
Political Web, page A1 … for 2:45 PM ET, November 13, 2005
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Top Items:

Shafika Mattar / Associated Press:
Iraqi Woman Confesses on Jordan TV  —  AMMAN, Jordan - Strapped with a disabled explosives belt, an Iraqi woman arrested Sunday confessed on television to trying to blow herself up with her husband in one of three suicide attacks earlier this week that killed 57 people.
Lawhawk / A Blog For All:
The Jordanian Bomber's Wife  —  The wife of one of the suicide bombers in the Amman hotel bombings has been captured.  Apparently, she was trying to be a suicide bomber herself, but her bomb failed to detonate. … So, the suicide bombers are staying in the family as it were?
CNN:   Jordan confirms al Qaeda behind hotel blasts
Molly Moore / Washington Post:
Police, Rioting Youths Clash in Central Lyon  —  PARIS, Nov. 12 — Dozens of youths threw trash cans at police and attacked sidewalk shops in a main square of Lyon on Saturday night in the first clash between rioters and police in a city center after more than two weeks of violence in France, according to news reports.
Samantha Bordes / Associated Press:
Rioters Attack Police in Lyon; Paris Calm  —  PARIS - Rioters pelted police with stones in the historic heart of Lyon, and youths rammed a burning car into a center for retirees in southern France in a 17th night of urban violence.  Paris was calm, despite fears of a rampage in the capital.
Discussion: Super Fun Power Hour
Captain Ed / Captain's Quarters:
French Riots Continue Despite Ban On Assemblies
Discussion: A Blog For All
Liza Porteus / Fox News:
Bush Fires Back Against Iraq War Critics  —  President Bush on Friday shot back at critics claiming his administration misconstrued or lied about pre-war intelligence showing that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction, saying "it is deeply irresponsible to rewrite the history of how that war began."
Knight Ridder:
Bush hits hard at war critics
Discussion: Brendan Nyhan
Thomas / The Right Coast:
Yale Law School on Alito nomination  —  By Tom Smith  —  At least Peter Schuck doesn't sound like a ninny.  But then there is this: … And in my judgment, Professor Gordon is just too steadfastly pompous.  Alito, a mere craftsman, adorned with canvas apron and work belt …
Don Surber:
L'Act de Patriot  —  We keep hearing from the anti-Bush left that the War on TerrorismIslamo-nutcase-ism has cost us our freedoms.  If we let the FBI look at our library records, the terrorists will have won.  Rubbish.  By the way, when was the last time you went to the library?
Washington Post:
Libby May Have Tried to Mask Cheney's Role  —  In the opening days of the CIA leak investigation in early October 2003, FBI agents working the case already had in their possession a wealth of valuable evidence.  There were White House phone and visitor logs, which clearly documented the administration's contacts with reporters.
Dan Eggen / Washington Post:
Civil Rights Focus Shift Roils Staff At Justice  —  Veterans Exit Division as Traditional Cases Decline  —  The Justice Department's Civil Rights Division, which has enforced the nation's anti-discrimination laws for nearly half a century, is in the midst of an upheaval that has driven away dozens …
Right Wing Nut House:
CARNIVAL OF THE CLUELESS #21  —  Decisions...decisions...  Who will wear the "Cluebat of the Week" laurels?  —  Certainly there has been enough cluelessness exhibited by Republicans this week as a group of Republican Congressmen decided that the American people don't really care about high gas prices.
Discussion: Decision '08
Tom Maguire / JustOneMinute:
Harry Reid, Ironist  —  George Bush came out swinging yesterday against the politicians who have made "false charges" and "baseless attacks" about the use of pre-war intelligence.  —  Harry Reid, politician and ironist, responded: … Left unexplained - how the Democrats unrelenting focus …
Drudge Report:
HOWARD THE DUCK: DEAN DODGES NBC APPEARANCE WITH REPUBLICAN  —  Dem Chair Dean Ducks Last Second Joint MEET THE PRESS Appearance With GOP Chair Mehlman  —  The DRUDGE REPORT has learned from exclusive sources that Democrat Party Chair Howard Dean turned down Republican Party Chair Ken Mehlman's …
Mark Steyn / Chicago Sun Times:
Warren Beatty flirts with politics, yet again  —  In movies, a big star is insulated by protocol and precedence.  Your big-time silver-screen colossus might get killed in a film, but not by the hands of some nondescript extra who casually shoots him with nary a thought.
Discussion: Daily Pundit
David Von Drehle / Washington Post:
Wrestling With History  —  Sometimes you have to fight the war you have, not the war you wish you had  —  If only he could show us the memo.  —  "It's still classified, I suppose?" says Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld, looking toward his assistant.
New York Times:
The Democrats and Judge Alito  —  Judge Samuel Alito has been working hard to win over moderate Democratic senators.  But just as it would be irresponsible to reject his nomination to the Supreme Court without giving him a full hearing, it is unwise to embrace it - or rule out the possibility of a filibuster - until more is known.
Discussion: Daily Kos

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More Items:

Roger L. Simon / Mystery Novelist and Screenwriter:
Mapes Japes  —  I caught Mary Mapes on the Neal Cavuto Show …
Discussion: Tim Blair and Daily Pundit
Dr. Sanity:
Let's Discuss Bush Derangement Syndrome Again
Uncle Jimbo / BLACKFIVE:
Radley Balko needs a White Phosphorous clue
Discussion: Blogs for Bush
Eugene Volokh / Opinion Journal:
Free Speech Libertarian
Cori Dauber / Rantingprofs:
Peace With Honor  —  God Almighty, I actually voted for this guy once.
Discussion: AMERICAblog
Suzanne Gamboa / Austin American-Statesman:
In e-mails, consultant claims link to Cornyn
Glenn Reynolds /
Discussion: The Right Place
Agence France Presse:
Twenty slain as soldiers, Muslim extremists battle in Philippines
Discussion: Scotsman

Earlier Picks:

Hilzoy / Obsidian Wings:
Competent Tribunals  —  (sixth in a series arguing …
Discussion: Unfogged and Amygdala
Hilzoy / Obsidian Wings:
Caught On The Battlefield  —  (fifth in a series arguing …
Hilzoy / Obsidian Wings:
Medical Malpractice 2  —  (This is the third in a series …
Discussion: THE BRAD BLOG and Fafblog!
Matthew Campbell / Times of London:
Wounded Chirac 'losing grip' of riot-hit France
The Aardvark / Abu Aardvark:
Understanding al-Qaeda: the irrelevance of IR theory
Epoch Times:
Pigs in China's Hunan Province Test Positive for Bird Flu
New York Times:
Death of Hussein Aide Is Confirmed
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