
Political Web, page A1 … for 2:45 PM ET, October 17, 2005
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Top Items:

Richard Keil / Bloomberg:
Cheney May Be Entangled in CIA Leak Investigation, People Say  —  Oct. 17 (Bloomberg) — A special counsel is focusing on whether Vice President Dick Cheney played a role in leaking a covert CIA agent's name, according to people familiar with the probe that already threatens top White House aides Karl Rove and Lewis Libby.
Wall Street Journal:
Reporter's Account Suggests Probe's Tack  —  Prosecutor in Leak Case  —  May Be Looking Into Possible  —  Misconduct by Cheney's Office  —  A New York Times reporter's account of her involvement in the Central Intelligence Agency leak case shows that special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald …
Discussion: David Corn
John Fund / Opinion Journal:
Judgment Call  —  Did Christian conservatives receive assurances that Miers would oppose Roe v. Wade?  —  Two days after President Bush announced Harriet Miers's Supreme Court nomination, James Dobson of Focus on the Family raised some eyebrows by declaring on his radio program …
Deignan / Info Theory:
Overview: How do we know Miers is pro-Roe?
Rush Limbaugh / Opinion Journal:
Holding Court  —  There's a crackdown over Miers, not a "crackup."  —  I love being a conservative.  We conservatives are proud of our philosophy.  Unlike our liberal friends, who are constantly looking for new words to conceal their true beliefs and are in a perpetual state of reinvention …
Ramesh Ponnuru / New York Times:
Why Conservatives Are Divided  —  CONSERVATIVES are conducting a bitter debate about President Bush's nomination of Harriet Miers to the Supreme Court.  Some see a divide between populists and elitists: they say that the conservative masses are gung-ho for the nomination, which is opposed only by Beltway insiders.
Jonathan Weisman / Washington Post:
House GOP Leaders Set to Cut Spending  —  Leadership Shake-Up Spurred Policy Shift  —  House Republican leaders have moved from balking at big cuts in Medicaid and other programs to embracing them, driven by pent-up anger from fiscal conservatives concerned about runaway spending and the leadership's own weakening hold on power.
Cori Dauber / Rantingprofs:
Moving the Goalposts Again  —  This morning (as of 5:18am, anyway) the most prominent article on the Post's homepage is not a news article, but an article labelled (in red letters) "Analysis."  On the home page it reads, "Progress Made in Iraq, But Challenges Remain," which is fair enough …
RonK / The Next Hurrah:
Gephardt on Iraq: "I was wrong"  —  Former House Minority Leader the Hon.  Dick Gephardt was in Seattle last week on several accounts — a victory lap for his mediation of the Boeing strike, a business seminar for the DC law firm wehre he hangs his hat, and a funder for Rep. Jim McDermott's Legal Expense Trust.
Discussion: Daily Kos, Eschaton and Ezra Klein
Tom / The Media Mob - NYO:
NYT: Miller's Delays Made Story Miss Deadline  —  It didn't take 85 days, but Judith Miller was slow enough to cooperate with the New York Times team reporting on her case that some readers ended up missing the paper's long-awaited Miller coverage on Oct. 16.
Discussion: Wonkette
Howard Kurtz / Washington Post:
Reporter, Times Are Criticized for Missteps
Discussion: Poynter Online
Jason Leopold /
Times reporters say Miller's attorney helped write 'tell-all'
Discussion: Talking Points Memo and TalkLeft
John Seewer / Associated Press:
White Supremacists Riot in Toledo, Ohio  —  Mayor of Toledo, Ohio, Declares Emergency, Sets Curfew After Hundreds of White Supremacists Riot  —  TOLEDO, Ohio Oct 16, 2005 — Protesters at a white supremacists' march threw rocks at police, vandalized vehicles and stores and cursed the mayor for allowing the event.
New York Times:
Recipe for Destruction  —  AFTER a decade of painstaking research, federal and university scientists have reconstructed the 1918 influenza virus that killed 50 million people worldwide.  Like the flu viruses now raising alarm bells in Asia, the 1918 virus was a bird flu that jumped directly to humans, the scientists reported.
Vikas Bajaj / New York Times:
General Motors and Union Reach Agreement on Health Care Costs  —  General Motors reached an agreement today that it had long been pursuing with the United Auto Workers to reduce the company's mounting health care costs.  —  G.M., the nation's largest automaker, also said it was considering selling …
Judd / Think Progress:
BREAKING: Barber Cancels Ed Schultz's Debut on Armed Forces Radio  —  Armed Forces Radio (AFR) is a station that is broadcast to American troops overseas through "over 1,000 outlets in more than 175 countries."  It currently features an hour of programming from right-wing host Rush Limbaugh.
Allan Guyton / Politechnical:
RINO Sightings XI  —  The Raging RINO species is very diverse.  The one thing you can say without question is that Raging RINOs are opinionated and feel no need to conform to anyone's expectations.  The two things you can say about Raging RINOs is that we're opinionated, anti-conformity, and extremely intelligent.
David D. Kirkpatrick / New York Times:
Nominee Gets First Chance to Counter Critics  —  WASHINGTON, Oct. 16 - After two weeks of hectoring from conservatives about her Supreme Court nomination, Harriet E. Miers is expected to offer her first rebuttal on Monday, in her answers to a Senate questionnaire.
Discussion: Taegan Goddard's …
Mark Sherman / Associated Press:
Rape Up, While Murders Down in 2004  —  WASHINGTON — Murders across the United States fell for the first time in five years, while rapes increased slightly last year, the FBI reported Monday.  —  Overall, the number of violent crimes, which also include aggravated assaults and robberies, fell by 1.2 percent last year.
Discussion: Argghhh!

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More Items:

Howard Wilkinson / Cincinnati Enquirer:
Hackett is a 'go' for Senate
Bull Moose:
Les Miserables  —  The Moose anticipates the Rove counter-attack.
Anger over Mugabe tirade in Rome
Discussion: Daimnation!
Lyle Denniston / SCOTUSblog:
Court allows inmate's abortion
Discussion: Sploid and TalkLeft
Skye Puppy:
Undecided No More On Harriet Miers
Discussion: Southern Appeal
Nicholas Wade / New York Times:
Stem Cell Test Tried on Mice Saves Embryo
Discussion: Hit and Run and Majikthise
Associated Press:
Sen. Edward Kennedy Helps Rescue Fishermen
Peter J. Wallison / National Review:
Bad, But Not the Last Straw
Discussion: and Vox Popoli

Earlier Picks:

Josh Peter / New Orleans Times-Picayune:
New York Post:
Discussion: Ezra Klein and Wonkette
Opinion Journal:
Religion and the Court  —  Harriet Miers's faith tells us nothing …
Business Week:
The Right and Miers: Sound, Fury, Yawns
U.S. nabs al-Qaida Web site producer
John / AMERICAblog:
The Normalization of Treason, the Republicans' gift to America
Discussion: Daily Kos
Associated Press:
Rice: I Don't Want to Run for President
David E. Sanger / New York Times:
Administration's Tone Signals a Longer, Broader Iraq Conflict
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