
Political Web, page A1 … for 4:30 PM ET, October 22, 2005
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Top Items:

Times of London:
UN office doctored report on murder of Hariri  —  From James Bone in New York and Nicholas Blanchard in Beirut  —  THE United Nations withheld some of the most damaging allegations against Syria in its report on the murder of Rafik Hariri, the former Lebanese Prime Minister, it emerged yesterday.
Michael J. Totten:
Mehlis Day  —  Fear and apprehension turned to anger and relief in Beirut after the Mehlis report named Syrian President Bashar Assad's brother-in-law as the chief suspect, and Lebanese President Emile Lahoud as a possible accomplice, in the assassination of Rafik Hariri.  —  The city didn't explode.
Discussion: and Publius Pundit
Warren Hoge / New York Times:
Bush Pushes U.N. to Move Swiftly on Syria Report
Associated Press:
UN Hariri report controversial
Discussion: Barcepundit and Daimnation!
Howard Kurtz / Washington Post:
A Split Between The Times & Miller?  —  Editor Says Reporter May Have Misled The Newspaper in Plame Leak Case  —  New York Times executives "fully encouraged" reporter Judith Miller in her refusal to testify in the CIA leak investigation, a stance that led to her jailing …
George F. Will / Washington Post:
Defending The Indefensible  —  Such is the perfect perversity of the nomination of Harriet Miers that it discredits, and even degrades, all who toil at justifying it.  Many of their justifications cannot be dignified as arguments.  Of those that can be, some reveal a deficit …
Discussion: Althouse and Confirm Them
Jonah Goldberg / The Corner on National Review Online:
THIS IS WHERE I GET OFF  —  My official position on Miers has been to criticize the selection, but give her the benefit of the doubt until the hearings.  In other words, bad pick but she's the nominee so let's give her a shot.  —  No more.  —  After reading this story I'm officially against Miers.
Don Surber:
Iraqi Semper Liberi  —  News Busters says the media ignores the good news in Iraq.  Not everyone. … Iraq came closer to freedom and liberty when its constitution was approved by a direct vote of the people.  May the civil war subside and the Shia, Sunni and Kurds learn to live together.
Burning Taliban  —  *************scroll down for updates***************  —  If this situation goes any further at all, I feel a war comin' on (Pantano style)…  —  Report Of U.S. Burning Bodies Investigated … The Australian photojournalist, Stephen Dupont, who shot the video footage …
Tom Maguire / JustOneMinute:
Libby Remembers A Time He Knew What Happiness Was...  White House supporters who read the Times' glowing profile of Special Counsel Fitzgerald will note this chilling detail: "[Fitzgerald] once went to considerable trouble to adopt a cat."  —  Like people, a dog in a pack can engage in uncharacteristic behavior.
Discussion: The Anonymous Liberal
John Solomon / Associated Press:
Editor Says He Missed Miller 'Alarm Bells'
Discussion: ScrappleFace and New York Times
Will the Grinch Steal Fitzmas?  —  John Dean — who knows something about these things — has some cautionary words for all the little lefties eagerly counting presents (indictments) under the tree: Don't be entirely surprised if "Santa" leaves a lump of coal in your stocking.
Fox News:
U.N. Procurement Scandal: Ties to Saddam and Al Qaeda  —  NEW YORK — The scandal engulfing the United Nations Procurement Department (search) now appears to be bottomless.  It also shows signs of growing more sinister, especially where it involves a mysterious private company called IHC Services …
Tim Rutten / Los Angeles Times:
How Miller was used by source  —  In an extraordinary memo on the Judith Miller affair sent to the New York Times staff late Friday afternoon, the paper's executive editor, Bill Keller, did something far more important than admit errors and explain why they occurred.
Dana Bartholomew / L.A. Daily News:
Bush motorcade leaves other folks fuming  —  One hundred Brentwood kindergartners, many dressed in costumes, were all set to go see "The Wizard of Oz" on Friday when their first-ever field trip was blocked by the nation's 43rd president.  —  They never got to see the wizard.
Discussion: L.A. Observed
New York Times:
Oilman Indicted Over Kickbacks to Saddam Hussein's Regime  —  Oscar S. Wyatt Jr., the flamboyant Texas oil trader who flaunted his close ties to the regime of Saddam Hussein, was indicted yesterday in federal court in New York on charges that he paid millions of dollars in kickbacks to the regime …
Discussion: Rantingprofs
David Fiderer / The Huffington Post:
The Nobel Prize and Russert's Lies … Two-and-a-half years before Mohamed ElBaradei and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) won the Nobel Peace Prize, friends of the Administration were trashing them in the media.  Pushing for war with Iraq, these hawks insisted that inspections don't work.
Discussion: The Stakeholder
David D. Kirkpatrick / New York Times:
Texas Senator Takes Exception to Criticism of Supreme Court Nominee's Record  —  WASHINGTON, Oct. 21 - Senator John Cornyn, a Texas Republican on the Judiciary Committee and a former judge, took exception on Friday to comments by Senator Arlen Specter, the committee chairman, that Harriet E. Miers …
Discussion: Confirm Them

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More Items:

Roger Ailes:
Too Little, Too Late
Discussion: Sisyphus Shrugged
Pakistan Daily Times:
Four US troops killed in Iraq
Discussion: Informed Comment and Daily Kos
Bomb hidden under toddler
Discussion: Wizbang
Three killed in Egypt church riot
Carl Hulse / New York Times:
Senate Pushes Back Stem-Cell Debate to '06
Peter Steinfels / New York Times:
Historians and Scholars Produce …
Associated Press:
Court Rules Kan. Can't Single Out Gay Acts
Discussion: TalkLeft
Bret Stephens / Opinion Journal:
A History of Violence  —  How did the Palestinians descend into barbarism?

Earlier Picks:

Rupert Cornwell / Independent:
Rice cooks up some southern hospitality for Straw
Jordan Robertson / Associated Press:
Mother Pleads Innocent to Killing Sons
Tim Worstall:
The Battle of Trafalgar: 200th Anniversary.
Lyle Denniston / SCOTUSblog:
Commentary: The Court's caseload
Hope Yen / Associated Press:
FEMA Official Says Boss Ignored Warnings
Shailagh Murray / Washington Post:
For a Senate Foe of Pork Barrel Spending, Two Bridges Too Far
David G. Savage / Los Angeles Times:
Miers' Answer Raises Questions
Young Singers Spread Racist Hate
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