
Political Web, page A1 … for 4:05 PM ET, October 12, 2005
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Top Items:

Hindrocket / Power Line:
ZAWAHIRI'S ADVICE  —  During the summer, American forces in Iraq intercepted a long letter from al Zawahiri, al Qaeda's number two leader, to Zarqawi, leader of al Qaeda's forces in Iraq.  Initially, only a few sentences were made public.  Zawahiri's letter has now been verified as authentic …
Douglas Jehl / New York Times:
Full Qaeda Letter to Iraq Ally Speaks of Group's Global Goal
Washington Post:
Seized Letter Outlines Al Qaeda Goals in Iraq
Discussion: One Hand Clapping
Austin Bay /   Zarqawi's Losing Strategy
"A Lean and Hungry Look..."  —  From this morning's New York Times: … Very nice.  Committee staffers are often very bright, and superb politicos, unless they are simply the grandchildren of rich donors.  There are brilliant staffers, and there are copy machine staffers.
Radio Blogger:
Mark Levin: Where do I have to go to find her judicial philosophy?  To a Chinese restaurant and crack open a fortune cookie?  Where am I going to find her judicial philosophy?  —  As promised, here is the legal theater that was the Mark Levin interview earlier this evening on the Hugh Hewitt Show:
Charles Hurt / Washington Times:   Miers to face hostile queries from both sides of aisle
David D. Kirkpatrick / New York Times:
G.O.P. Aides Add Voices to Resistance Over Nominee
Associated Press:
Miller testified again before grand jury  —  New York Times reporter disclosed conversation with second source  —  WASHINGTON (AP) — New York Times reporter Judith Miller on Wednesday gave prosecutors details of a previously undisclosed conversation she had with Vice President Dick Cheney's chief of staff …
Discussion: firedoglake, TalkLeft and War and Piece
Bush Panel May Curb Tax Breaks for Homeowners, Health (Update3)  —  Oct. 11 (Bloomberg) — President George W. Bush's tax advisory panel, rejecting a fundamental overhaul, agreed to recommend limiting tax breaks for homeowners and employer- provided health-care benefits to help pay for repealing the alternative minimum tax.
Dave Graham / Reuters:
Schroeder quits government, blasts U.S., Britain  —  BERLIN (Reuters) - Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder, who has led Germany since 1998, said for the first time on Wednesday he would not play a role in the next government, in an emotional farewell including broadsides at the United States and Britain.
Dan / Riehl World View:
Text Of Bin Laden Letter  —  There's a problem with the link in most of the news stories on this breaking item.  I figured out the glitch and managed to copy the contents of the letter below the fold. … In the name of God, praise be to God, and praise and blessings be upon the Messenger of God …
Discussion: Right Wing News and ginasrantings
Michelle Malkin:
REMEMBER THE COLE  —  ***scroll down for updates***  —  Today is the fifth anniversary of the U.S.S. Cole bombing.  Please take a moment to note the event on your blogs today if you have a chance.  Stars and Stripes pays tribute to the 17 sailors killed in the terrorist attack …
Albert Aji / Associated Press:
Syria: Interior Minister Commits Suicide  —  AP Photo DAM102  —  DAMASCUS, Syria (AP) - Syria's interior minister, who ran Lebanon for many years and was one of several top officials caught up in the U.N. probe of the slaying of that nation's former prime minister, died Wednesday.
Dr. Rusty Shackleford / The Jawa Report v3.0 Beta:
Syrian Minister 'Commits Suicide', Foul Play Suspected
Arianna Huffington /
2008: Will Al Gore Be the Anti-Hillary?  —  It's still three years away but Hollywood is already starting to choose sides for 2008.  And two very distinct camps have started to form: those backing Hillary, and those desperately searching for the anti-Hillary.
Los Angeles Times:
Sunnis Accept Deal on Charter  —  Leaders of their main party agree to drop opposition in return for a later renegotiation of terms.  The document goes to voters Saturday.  —  BAGHDAD — Top Iraqi politicians said late Tuesday that they had reached a deal to persuade leading Sunni Arabs …
David Ignatius / Washington Post:
How the Republicans Let It Slip Away  —  Watching the Republicans floundering over the past week, I can't help thinking of a school of beached whales.  The leviathans of the GOP have boldly swum themselves onto this patch of dry sand, and it won't be easy for them to get back to open ocean.
Mattias Karen / Associated Press:
Gore: I Don't Plan to Run for President  —  STOCKHOLM, Sweden - Former Vice President Al Gore said Wednesday he had no intention of ever running for president again, but he said the United States would be "a different country" if he had won the 2000 election, launching into a scathing attack of the Bush administration.
Discussion: Pirate's Cove, Daly Thoughts and Basie!
Carl Hulse / New York Times:
DeLay Is a King Without a Crown in the House  —  WASHINGTON, Oct. 11 - When the chairman of the House Appropriations Committee needed guidance on how to prepare for a series of tough spending and budget issues, he sat down with Tom DeLay.  —  Mr. DeLay was also on hand as the Budget Committee chairman held …
House of Card  —  If Howard Fineman is right, and Andrew Card really is making a move to topple Karl Rove, then this country could be in a heap of trouble.  Rove, at least, is smart, even if it is a feral, devious brand of intelligence.  Card, on the other hand, is as dense as a truck load of gravel …
Dana Milbank / Washington Post:
For President Under Duress, Body Language Speaks Volumes  —  It's only 6:17 a.m. Central time, and President Bush is already facing his second question of the day about Karl Rove's legal troubles.  —  "Does it worry you," NBC's Matt Lauer is asking him at a construction-site interview in Louisiana …

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More Items:

Pew Research Center:
Tale of Two Nominees  —  The survey, which went into the field …
American and British journalists abducted in Gaza
Discussion: Poynter Online
Nedra Pickler / Associated Press:
Bush: Miers' Religion Key Part of Her Life
THE UNTHINKABLE.  They came to honor the Hudson Institute …
Discussion: Eschaton
Publius / Legal Fiction:
Glenn Reynolds /
IS THIS A CIRCULAR FIRING SQUAD, OR WHAT?  While out running errands …
Brigid Schulte / Washington Post:
Single Glass of Wine Immerses D.C. Driver in Legal Battle
Bill Roggio / The Fourth Rail:
River Gate Update - Day Nine
Discussion: BLACKFIVE

Earlier Picks:

George Pascoe-Watson / The Sun:
'Law change to curb yobs'
Discussion: Argghhh! and BrothersJudd Blog
Linda Greenhouse / New York Times:
Supreme Court Takes …
Charles Murray / Opinion Journal:
The Inequality Taboo  —  It's time to start talking …
White House:
Interview of the President and First Lady Laura Bush by Matt Lauer, Nbc "today Show"
Tom Maguire / JustOneMinute:
Check The Timestamps  —  I am fascinated by the new post …
Discussion: TalkLeft and The Strata-Sphere
WHIGging Out  —  Those of you who are not steeped in the arcana …
ReddHedd / firedoglake:
Why This Matters  —  The news is flying fast and furious this evening …
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