
Political Web, page A1 … for 9:20 PM ET, December 4, 2005
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Top Items:

Dana Priest / Washington Post:
Wrongful Imprisonment: Anatomy of a CIA Mistake  —  German Citizen Released After Months in 'Rendition'  —  In May 2004, the White House dispatched the U.S. ambassador in Germany to pay an unusual visit to that country's interior minister.  Ambassador Daniel R. Coats carried instructions …
T. Christian Miller / Los Angeles Times:
Private Security Guards in Iraq Operate With Little Supervision  —  BAGHDAD — Private security contractors have been involved in scores of shootings in Iraq, but none have been prosecuted despite findings in at least one fatal case that the men had not followed proper procedures …
Discussion: Crooks and Liars
JDZ / Never Yet Melted:
Pouting Spooks Leak Again  —  MSM Anti-Bush Administration Intel Operation collaborator Dana Priest, author of the Washington Post's earlier "secret prisons" CIA leak story, has a new one this morning, based on "new details gleaned from interviews with current and former intelligence and diplomatic officials."
Discussion: Classical Values
Hilzoy / Obsidian Wings:   Oops; Our Bad.  —  There's a new story about rendition in the Washington Post.
New York Times:
Details Emerge on a Brazen Escape in Afghanistan
Kevin Drum / The Washington Monthly:   SUNDAY'S NEWS....Today, the Washington Post revisits the story …
Tom Maguire / JustOneMinute:
Oh, No! It's Plame Two!
Discussion: The Strata-Sphere
Gateway Pundit:
Massive Democracy Protest in Hong Kong  —  THE MASSIVE TURNOUT IS SEEN AS AN EMBARASSMENT TO HONG KONG LEADERS,  —  VIDEO HERE  —  Thousands take to the streets in Hong Kong to protest for democracy.  —  Protesters march as others gather at Victoria Park to demand universal suffrage in Hong Kong December 4, 2005.
Discussion: Jay Currie and Simon World
Zbigniew Brzezinski / Washington Post:
Do These Two Have Anything in Common?  —  President Bush has equated Islamic radicalism with communism.  Is the comparison sound?  Is it wise?  —  In a series of recent speeches to the American people, President Bush has sought to equate the current terrorist threat with the 20th-century menace of communist totalitarianism.
Cori Dauber / Rantingprofs:
Deep Thinking  —  In a piece in today's Post, President Carter's …
Discussion: Dr. Sanity
Times of London:
Condi goes on offensive over secret CIA jails  —  Sarah Baxter, Washington and Nicola Smith, Brussels  —  UNDER siege over allegations of secret CIA detention centres in Europe, Condoleezza Rice, the American secretary of state, is to go on the offensive when she meets European allies this week.
Rice rejects EU protests over secret terror prisons
Bashirullah Khan / Associated Press:
U.S. Missile, al-Qaida Death May Be Linked  —  MIRAN SHAH, Pakistan - Shrapnel that appeared to be from an American-made missile was found Sunday at the house where Pakistan said a top al-Qaida operative was killed in an explosion, although President Bush's national security adviser declined to confirm the death.
Mark Steyn / Chicago Sun Times:
Dems determined to ignore progress in Iraq  —  Sen. Joe Lieberman, Democrat of Connecticut, came out with a big statement on Iraq last week.  Did you hear about it?  Probably not.  Everyone was still raving about his Democrat colleague, Rep. Jack Murtha, whose carefully nuanced position on Iraq is …
Washington Post:
Blanco Releases Katrina Records  —  La. Governor Seeks to 'Set the Record Straight'  —  Thousands of documents released by Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Babineaux Blanco Friday night shed new light on clashes between state officials, New Orleans Mayor C. Ray Nagin and the Bush administration …
Cori Dauber / Rantingprofs:
The 22nd Paragraph  —  Apparently Gov. Blanco's office …
Discussion: A Blog For All
David Wharton / Los Angeles Times:
USC Bowls Over UCLA  —  The Trojans, looking for an unprecedented third straight championship, will meet the Texas Longhorns on Jan. 4 in a Pasadena showdown.  —  Forget all the hyperbole that swirled around the USC-UCLA football game last week, all the talk of a fierce battle between highly ranked rivals.
Discussion: L.A. Observed
Peter Schneider / New York Times:
The New Berlin Wall  —  On the night of Feb. 7, 2005, Hatun Surucu, 23, was killed on her way to a bus stop in Berlin-Tempelhof by several shots to the head and upper body, fired at point-blank range.  The investigation revealed that months before, she reported one of her brothers to the police for threatening her.
Discussion: Kesher Talk, Power Line and Daimnation!
Jonathan Rauch / Washington Post:
All Over but the Pullback  —  On June 8, 1969, President Richard M. Nixon announced the withdrawal of 25,000 American troops from Vietnam.  Within the next few months, he would declare that tens of thousands more were coming home.  "He was reluctant to withdraw," says John Mueller …
Laurie Goodstein / New York Times:
Intelligent Design Might Be Meeting Its Maker  —  TO read the headlines, intelligent design as a challenge to evolution seems to be building momentum.  —  In Kansas last month, the board of education voted that students should be exposed to critiques of evolution like intelligent design.
TChris / TalkLeft:
Alito Opined that Deadly Force Against Unarmed Teenager Was Reasonable  —  If a police officer doesn't know why a suspect is fleeing, it's reasonable for the officer to shoot the suspect to death and ask questions later.  As you pause to consider the absurdity of that proposition …
Emily Bazelon / Slate:   Shoot To Kill  —  Alito's blank check for cops.
Rebecca Weisser / The Australian:
The big black book of horrors  —  WITH the trial of Saddam Hussein under way, those in the God-damn-America camp find themselves uncomfortably wedged.  Should they justify their opposition to the war by downplaying Saddam's crimes while sheeting home blame for the present turmoil to the US and its allies?
Discussion: Biased BBC
New York Times:
What Would J.F.K. Have Done?  —  WHAT did we not hear from President Bush when he spoke last week at the United States Naval Academy about his strategy for victory in Iraq?  —  We did not hear that the war in Iraq, already one of the costliest wars in American history, is a running sore.
Chris L. Jenkins / Washington Post:
Allen Gives GOP Reason To Dry Tears  —  Senator Urges Loyalty To Conservative Ideals  —  HOT SPRINGS, Va., Dec. 3 — Sen. George Allen rallied fellow Virginia Republicans to his 2006 reelection campaign Saturday, telling them that he would stand for low taxes, energy independence and opposition to …
William Young / The Penultimate GeniusThe …:
Pirates of the Caribbean 2?  Ohh, Yeah...  Yeah, it was a no-brainer.  —  So, based soley on the fact that it is supposedly the most expensive porn movie ever made, I bought Pirates, no trench coat and baseball hat required, thanks to on-line outlets.  Just click the link already and buy your own copy.

