few weeks later, the prosecutor declined …
Associated Press:
Ala. Governor Says He'll Seek Re-Election
Discussion: The Moderate Voice
Steve Bainbridge /
The Faith Card  —  Joe Gandelman points us to a WaPo article suggesting …
Discussion: and Power Line
Scott Shields / MyDD:
More Self-Loathing Democrats
Discussion: Ezra Klein, NewsHog and The Fix
The Heretik:
Michael J. Totten:
Palestinians and Weapons Smuggled Into Lebanon
Discussion: The Daily Brief

Earlier Picks:
Editor's Note
Dr. Rusty Shackleford / The Jawa Report v3.0 Beta:
OU President Denies Wider Plot, No Ticket Sold to Hinrichs
MI5 unmasks covert arms programmes
Michael Weissenstein / Associated Press:
Memo: NYC Attack Was Scheduled for Sunday
Jo Becker / Washington Post:
'The Right Result' Was Key to Miers
Miers: View From the Cheap Seats
BUSH'S AGENT  —  Former Republican National Chairman Ed Gillespie …
Discussion: Betsy's Page and Confirm Them
Editor and Publisher:
Mary Mapes Hits Bloggers and MSM in Upcoming Book
Jane Hamsher / firedoglake:
Judy, Pinch and a Boy Named Scooter
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