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More Items:

John Amato / The Huffington Post:
David Corn, I'm confused.
Atrios / Eschaton:
Secretary Lieberman  —  It's hard to imagine a worse choice …
Taegan Goddard's Political Wire:
Bush's Approval at 41%  —  Political Wire received an early copy …
Soccer Dad:
Haveil Havalim #47  —  Welcome to Soccer Dad, I am your host for Haveil Havalim #47.
Discussion: Kesher Talk
Jonathan D. Glater / New York Times:
Are Lawyers Being Overbilled for Their Test Preparation?
Tony Pierce / + busblog:
why im so glad im not a Right Wing Blogger in 2005-2006 or a member of Pajamas Media
John / AMERICAblog:
"The International Jew, the World's Foremost Problem," by Henry Ford
Discussion: The Next Hurrah
Carlotta Gall / New York Times:
Pave My Road and You'll Get Your School

Earlier Picks:

Tom Maguire / JustOneMinute:
"It's Just A Mess For Everyone Involved"
Discussion: The Strata-Sphere
Bluto / The Jawa Report v3.0 Beta:
Al Jazeera Video Debunked By Fox
Jazz / Running Scared:
Alleged gang rape victim convicted of making false charges
Adam Cohen / New York Times:
This Season's War Cry: Commercialize Christmas, or Else
Michael Gurian / Washington Post:
Disappearing Act  —  In the 1990s, I taught for six years …
Katharine Q. Seelye / New York Times:
Snared in the Web of a Wikipedia Liar
John / AMERICAblog:
Ford Motor Company embraces homophobia in order to appease religious right
Richard Reeves / Yahoo! News:
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